$370M + $83M....Does Donny have that much in cash?

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Watch his polls rise. The witch hunt makes him more popular than ever. We are sick of Democrats and Soros paid thugs in our court system and politics.
Trump ~2024 to stop the global Takeover of 2030.
I hope all those loyal to Trump contribute generously to his PACs and the RNC. Don't let all these politically motivated injustices and use of the justice system go unanswered.
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That's $453M. Forbes says he has approximately $640M in cash. WOW! How much is the Stormy Daniels trial going to cost him?

Looks like he's going to have to sell a golf course or two. Will he have to dig up Ivana and bury her at Mar A Lago if he sells Bedminster?

On top of that, Allen Weisselberg has flipped and admitted he lied on the stand.

Pete Navarro is getting ready to go to jail and Steve Bannon's "We Build the Wall" scam trial starts in May.

Trump World is just one hilarious soap opera that just won't stop.

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All the power of the world elites coming down to bear on Donald Trump. With their sycophants taking their orders not even realizing they will be disposed of if needed themselves.
I hope all those loyal to Trump contribute generously to his PACs and the RNC. Don't let all these politically motivated injustices and use of the justice system go unanswered.
I hope they all turn out to vote in order to stop these travesties of justice.
To any business. You get on the wrong side of politics of the people in power, they will destroy you.

Yup. Businesses will leave that festering shithole so fast now that you will hear a sonic boom.
To any business. You get on the wrong side of politics of the people in power, they will destroy you.
NYC has always been really vindictive to people who won’t fall in line. A college friend of mine told me that her father voted Republican, and held a pretty big job, and had to hide it or his career would be killed. This was back in the 70s, when NY was run by Democrats and was a criminal cesspool like it’s become today.
Congratulations if you did

But if you buy property for $60,000 and immediately take out hundreds of thousands in loans because you claim it is worth $500,000……you have committed fraud
Except that isn't what happened.
For sure, but money counts.

Donate very generously. Any Trump supporter who can afford to and doesn't is no patriot.
They might be afraid to. Their donations are public, and we see how Democrats are vicious and out for blood when dealing with people who won’t kowtow to leftism.
NYC has always been really vindictive to people who won’t fall in line. A college friend of mine told me that her father voted Republican, and held a pretty big job, and had to hide it or his career would be killed. This was back in the 70s, when NY was run by Democrats and was a criminal cesspool like it’s become today.
This decision brings that to a whole new level.
Imagine that... a NYC jury or judge found him guilty. Who could have seen that coming?
Here's your subhuman hero & his partner im crime Uncle Rudy during the good old days, before they both had their asses handed back to them:


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They might be afraid to. Their donations are public, and we see how Democrats are vicious and out for blood when dealing with people who won’t kowtow to leftism.
Riiiigggghhhhhtttt, all those Republicans who speak out against Trump and get targeted as a result, are victims of BLM and Antifa, eh
JUST IN: A judge has ordered former President Donald Trump and his companies to pay nearly $355 million in a ruling in the New York civil fraud case. The former president is also barred from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation or other legal entity in the state for three years. Trump is expected to appeal the decision. Read the full ruling.

The lawsuit: The judge had already found Trump is liable for fraud in the civil case, but New York Attorney General Letitia James was seeking $370 million in damages. James was also looking to bar Trump from doing business in the state, alleging that the former president, his adult sons and his company defrauded banks and insurance companies by inflating the value of Trump’s assets.

Why it matters: The case is civil, not criminal, but threatens Trump's business in New York. The trial in this case has served as a precursor to the four criminal trials Trump faces this year as he campaigns to regain the presidency.

Judge orders Trump to pay nearly $355 million in civil fraud trial

Wow, that's a pleasant surprise! What do you think"?
No, but the RNC may have it soon. Lara is gonna drain the RNC coffers for her father in law.
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