372 Different threads about Ben-Gotcha

You actually counted, you need to get a life.

Did a search...took 5 seconds.

Perhaps harping on about something so comparatively minor is a truer indication of the lifelessness of the right wing.
Only a liberal asshole would think that what happened in Benghazi is comparatively minor. Obama worshipers most certainly are liberal assholes...expected to excuse the clown for his utter failure to act like a real President of the United States. :cuckoo:

A bunch of Muslim extremeists in the Middle East killed 4 people with weapons....yeah front page news. Nobody cared when Bush allowed it to happen, nobody cares now.

We're at 375 I think now....

PS: 332-206. Suck on that.
Did a search...there are 372 different threads with "Benghazi" in the title.:eek: Feel free to search yourself.

It's easy to look at that shocking figure and shake your head. Most of the authors of the threads will decry that the press isn't covering the "real" issues. Not that Ben-Gotcha is of course--it's a witch hunt plain and simple--but please remember this when you wonder why Washington isn't focusing on education, the economy, our trade imbalance, etc...

We get the government we deserve and their "focus" (it's actually just a small % of the House) on stuff like this is simply a reflection on what the vocal minority wants.

So congratulations; you've earned our dysfunctional Congress.

It reminds me of the millions of tax dollars, time and energy the GOP wasted trying to bring down Bill Clinton. Then they got Bush into the White House by going though the Supreme Court and w/o the popular vote, and kept him in by starting a war. Having lost the next election, they spend the next 8 years trying to bring down the Democratic administration instead of working with it for the benefit of the country. Now, they are afraid of the prospect of Hillary running in 2016 and are already trying to bring her down. They care nothing about what benefits this country. It's nothing but partisan politics, being bad losers and worse winners.

Reminds me of a President who started his administration off with "I WON".
And now there is 373...and all you did is repeat what you could have said in one of the other 372.
Hypocrite much?

Actually no. I used Ben-Gotcha not the word Benghazi. I describe it for what it is.

Try to be brighter next time.

The stupid motherfucker apparently isn't aware there are tenses in English language, doesn't know what hypocrite means, and may not know what "much" means.

"Brighter" might not be an option.
Did a search...there are 372 different threads with "Benghazi" in the title.:eek: Feel free to search yourself.

It's easy to look at that shocking figure and shake your head. Most of the authors of the threads will decry that the press isn't covering the "real" issues. Not that Ben-Gotcha is of course--it's a witch hunt plain and simple--but please remember this when you wonder why Washington isn't focusing on education, the economy, our trade imbalance, etc...

We get the government we deserve and their "focus" (it's actually just a small % of the House) on stuff like this is simply a reflection on what the vocal minority wants.

So congratulations; you've earned our dysfunctional Congress.

It reminds me of the millions of tax dollars, time and energy the GOP wasted trying to bring down Bill Clinton. Then they got Bush into the White House by going though the Supreme Court and w/o the popular vote, and kept him in by starting a war. Having lost the next election, they spend the next 8 years trying to bring down the Democratic administration instead of working with it for the benefit of the country. Now, they are afraid of the prospect of Hillary running in 2016 and are already trying to bring her down. They care nothing about what benefits this country. It's nothing but partisan politics, being bad losers and worse winners.

Right on the money. They will say anything--hence the 375 threads; most of them false.

What lesson does the people whom they vote for take from their behavior? Say anything---and do anything.
372 Different threads about Ben-Gotcha

And not one of them brings anything ‘new’ to the table.

Of course that’s not the point, the point is to create and maintain the appearance of an ‘issue,’ to contrive a controversy where none exists, all motivated solely by partisanism, not a desire to learn the ‘truth.’
372 Different threads about Ben-Gotcha

And not one of them brings anything ‘new’ to the table.

Of course that’s not the point, the point is to create and maintain the appearance of an ‘issue,’ to contrive a controversy where none exists, all motivated solely by partisanism, not a desire to learn the ‘truth.’

You mean like the imagined War on Women?
They kept the Whitewater investigation open for seven years. They can keep this one going until Hillary's second term
372 Different threads about Ben-Gotcha

And not one of them brings anything ‘new’ to the table.

Of course that’s not the point, the point is to create and maintain the appearance of an ‘issue,’ to contrive a controversy where none exists, all motivated solely by partisanism, not a desire to learn the ‘truth.’

You mean like the imagined War on Women?

As a woman, from my point of view, there is nothing imagined about it, and that perspective, likely being held by the majority of American women, is why Obama got the women's vote.
Did a search...there are 372 different threads with "Benghazi" in the title.:eek: Feel free to search yourself.

It's easy to look at that shocking figure and shake your head. Most of the authors of the threads will decry that the press isn't covering the "real" issues. Not that Ben-Gotcha is of course--it's a witch hunt plain and simple--but please remember this when you wonder why Washington isn't focusing on education, the economy, our trade imbalance, etc...

We get the government we deserve and their "focus" (it's actually just a small % of the House) on stuff like this is simply a reflection on what the vocal minority wants.

So congratulations; you've earned our dysfunctional Congress.

Imagine the hysteria from the right if President Obama had been CIC on Oct 23, 1983?

See: 1983 Beirut barracks bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny isn't it, a huge hysteria from the right when Cole was attacked and now a hysterical response to Benghazi; yet no similar reaction to the deaths of 50 times the number of Americans in Beirut or 3,000 souls dead on the watch of George W. Bush.
Fact is that the response of President Reagan pissed off a lot of the military. And how do you compare this with 911? No one had a chance of preventing that attack. There is a possibility (and right now only a possibility) that we could have saved lives in Benghazi. If the right decisions had been made.
Fact is that the response of President Reagan pissed off a lot of the military. And how do you compare this with 911? No one had a chance of preventing that attack. There is a possibility (and right now only a possibility) that we could have saved lives in Benghazi. If the right decisions had been made.
...and because they were not...the Obama administration sought to cover up their obvious mishandling of the situation with lies about the motives behind the attack.

We have today no doubt, the sleaziest gang of worthless motherfuckers in control of this country that has ever been!
Craven implies with thought.

None of the filthy fucking white trash deja-vuing Bush have enough going on to be craven.
Craven are the people stampeding these human cattle hither and yon.

Don't believe me?
Picture a cow being craven.
Get it now?
I like your writing style :)
Did a search...there are 372 different threads with "Benghazi" in the title.:eek: Feel free to search yourself.

It's easy to look at that shocking figure and shake your head. Most of the authors of the threads will decry that the press isn't covering the "real" issues. Not that Ben-Gotcha is of course--it's a witch hunt plain and simple--but please remember this when you wonder why Washington isn't focusing on education, the economy, our trade imbalance, etc...

We get the government we deserve and their "focus" (it's actually just a small % of the House) on stuff like this is simply a reflection on what the vocal minority wants.

So congratulations; you've earned our dysfunctional Congress.

Imagine the hysteria from the right if President Obama had been CIC on Oct 23, 1983?

See: 1983 Beirut barracks bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny isn't it, a huge hysteria from the right when Cole was attacked and now a hysterical response to Benghazi; yet no similar reaction to the deaths of 50 times the number of Americans in Beirut or 3,000 souls dead on the watch of George W. Bush.

^ that
Laughing at all the libs wailing and tearing thier hair out, even the liberal media is over trying to cover Barry and his admin over this. Your boy or hildabeast is going down over this. Accept it before it destroys ya :clap2::razz:
Did a search...there are 372 different threads with "Benghazi" in the title.:eek: Feel free to search yourself.

It's easy to look at that shocking figure and shake your head. Most of the authors of the threads will decry that the press isn't covering the "real" issues. Not that Ben-Gotcha is of course--it's a witch hunt plain and simple--but please remember this when you wonder why Washington isn't focusing on education, the economy, our trade imbalance, etc...

We get the government we deserve and their "focus" (it's actually just a small % of the House) on stuff like this is simply a reflection on what the vocal minority wants.

So congratulations; you've earned our dysfunctional Congress.

Go back and count how many have been by the group of posters trying to justify our country letting a diplomat and some brave young men die.......

Please get back to us. Dante has to be close to two dozen or more.
Did a search...there are 372 different threads with "Benghazi" in the title.:eek: Feel free to search yourself.

It's easy to look at that shocking figure and shake your head.

Did the search, there is not 372 threads as you claim.

Showing results 261.
Many threads in the search refer to other things.
26 out of the first 100 say nothing about Benghazi.
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