4,600 Republicans changed their party status in Colorado in the immediate aftermath of the Capitol riot. Other states are reporting similar defections

I am #walkaway. I See Democrats lowering standards and suddenly RTD Drivers that don't know English or red lights or speed limits or their next stop ...Because "diversity" is way better than competency. I used to be a Democrat. Until I realized they don't give a shit about anything, democrats don't care about America or Black lives matter or anything else, its just empty bullshit used to con people. for all they care, it could be cannibal lives matter until they are on the platter.

Then you had the lobotomy and you settled for batshit crazy and the only real party left was the Party of the Rumpster. You lost, get over it.
Really? Hmm. Democrats burn down cities, not Trump or Republicans. Would you like to restate your reply?
I am #walkaway. I See Democrats lowering standards and suddenly RTD Drivers that don't know English or red lights or speed limits or their next stop ...Because "diversity" is way better than competency. I used to be a Democrat. Until I realized they don't give a shit about anything, democrats don't care about America or Black lives matter or anything else, its just empty bullshit used to con people. for all they care, it could be cannibal lives matter until they are on the platter.

Then you had the lobotomy and you settled for batshit crazy and the only real party left was the Party of the Rumpster. You lost, get over it.
Really? Hmm. Democrats burn down cities, not Trump or Republicans. Would you like to restate your reply?

Rump removes the programs to help the cities to prevent the disarray. Portland was scheduled for the Consent Decree in 2017 along with Seattle and almost all the strife cities. But in early 2017, Rump canceled all Consent Decree Programs schedule. The Cities that were already under the Consent Decree had BLM protests with ZERO rioting and looting. That means, Rump owns them.

But what's worse, Rump tried to overthrow the legal elected Government by force.

I am not saying Rump is bright enough to do the evil that he did, he's not. But someone was guiding him from the background. Care to discuss who that might be?
I think there is a Deep State Establishment that actually pulls ALL the strings.

I used to think that. Trump convinced me otherwise. If there truly was a cabal pulling the strings behind the scenes, Trump would have never been elected.
You lost. Get over it.

The country lost, tens-of-thousands of hard-working construction workers have already lost good jobs with many more to follow. But Putin and Xi are happy shoppers at Traitor Joe's©™.

Yes, blame Biden even though he had absolutely nothing to do with it. At one time, in this area, the construction was the largest employer. What reduced it? They ran out of things to build. And the slow reduction happened for the last 60 years. You can't export construction jobs. But you can just run out things to build.

We are right back to what I said before. You lost. Get over it.
I like what the GOP once was before the hijacking. What I don't care for is the hijacking by the John Birch Society, QAnon and Rump of the GOP.
You did? What was good about them? I assume there was some platform things you agreed with?
I like what the GOP once was before the hijacking. What I don't care for is the hijacking by the John Birch Society, QAnon and Rump of the GOP.
You did? What was good about them? I assume there was some platform things you agreed with?

First of all, there was no plank given for the Republican Party for 2020. The real plank could be stated in one short phrase, "What He Says". And they've lived up to that plank.

Now for the plank that the GOP operated all the way into the late 70.
Republican Party Platform of 1956
Almost everything good that came out of the JFK and Johnson time was started by Eisenhower and his party. Nixon did some good things as well and it was an extension of the Eisenhower party. In the middle 1980s, a bunch of people that were all but barred by Eisenhower, Goldwater and Nixon were allowed to join the Republican party and Edward R Murrows worst fears were reached.
I like what the GOP once was before the hijacking. What I don't care for is the hijacking by the John Birch Society, QAnon and Rump of the GOP.
You did? What was good about them? I assume there was some platform things you agreed with?

First of all, there was no plank given for the Republican Party for 2020. The real plank could be stated in one short phrase, "What He Says". And they've lived up to that plank.

Now for the plank that the GOP operated all the way into the late 70.
Republican Party Platform of 1956
Almost everything good that came out of the JFK and Johnson time was started by Eisenhower and his party. Nixon did some good things as well and it was an extension of the Eisenhower party. In the middle 1980s, a bunch of people that were all but barred by Eisenhower, Goldwater and Nixon were allowed to join the Republican party and Edward R Murrows worst fears were reached.
Eisenhower would be considered a commie today. Well, as a matter he was considered a commie by the John Birchers and McCarthyites in the 50s. These folks were ridiculed by the establishment then. The descendants of these people are now the mainstream of the party. It just shows you just how far the Republican Party has deteriorated.
I like what the GOP once was before the hijacking. What I don't care for is the hijacking by the John Birch Society, QAnon and Rump of the GOP.
You did? What was good about them? I assume there was some platform things you agreed with?

First of all, there was no plank given for the Republican Party for 2020. The real plank could be stated in one short phrase, "What He Says". And they've lived up to that plank.

Now for the plank that the GOP operated all the way into the late 70.
Republican Party Platform of 1956
Almost everything good that came out of the JFK and Johnson time was started by Eisenhower and his party. Nixon did some good things as well and it was an extension of the Eisenhower party. In the middle 1980s, a bunch of people that were all but barred by Eisenhower, Goldwater and Nixon were allowed to join the Republican party and Edward R Murrows worst fears were reached.
Eisenhower would be considered a commie today. Well, as a matter he was considered a commie by the John Birchers and McCarthyites in the 50s. These folks were ridiculed by the establishment then. The descendants of these people are now the mainstream of the party. It just shows you just how far the Republican Party has deteriorated.

During the 1964 Goldwater run, it was learned that some of the Party Officials were actually John Birch Society who were trying to work their "Magic". Goldwater and others ran them off post haste.
Here is a good read on Fred Koch and his two Sons. At the same time, another Fred was mirroring Fred Koch. His name was Fred Trump.
The Koch Brothers: The Extremist Roots Run Deep

You stated that the Republican Party has deteriorated. Actually the Republican Party has ceased to exist at all. It's now the John Birch Society under a hijacked name just like they hijacked the Tea Party as well. The JBSers finally accomplished what they tried to do in 1964.
First of all, there was no plank given for the Republican Party for 2020. The real plank could be stated in one short phrase, "What He Says". And they've lived up to that plank.
I disagree. Kind of. I like politicians that actually try to do what they said they were going to try to do. So.. Yeah.. what he said.

Now for the plank that the GOP operated all the way into the late 70.
Republican Party Platform of 1956
Almost everything good that came out of the JFK and Johnson time was started by Eisenhower and his party. Nixon did some good things as well and it was an extension of the Eisenhower party. In the middle 1980s, a bunch of people that were all but barred by Eisenhower, Goldwater and Nixon were allowed to join the Republican party and Edward R Murrows worst fears were reached.
OH, that makes sense... Before my time. You liked Republicans when they were more authoritarian than democrats. When that switched, you did too?
First of all, there was no plank given for the Republican Party for 2020. The real plank could be stated in one short phrase, "What He Says". And they've lived up to that plank.
I disagree. Kind of. I like politicians that actually try to do what they said they were going to try to do. So.. Yeah.. what he said.

Now for the plank that the GOP operated all the way into the late 70.
Republican Party Platform of 1956
Almost everything good that came out of the JFK and Johnson time was started by Eisenhower and his party. Nixon did some good things as well and it was an extension of the Eisenhower party. In the middle 1980s, a bunch of people that were all but barred by Eisenhower, Goldwater and Nixon were allowed to join the Republican party and Edward R Murrows worst fears were reached.
OH, that makes sense... Before my time. You liked Republicans when they were more authoritarian than democrats. When that switched, you did too?

You missed the point. There was no plank and there was no plan. Just do what he says as he makes it up.

And you don't get any more authoritarian than the Fascist JBSers which control the Republican Party right now. The powers that be are shitting in the shorts if they think that there is a remote chance they will piss off their "Leader". And the "Leader" will rip them a new one if they don't swear allegiance to him.

You still don't admit that you have become a Fascist JBSer. We are trying to get MORE freedoms which Rump demands that only HE has the freedoms.
You missed the point. There was no plank and there was no plan. Just do what he says as he makes it up.
You are right, I missed the point. Because you are wrong. Unless I of course plank doesn't mean platform. That's how I took it.

And you don't get any more authoritarian than the Fascist JBSers which control the Republican Party right now.
That's odd for you to say considering it's the republican party fighting for free speech of all things. They aren't creating laws to limit anything that I'm aware of. I mean, it's a few people in the democrat party, I personally don't think they are really democrats but that's me, that are trying to control media.

You still don't admit that you have become a Fascist JBSer. We are trying to get MORE freedoms which Rump demands that only HE has the freedoms.
I won't admit to anything that I don't believe.

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