
Hopefully the new Administration will get rid of The Cooked Books approach used to lie to The Public about how many people are unemployed.
There are 95 Million people out of work who had jobs and are looking for work again and cannot find work, and have exhausted their unemployment benefits.
No, there are not. There are 95 million Not in the Labor Force. That means that NONE of them are looking for work. 90 million of them say they don't want a job now. We don't know how many once had jobs (17.7 million are age 16-24 and most of them likely never had a steady job, especially the 14 million who are full time students).

And unemployment benefits are not a consideration at all. The Current Population survey, source of all the labor force statistics, doesn't even ask about unemployment insurance.
So you believe they called all 95 million? Giving up because you can't find a half assed decent job for your age should be included. Many retired early and will live on less. 4.7% is dishonest numbers.
Hopefully the new Administration will get rid of The Cooked Books approach used to lie to The Public about how many people are unemployed.
There are 95 Million people out of work who had jobs and are looking for work again and cannot find work, and have exhausted their unemployment benefits.

That represents a 29% unemployment rate beyond the 4.7% promoted by the current administration.

Adding the two figures together to give you a rough percentage shows that we have a 34% Unemployment rate, of which only 4.7% are receiving unemployment benefits.
That is wrong on many levels, but under Tramp that 95+ million will grow and grow every year, charting Tramp's continued failure every year.
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Hopefully the new Administration will get rid of The Cooked Books approach used to lie to The Public about how many people are unemployed.
There are 95 Million people out of work who had jobs and are looking for work again and cannot find work, and have exhausted their unemployment benefits.

That represents a 29% unemployment rate beyond the 4.7% promoted by the current administration.

Adding the two figures together to give you a rough percentage shows that we have a 34% Unemployment rate, of which only 4.7% are receiving unemployment benefits.
That is wrong on many levels, but under Tramp that 95+ million will grow and grow every year, chartong Tramp's continued failure every year.

I find it so refreshing to see a Liberal NEO NAZI with so much hate in his heart that he hopes America, and It's President Fail.
And Tramp claims that number is 96 million, and I absolutely guarantee that 96 million will go up every year of the Tramp Regime.

JAN. 11, 2017
TRUMP: There will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder. And if our politicians had what it takes, they would have done this years ago. And you’d have millions more workers right now in the United States that are — 96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get. You know that story. The real number — that’s the real number. So, that’s the way it is. OK.

Wow, you guarantee it. That would mean something to me if say I fell off a two story building hitting my head on the concrete and became a mental deficient ... you know ... like you are
Care to bet your continued presence on this board?
No, I don't make stupid bets and I don't make bets with the stupid. My passing on your bet is a twofer
You say it is a stupid bet because you know you will lose.
You won't bet because you know without a doubt that I am right.
You fool no one but yourself, CHICKEN!

1) I don't make that bet with anyone on any subject. It's a stupid bet. I make bets for things like sigs. Read Bodecea's sig right now

2) I would never make any bet with you on any subject because you're a liar and you would never deliver when you lose

Also you're stupid. My point wasn't that Trump will or won't succeed, it was about how every statement from you is that Republicans are evil and Democrat farts don't stink. You're a deluded sycophant of one party which is virtually identical to the one you think is evil
So typical of the worthless lying scum Right, you call me a liar and then LIE about what your point was that I challenged. I am reposting it below to refresh your lying memory.
It would be hard for Trump to match the hopelessness at finding a job that Obama managed to create to get enough people to give up and quit looking for a job that the libtard Obama accompolished
I pointed out that Lying Scum Tramp will surpass Obama with that same stat each and every year of his reign of terror.
Hopefully the new Administration will get rid of The Cooked Books approach used to lie to The Public about how many people are unemployed.
There are 95 Million people out of work who had jobs and are looking for work again and cannot find work, and have exhausted their unemployment benefits.
That represents a 29% unemployment rate beyond the 4.7% promoted by the current administration.
Adding the two figures together to give you a rough percentage shows that we have a 34% Unemployment rate, of which only 4.7% are receiving unemployment benefits.
That is wrong on many levels, but under Tramp that 95+ million will grow and grow every year, chartong Tramp's continued failure every year.
I find it so refreshing to see a Liberal NEO NAZI with so much hate in his heart that he hopes America, and It's President Fail.
I only stated an unassailable fact exposing a typical Tramp lie and holding Tramp to the same standard.
But I'm sure you will find the hopes of this NEO NAZI just as refreshing!!!

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.
Hopefully the new Administration will get rid of The Cooked Books approach used to lie to The Public about how many people are unemployed.
There are 95 Million people out of work who had jobs and are looking for work again and cannot find work, and have exhausted their unemployment benefits.

That represents a 29% unemployment rate beyond the 4.7% promoted by the current administration.

Adding the two figures together to give you a rough percentage shows that we have a 34% Unemployment rate, of which only 4.7% are receiving unemployment benefits.
That is wrong on many levels, but under Tramp that 95+ million will grow and grow every year, charting Tramp's continued failure every year.
I see, so stinky farts is all you had to offer.
4.7%. Remember that number folks. That is the unemployment rate on Obama's last day in office.

Anybody think it will be that low on Trump's last day?

Want to bet?

With all the billionaire business criminals and Nazi dingbats he appointed to his cabinet, I'm sure the economy is going to be a shambles by the time he's through.

These corporate leaders all say regulations are "job killers." How come after 8 years of Obama's regulations the unemployment rate is only 4.7%? I don't think it has ever been that low in my lifetime.

The real reason they oppose regulations is because protecting workers, consumers, and the environment takes money out of their greedy hands.

Ironically, the working class white chumps who most strongly supported Trump will be the ones hurting the most in a few years.

When the economy grows, the unemployment rate naturally increases as people who dropped out of the workforce re-enter to search for job.

The 4.7% is also a cooked figure. The real rate is well over 20%

Alternate Unemployment Charts

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Here are the numbers and graph that tell the real story:

Yep, chart tells the story. Especially, 2007. Umm, wonder what caused that big drop in 2007 that continues to this day? Wonder if it might be related to that big increase that started in 1965.

You get back to me when you figure out what the story is. If you can't, I will let you know.
4.7%. Remember that number folks. That is the unemployment rate on Obama's last day in office.
It's awesome, especially when you don't count the millions of workers who are no longer in the workforce because they stopped looking for jobs that don't exist.

The 1st Black President leaves behind an Unemployment rate for Blacks of 7.8%, btw.
- Table A-2. Employment status of the civilian population by race, sex, and age

Anyone who believes that 4.7% is the real number than the box of rocks is gaining on them.
What number do you prefer we measure Trump against ?
4.7%. Remember that number folks. That is the unemployment rate on Obama's last day in office.

Anybody think it will be that low on Trump's last day?

Want to bet?

With all the billionaire business criminals and Nazi dingbats he appointed to his cabinet, I'm sure the economy is going to be a shambles by the time he's through.

These corporate leaders all say regulations are "job killers." How come after 8 years of Obama's regulations the unemployment rate is only 4.7%? I don't think it has ever been that low in my lifetime.

The real reason they oppose regulations is because protecting workers, consumers, and the environment takes money out of their greedy hands.

Ironically, the working class white chumps who most strongly supported Trump will be the ones hurting the most in a few years.
The 4.7% is Bush's fault.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Here are the numbers and graph that tell the real story:

Yep, chart tells the story. Especially, 2007. Umm, wonder what caused that big drop in 2007 that continues to this day? Wonder if it might be related to that big increase that started in 1965.

You get back to me when you figure out what the story is. If you can't, I will let you know.
4.7%. Remember that number folks. That is the unemployment rate on Obama's last day in office.

Anybody think it will be that low on Trump's last day?

Want to bet?

With all the billionaire business criminals and Nazi dingbats he appointed to his cabinet, I'm sure the economy is going to be a shambles by the time he's through.

These corporate leaders all say regulations are "job killers." How come after 8 years of Obama's regulations the unemployment rate is only 4.7%? I don't think it has ever been that low in my lifetime.

The real reason they oppose regulations is because protecting workers, consumers, and the environment takes money out of their greedy hands.

Ironically, the working class white chumps who most strongly supported Trump will be the ones hurting the most in a few years.

When the economy grows, the unemployment rate naturally increases as people who dropped out of the workforce re-enter to search for job.

The 4.7% is also a cooked figure. The real rate is well over 20%

Alternate Unemployment Charts
Which number
The senate and house were under Republican control.
The Senate and House were under Republican control until 2007 and once Bush replaced Clinton they never got the same numbers, so it obviously was Clinton and not the GOP congress.
You never get anything right.

Congress Profiles | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives
105th Congress (1997–1999)
Congressional Profile
Total Membership:
  • 435 Representatives
  • 4 Delegates
  • 1 Resident Commissioner
Party Divisions:*
  • 207 Democrats
  • 226 Republicans
  • 2 Independent
How does that refute the fact that the GOP held control of both houses of congress for the most part until 2007????

WikiLeaks thinks you're full of shit there buddy.

The Democratic Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995. Although the Democrats held fewer than 50 Senate seats, they had an operational majority because the two independent senators caucused with the Democrats for organizational purposes. No Democratic-held seats had fallen to the Republican Party in the 2006 elections.[2] Democrat Nancy Pelosi became the first woman Speaker of the House.[3] The House also received the first Muslim (Keith Ellison)[4][5] and Buddhist (Hank Johnson and Mazie Hirono)[6] members of Congress.
You prove my point, the GOP lost the 2006 elections and control went to the Dems in 2007 for the first time since 1995.

The Right are so stupid they can't even read a calendar, no wonder Tramp loves lying to them.

The left is full of idiots just like you.

2006 is when the Dems took over. Not 2007.
4.7%. Remember that number folks. That is the unemployment rate on Obama's last day in office.
It's awesome, especially when you don't count the millions of workers who are no longer in the workforce because they stopped looking for jobs that don't exist.

The 1st Black President leaves behind an Unemployment rate for Blacks of 7.8%, btw.
- Table A-2. Employment status of the civilian population by race, sex, and age

Anyone who believes that 4.7% is the real number than the box of rocks is gaining on them.
What number do you prefer we measure Trump against ?

Will have to wait till he's in office for a while.

This is half day one.

Good Lord you can't be this stupid.
Obama has been going against the headwinds of baby boomers retiring.

Ding, ding, ding. And we have a winner. The labor participation rate does not make a distinction between an individual that has given up looking for a job and an individual that no longer needs a job. Does anyone thing that Grandmaw living in the nursing home really needs to have a job? Why are we counting her among those that are "underemployed"?
The Senate and House were under Republican control until 2007 and once Bush replaced Clinton they never got the same numbers, so it obviously was Clinton and not the GOP congress.
You never get anything right.

Congress Profiles | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives
105th Congress (1997–1999)
Congressional Profile
Total Membership:
  • 435 Representatives
  • 4 Delegates
  • 1 Resident Commissioner
Party Divisions:*
  • 207 Democrats
  • 226 Republicans
  • 2 Independent
How does that refute the fact that the GOP held control of both houses of congress for the most part until 2007????

WikiLeaks thinks you're full of shit there buddy.

The Democratic Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995. Although the Democrats held fewer than 50 Senate seats, they had an operational majority because the two independent senators caucused with the Democrats for organizational purposes. No Democratic-held seats had fallen to the Republican Party in the 2006 elections.[2] Democrat Nancy Pelosi became the first woman Speaker of the House.[3] The House also received the first Muslim (Keith Ellison)[4][5] and Buddhist (Hank Johnson and Mazie Hirono)[6] members of Congress.
You prove my point, the GOP lost the 2006 elections and control went to the Dems in 2007 for the first time since 1995.

The Right are so stupid they can't even read a calendar, no wonder Tramp loves lying to them.
The left is full of idiots just like you.

2006 is when the Dems took over. Not 2007.
Nov 2006 is when the Dems lost the election, the GOP winners were seated Jan 2007.
Thank you for proving that the Right can't even follow a calendar.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Here are the numbers and graph that tell the real story:

Yep, chart tells the story. Especially, 2007. Umm, wonder what caused that big drop in 2007 that continues to this day? Wonder if it might be related to that big increase that started in 1965.

You get back to me when you figure out what the story is. If you can't, I will let you know.
4.7%. Remember that number folks. That is the unemployment rate on Obama's last day in office.

Anybody think it will be that low on Trump's last day?

Want to bet?

With all the billionaire business criminals and Nazi dingbats he appointed to his cabinet, I'm sure the economy is going to be a shambles by the time he's through.

These corporate leaders all say regulations are "job killers." How come after 8 years of Obama's regulations the unemployment rate is only 4.7%? I don't think it has ever been that low in my lifetime.

The real reason they oppose regulations is because protecting workers, consumers, and the environment takes money out of their greedy hands.

Ironically, the working class white chumps who most strongly supported Trump will be the ones hurting the most in a few years.

When the economy grows, the unemployment rate naturally increases as people who dropped out of the workforce re-enter to search for job.

The 4.7% is also a cooked figure. The real rate is well over 20%

Alternate Unemployment Charts
Which number

The labor participation rate. Why did it tank starting in 2007 and is that related to why it starting climbing in 1965?
Hopefully the new Administration will get rid of The Cooked Books approach used to lie to The Public about how many people are unemployed.
There are 95 Million people out of work who had jobs and are looking for work again and cannot find work, and have exhausted their unemployment benefits.
No, there are not. There are 95 million Not in the Labor Force. That means that NONE of them are looking for work. 90 million of them say they don't want a job now. We don't know how many once had jobs (17.7 million are age 16-24 and most of them likely never had a steady job, especially the 14 million who are full time students).

And unemployment benefits are not a consideration at all. The Current Population survey, source of all the labor force statistics, doesn't even ask about unemployment insurance.

The Department of Labor considers full time student an occupation.
No, it does not:
Employed persons (Current Population Survey)
Persons 16 years and over in the civilian noninstitutional population who, during the reference week, (a) did any work at all (at least 1 hour) as paid employees; worked in their own business, profession, or on their own farm, or worked 15 hours or more as unpaid workers in an enterprise operated by a member of the family; and (b) all those who were not working but who had jobs or businesses from which they were temporarily absent because of vacation, illness, bad weather, childcare problems, maternity or paternity leave, labor-management dispute, job training, or other family or personal reasons, whether or not they were paid for the time off or were seeking other jobs. Each employed person is counted only once, even if he or she holds more than one job. Excluded are persons whose only activity consisted of work around their own house (painting, repairing, or own home housework) or volunteer work for religious, charitable, and other organizations.

And the labor force is and the Labor Force Participation Rate is made up of all labor that is employed and unemployed. Students and The Retired are not counted.
If someone is working, he is employed, and if he is not working but looking for work, he is unemployed, regardless of whether he is in school or not or whether he considers himself retired or not.
Examples: A-16. Employment status of the civilian noninstitutional population 16 to 24 years of age by school enrollment, age, sex, race, Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, and educational attainment clearly shows the breakdown by school enrollment.
And A-25. Persons at work 1 to 34 hours in all and in nonagricultural industries by reason for working less than 35 hours and usual full- or part-time status shows that there are 2,765,000 people who are working part time because "Retired or Social Security limit on earnings."

Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force participation rate is the percentage of working age population that is part of the labor force. It is a measure of what proportion of a country's population is employed or actively looking for employment. Higher the labor force participation rate, more of the country's population is interested in working.

In US, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) defines labor force participation rate as “the labor force as a percent of the civilian noninstitutional population.” Labor force is defined as: “all persons classified as employed or unemployed.” Employed persons are persons aged 16 years or older, who work for an employer or are self-employed, and excludes people who work as volunteers and people engaged in self-service/homemaking. Unemployed persons are those jobless persons who are aged 16 year or older, were available for job in last four weeks, and had made specific efforts to find a job at any time during that period.
And how did you read that to think that all students were considered employed and all retirees not?

The BLS provides a database of labor related data. You can extract numbers by submitting a customized query here.

Labor Force Participation Rate = Labor Force
Working Age non-institutionalized Population
Since labor force is the sum of employed and unemployed,

Labor Force Participation Rate = Employed + Unemployed
Working Age Non-institutionalized Population
Labor Force Participation Rate | Formula | Examples
I'm well familiar with the LFPR. The 95 million you mention are those Not in the Labor Force. They are in the population but neither employed nor unemployed. I have no idea where you got the notion that all of them once had jobs, are currently looking and unsuccessful. If they were looking, they'd be classified as unemployed.
4.7%. Remember that number folks. That is the unemployment rate on Obama's last day in office.

Anybody think it will be that low on Trump's last day?

Want to bet?

With all the billionaire business criminals and Nazi dingbats he appointed to his cabinet, I'm sure the economy is going to be a shambles by the time he's through.

These corporate leaders all say regulations are "job killers." How come after 8 years of Obama's regulations the unemployment rate is only 4.7%? I don't think it has ever been that low in my lifetime.

The real reason they oppose regulations is because protecting workers, consumers, and the environment takes money out of their greedy hands.

Ironically, the working class white chumps who most strongly supported Trump will be the ones hurting the most in a few years.

that number is highly misleading

Trump plans to use U6 numbers (which currently have unemployment at over 9% and are a more realistic snapshot of where we really are)

Obama has been using U3 numbers (which misrepresent the actual rates)

what are the odds that the media will make that distinction???
I believe Noninstitutional refers to people who are not Students in a University as the DOL list Full Time Student as an Occupation, so that person is considered employed.
You are playing with Semantics.

No matter which way you play this game, 34% of our population who are capable of working are not working.

They may be receiving other entitlements like food stamps or welfare.

So if you have 34% of your eligible workforce not working, perhaps this will explain why Obama racked up 11 Trillion Dollars in debt while he was in office.
That 34% figure is not good not matter which way you try to explain it away, and it is undeniable that this administration has presided over the highest Non Participation Rate in our history.

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