$370M + $83M....Does Donny have that much in cash?

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Good luck with that
So far Trump has $450 million tied up in legal judgements
He must put up collateral to file an appeal

He needs grounds to appeal other than being a Crybaby Loser
Chump change, tissue? Go cry in your loser Dem towel Trump is about to return to the White House and then we'll get our revenge on Dems.
Oh please stop your whining. Trump did this to himself. Trump is always the victim in MAGA world.
Stop defending the Gestapo like tactics of Democrats to keep the best president out of office, due to an irrational hatred.
Not one bank, or customer has claimed injury in dealing with Trump and/or his Real Estate corporation.
All banks were paid in full.
This case will go to appeal so this isn't finished yet.
The decision will affect Real Estate and other businesses in NY.
If you're a conservative business man seeking a Real Estate loan now you have to fear A.G. Laetitia James.

Well by the judgement rendered you are so very fucking wrong.

I wonder if he has any regrets about running for president and getting all his corruption exposed?
Don't INVENT a crime to go after your political enemies. That's banana republic bullshit.
There was no invention of any crime. Trump violated the law. He got caught. Now he has to pay a penalty. End of story.

And by the way, if Trump had competent legal representation he may have had a different result. His lawyers put on a shit show.
Congratulations if you did

But if you buy property for $60,000 and immediately take out hundreds of thousands in loans because you claim it is worth $500,000……you have committed fraud
And if the bank decided it was worth $60,000 when I bought it and then we both decided a year later, that it was worth $500,000, what is my crime, and should the bank also be indicted for agreeing with me about it's worth?
There was no invention of any crime. Trump violated the law. He got caught. Now he has to pay a penalty. End of story.

And by the way, if Trump had competent legal representation he may have had a different result. His lawyers out on a shit show,
Bullshit. Trump was investigated for 5 years by unethical shitbirds who spent 40 million US taxpayer dollars and they couldn't find a crime. So this kunt invented a fraud crime where no victims exist.

It's a fucking joke.

The same with the e jean carol bullshit, there is ZERO evidence the two were ever in the same building, and the corrupt courts allowed that shit to go forward.

These are invented crimes and the payback is going to be a bitch.

Don't whine when you are forced to pay up.
Of which he will have to pay exactly... $0.00

The banana republic fans will be sniveling and wetting themselves again soon. When they lose to Trump they no longer have an AG to bury their crime syndicate's RICO violations. The rest of the bureaucrats will turn on them overnight, since they're mostly feckless cowards like their Party's base.
I know you right wing nuts are really worried about Donald Trump. There is nothing more helpful for a Billionaire that owes a few hundred million to a woman he raped and a state he defrauded than giving your hard earned social security check over to him. Please click on the link below or the picture below in order to get directly to his "Save America" website also known as "Save American Billionaire" where you can give him all the hard earned money you want.

There was no invention of any crime. Trump violated the law. He got caught. Now he has to pay a penalty. End of story.

And by the way, if Trump had competent legal representation he may have had a different result. His lawyers put on a shit show.
Who is the victim?

That James woman strikes me as yet another Soros-appointed Trump-hating lawyer out to get him.

And btw, black women are only 6% of the population. How come at least half of city prosecutors in blue cities are combative black women?
And if the bank decided it was worth $60,000 when I bought it and then we both decided it was worth $500,000, what is my crime, and should the bank also be indicted for agreeing with me?

But Trump never did that
He committed fraud by making exorbitant claims

The bank believing him does not change that
I know you right wing nuts are really worried about Donald Trump. There is nothing more helpful for a Billionaire that owes a few hundred million to a woman he raped and a state he defrauded than giving your hard earned social security check over to him. Please click on the link below or the picture below in order to get directly to his "Save America" website where you can give him all the hard earned money you want.

View attachment 903442

lol another one of your desperate fantasies.
But Trump never did that
He committed fraud by making exorbitant claims

The bank believing him does not change that
A victimless crime.

in the meantime, illegal scum are turning the city into a crime-infested town resembling poor neighborhoods in Venezuela.
A victimless crime.

in the meantime, illegal scum are turning the city into a crime-infested town resembling poor neighborhoods in Venezuela.
Driving 200 MPH on the interstate where no one dies is victimless.
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