$4.2 billion special interest dollars spent lobbying legislators .....


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
$4.2 billion special interest dollars spent lobbying legislators .....

Yes of course United We Stand must be repealed immediately ........

Big corporations and their lobbyists have too much power in Washington, for example:=Interest groups spent a record $4.2 billion lobbying federal lawmakers in 2023 alone.

= Health companies outspent every other sector in 2023 with federal lobbying spending reaching $739 million for the year. And we wonder why the cost of health insurance continues to rise and raid our wallets.

= The oil company Chevron—just one company—spent more than $6 million on federal lobbying in 2023.

= Eleven Members of Congress do not accept this dirty dark money. Washington is too beholden to corporate cash, and it’s time to ban federal lobbyist money once and for all. Damn right.
The Constitution insures Americans the right to petition the government. We are all lobbyists in a way. Lefties contribute to global warming efforts and right wingers use the NRA to protect the 2nd Amendment. It's easy to blame lobbyists but If the system becomes corrupt blame legislators and regulatory agencies that have become too politicized to do their job.
It's nothing new....It's been "the best congress money can buy" for a lot of years....It's just our greatly devalued dollar that just makes it seem like more....That and since the Uniparty changed it's name to The Firm they demand more. ;)
It's nothing new....It's been "the best congress money can buy" for a lot of years....It's just our greatly devalued dollar that just makes it seem like more....That and since the Uniparty changed it's name to The Firm they demand more. ;)
We need to fix the foreign money flowing into the Biden family empire before we try to deal with the American capitalist system's influence on 435 congress members

— Codify Glass-Steagall Act
--- Codify Elimination of Dark Money into Political Campaigns
--- Codify Good Wages
--- Codify AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance/ Single Payer
--- Codify Medicare
--- Codify Medicaid
--- Codify public education and Higher Education
--- Codify Social Security Insurance
--- Codify a strong economy through jobs for the USA workers
--- Codify Women's Right To Choose and Equal Pay
--- Codify Veterans Benefits with 9% annual increase to Disability Pay
--- Codify Voters Rights and Prosecute VOTER SUPPRESSION
--- Codify strict gun regulations/removal of assault weapons
--- Codify Funding For National Monuments/Parks
--- Codify Freedom of the press and Whistleblower protection
--- Codify USA Postal Service
--- Codify EPA/Restoration of Environmental Cleanliness
--- Codify Protection of USA Jobs through elimination of Tax Codes Which Encourage Outsourcing/Free Trade Agreements/ Leveraged Buyout Scams /Private Equity Scams

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