$370M + $83M....Does Donny have that much in cash?

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Court ruled otherwise
Yeah, corrupt courts do that. We all knew that this result was a foregone conclusion when they went to trial with a fraud case that had no victims. The first of its kind ever. Corruption is the mainstay of the demofascist party now.
I have no issue prosecuting them.

I know that if I lied about my assets to obtain huge loans….I would be prosecuted.

What? I thought my two bedroom ranch was worth $3 million
Real estate over-valuation is done 1000s of times a day, it is a part of the business.
It is about getting financing. You ever have to get a business loan?? I have.
You think everyone represents their assets honestly? Not even close.
Half the business loans would never happen if everyone was completely honest with banks.
It shows the extremes the deranged Democrats will go to prevent the election of the person who can stop their destruction of the country.

What’s the big crime, anyway? Overstating the value of his property? Nobody was hurt.
A bit frightening what NY saying to any currently doing business or thinking about doing business in NY.
How difficult is it to re-headquarter his company‘s address in Florida, and keep running it? Everything’s remote anyway.

No conservative should be in that liberal NY shithole anyway.
Yeah, corrupt courts do that. We all knew that this result was a foregone conclusion when they went to trial with a fraud case that had no victims. The first of its kind ever. Corruption is the mainstay of the demofascist party now.
Trump has his rights to appeal

If he can prove corruption, I am sure he will win
But we both know he has no such proof.

He needs to be careful of what he accuses the court without proof. He will face more charges
Pales in comparison to any number of crimes committed every single day by the illegal scumbags Biden is importing by the millions.
Suuuuuure. Where is the court ruling? Didnt the top witness against Joe just get charged with lying to FBI? Bwahahahahaahaha
Real estate over-valuation is done 1000s of times a day, it is a part of the business.
It is about getting financing. You ever have to get a business loan?? I have.
You think everyone represents their assets honestly? Not even close.
Half the business loans would never happen if everyone was completely honest with banks.
And in Trumps case it amounted to fraud not fudging
Cost him Bigly
If I own a 1200 ft two bedroom ranch on a sixth of an acre and claim I own a 10,000 sq Ft mansion on sixty acres to get a million dollar loan……I have committed fraud.

That is what Trump did
^ Garbage. Too many independent appraisals were done that concurred with Trump, including the bank.< and that is the important one.
This is merely the continuation of the witch hunt by Soros paid servants.
Prove it sunshine.

I'm not ignorant! :wine:

No thats your guys' fantasy.
Nah, I have your little tirade memorialized. You get more and more unhinged as the weeks pass. Regardless, Trump has been involved in around 4000 lawsuits, and he has won about 3500 of them. These court cases will be thrown out thanks to the obvious corruption involved. It doesn't help your case when letitia james said, in public, that the judge had ruled on the case before a single day of the hearing had started.
And in Trumps case it amounted to fraud not fudging
Cost him Bigly
Never cost him a dime.
This will be tossed, and if it isn't - then this country is heading down a very dark place. And I would say that 100% if this was Hillary Clinton.
Because I am capable of critical thinking - are you?
Or do you just like to troll conservatives?
Never cost him a dime.
This will be tossed, and if it isn't - then this country is heading down a very dark place. And I would say that 100% if this was Hillary Clinton.
Because I am capable of critical thinking - are you?
Or do you just like to troll conservatives?
Why will it be tossed?
Trump has his rights to appeal

If he can prove corruption, I am sure he will win
But we both know he has no such proof.

He needs to be careful of what he accuses the court without proof. He will face more charges

We can see it. letitia james ADMITTED to it when she told all of those news reporters that the judge had ruled on the case before day one of the trial.

You Dumbfuck.
That's $453M. Forbes says he has approximately $640M in cash. WOW! How much is the Stormy Daniels trial going to cost him?

Looks like he's going to have to sell a golf course or two. Will he have to dig up Ivana and bury her at Mar A Lago if he sells Bedminster?

On top of that, Allen Weisselberg has flipped and admitted he lied on the stand.

Pete Navarro is getting ready to go to jail and Steve Bannon's "We Build the Wall" scam trial starts in May.

Trump World is just one hilarious soap opera that just won't stop.

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MSNBC just reported that Trump is already fund-raising on this. So, will the Trump morons continue to pay his illegal corruption bills?
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