372 Different threads about Ben-Gotcha

I'm not sure what is worse. Republican's wasting tax payer dollars on nonsense like this, or the dumbass American's who voted for them?
Did a search...there are 372 different threads with "Benghazi" in the title.:eek: Feel free to search yourself.

It's easy to look at that shocking figure and shake your head. Most of the authors of the threads will decry that the press isn't covering the "real" issues. Not that Ben-Gotcha is of course--it's a witch hunt plain and simple--but please remember this when you wonder why Washington isn't focusing on education, the economy, our trade imbalance, etc...

We get the government we deserve and their "focus" (it's actually just a small % of the House) on stuff like this is simply a reflection on what the vocal minority wants.

So congratulations; you've earned our dysfunctional Congress.

Go back and count how many have been by the group of posters trying to justify our country letting a diplomat and some brave young men die.......

Please get back to us. Dante has to be close to two dozen or more.

So a witch hunt within a witch hunt.
There have been 264 threads about Sarah Palin which topic is far more relevant? The honest among us know the truth the rest will never admit the truth.

Actually there have been more than 400 about Governor Palin. Both Palin and Ben Gotcha are figments of a frustrated GOP imagination. This will go nowhere and meet Paljn's future political hopes there.

Denial ain't just a River in Egypt is it ? You can deny Obama's Benghazi screw up all you want the truth is out there now and finally been reported by more than just the so called right wing media.
There have been 264 threads about Sarah Palin which topic is far more relevant? The honest among us know the truth the rest will never admit the truth.

Okay, let's say there are 261 threads on Benghazi and 264 threads on Sarah Palin.

Benghazi happened 8 months ago. Sarah Palin has been on the national and international stage for 5 years. In addition, she has made a point of drawing attention to herself while, for the most part, it is only the GOP who makes a point of drawing attention to Benghazi.

So, we have quite a disparity here, really no comparison. In 5 years, 264 threads devoted to Ms. Palin. In 8 months, 261 threads devoted to Benghazi, most of which are coming from the right.

There is no comparison.

Let's see Palin is no longer a force in politics she holds no public office she has made no claims about a video being responsible for a terrorist attack where as Obama is still the President did try and sell a terrorist attack as outrage over a video tried to hide that and continues to do so to this day your right there is no comparison.
Did the search, there is not 372 threads as you claim.

Showing results 261.
Many threads in the search refer to other things.
26 out of the first 100 say nothing about Benghazi.

You did it incorrectly. Advanced Search>Titles then enter benghazi. Were at 382 now. The witch hunt continues.

Sorry, no I didn't do it incorrectly. There may be 372 threads regarding Benghazi yet there is not 372 threads with Benghazi in the title as you initially stated.

And I'm still waiting on how many we're started by the left? Try to inflate the numbers then say LOOK LOOK.
If the local law enforcement agency had an officer in trouble and called for backup, but the Chief, after hearing the call, went home and went to bed instead of sending every available officer to the scene and later found the officer in trouble dead......

You would be cool with that?

It's like I posted in another thread. The far right ignored and accepted the spending frenzy and the deaths of 60 embassy employees under BOOOOSH. But now that the shoe is on the other foot, they have become concerned citizens. In other words their moral fiber is controlled by their ideology.
Personally, I do think it was an Obama Administration fuck up, but this country has many more pressing problems than Benghazi. This whole thing is a distraction and a road block to any progress that needs to be made regarding the economy and jobs. Witch hunts are for the very,very simple-minded who easily fall for these distractions.
When the right is finished beating this dead horse, how will they go after Obama next?

These people are remarkably stupid. Otherwise corporate propagandists couldn't be so brazen abusing the public trust. For example, some here are concerned that foreigners will be something like half of voters by some future date or other. That is disturbing to mental defectives who don't realize by the time that happens most foreigners will have assimilated into what is best described as traditional American political views and some will be blood descendents of the ignorant white trash waving metaphoric bloody flags over the ramparts of reactionary delusion.

My point is that it doesn't matter how they will go after Obama next. What matters is they will. Just as surely as dogs bark when excited, nutballs will go after "the other" time and again on cue from corporate propagandists. These people are like sock puppets, only with less independence of mind.

A dog has more idea what it would do with a car if it caught one than nutballs have about what they would do with a "caught" fake liberal president.

Doubters, are there? Look at Clinton. Clinton should have been impeached for signing NAFTA, for signing repeal of Glass Steagall, for awarding no bid contracts to Blackwater and Halliburton, and for signing CFTMA, among other official malfeasances. What did the nutball scum of the earth get him for: Lying about pussy. A charge that did not offend their corporate leaders yet met the "red meat" standards required to stampede America's trailer trash. And while no one was more surprised than nutball leadership that they actually bumbled into a felony offense that they pretty much had to act on, the long march against Clinton worked very well indeed.

What many miss and fake liberal morons suspect but deny is that long march and impeachment elected Bush in 2000.

The goal is not to "get" Obama, the goal is to destroy fake-liberal credibility and take congress in 2014. It was never more than that.

It is mildly amusing that corporate propagandists can stampede human cattle into believing something serious happened, and it will be hilarious if they can actually destroy a Clinton, something long overdue, but based on history all that the nutball stampede will destroy is more of the middle class by electing a new round of corporatists seeking to turn the United States into a feudal culture governed by corporate royalty.
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It's like I posted in another thread. The far right ignored and accepted the spending frenzy and the deaths of 60 embassy employees under BOOOOSH. But now that the shoe is on the other foot, they have become concerned citizens. In other words their moral fiber is controlled by their ideology.
Personally, I do think it was an Obama Administration fuck up, but this country has many more pressing problems than Benghazi. This whole thing is a distraction and a road block to any progress that needs to be made regarding the economy and jobs. Witch hunts are for the very,very simple-minded who easily fall for these distractions.

So I guess the answer to the question I posed in post #66 is

Yes, you would be cool with that?
Fact is that the response of President Reagan pissed off a lot of the military. And how do you compare this with 911? No one had a chance of preventing that attack. There is a possibility (and right now only a possibility) that we could have saved lives in Benghazi. If the right decisions had been made.

No one had a chance to prevent the attack? Bull-loney. No one connected the dots.

Different people had different dots..........
It's like I posted in another thread. The far right ignored and accepted the spending frenzy and the deaths of 60 embassy employees under BOOOOSH.

And right there is why both the Rightyloons and Leftytoonsae both idiota and threads like these exist.
See this is what liberals do, just make it up as they go. whatever will work that week may not be their position the next.

I thought Iraq was our hysterical response? Or are you changing that stance now?

Liberals we follow the news, this making statements in a vaccum doesnt work...it has to add up and none of yours do

Funny....6 months ago every reputable poll had Romney losing....yet you guys who " follow the news" knew better.

Well I didnt count on the whites not voting...nice negative campaign you ran....

but even so, you fell for the video caused muslims to riot....I love that ace in my back pocket......bam bam bam!

332-206 knows no color.
We're at 437 now...

These are just titles of threads with specifically the word "Benghazi" in the title; the total number of threads about the subject is much greater.

Remember this when you next complain about why Congress doesn't do anything--they reflect the wishes of their constituents more often than not and for whatever reason, this is what what the House's constituents want.

We get the government we deserve.
Candy, since you have all the time in the world, how many Zimmerman threads are we at?
You actually counted, you need to get a life.

With the advanced search function, it takes less than 30 seconds to count how many. Of course, that only produces the ones where the topic starter spelled Benghazi correctly. There are a lot of bad spellers here.
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