4 Dead Americans in Brussels and Obama Says No Big Deal

More will die in bathtubs this year, we just need to ignore them and they'll go away.

Historians for the next 3,000 years will be shaking their heads at his delusional stupidity.
What will historians have to say about this?

"List of children killed by drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen"

List of children killed by drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen

All of a sudden the right give a damn about the children in Pakistan and Yemen, while calling for the killing of many "potential terrorists" in Pakistan and Yemen.
With nukes...
More will die in bathtubs this year, we just need to ignore them and they'll go away.

Historians for the next 3,000 years will be shaking their heads at his delusional stupidity.
What will historians have to say about this?

"List of children killed by drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen"

List of children killed by drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen

All of a sudden the right give a damn about the children in Pakistan and Yemen, while calling for the killing of many "potential terrorists" in Pakistan and Yemen.
With nukes...

And I'm sure you can nuke Pakistan, but miraculously all the children will survive, while all those over the age of 18 will die.
More will die in bathtubs this year, we just need to ignore them and they'll go away.

Historians for the next 3,000 years will be shaking their heads at his delusional stupidity.

Silly man. Historians are a dying breed. The books are being rewritten to remove Badthink and Trigger Words. hiLIARy is already spreading the myth that no one died in Libya. A few years from now, that's what students will be taught.
More will die in bathtubs this year, we just need to ignore them and they'll go away.

Historians for the next 3,000 years will be shaking their heads at his delusional stupidity.
What will historians have to say about this?

"List of children killed by drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen"

List of children killed by drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen

All of a sudden the right give a damn about the children in Pakistan and Yemen, while calling for the killing of many "potential terrorists" in Pakistan and Yemen.
The right doesn't seem to have much empathy for the victims of "American Exceptionalism"

"U.S. Will Someday Reap What it Sows Through Drone Attacks

"Pam Bailey, reports from the 2012 Pakistan delegation

“'I will never forget what the American soldiers did to my country, my tribe and my family. They violated our national sovereignty and our Islamic laws. They killed my son and my younger brother. They destroyed my home. If I see the soldiers who are responsible for this – if I have the opportunity — I will kill them.' (translated from Pashto)

"These are the chilling words of Kareem Khan, a Pakistani journalist from a tribe in Northern Waziristan, whose compound was destroyed by a Hellfire missile from an American drone on Dec. 24, 2009.

"They starkly illustrate the concept of 'blowback.'

"What you sow today, you will reap tomorrow — in this case, hatred and a desire for revenge born from shattering personal loss and a tribal code (called Pashtunwali, or 'way of the Pashtuns') that dictates a simple recipe for justice: eye for an eye."

U.S. Will Someday Reap What it Sows Through Drone Attacks
More will die in bathtubs this year, we just need to ignore them and they'll go away.

Historians for the next 3,000 years will be shaking their heads at his delusional stupidity.
What will historians have to say about this?

"List of children killed by drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen"

List of children killed by drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen

All of a sudden the right give a damn about the children in Pakistan and Yemen, while calling for the killing of many "potential terrorists" in Pakistan and Yemen.
With nukes...
Be careful what you wish for?

"In 2009, President Obama stood before an adoring crowd in the centre of Prague, in the heart of Europe. He pledged himself to make 'the world free from nuclear weapons'. People cheered and some cried. A torrent of platitudes flowed from the media. Obama was subsequently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

"It was all fake.

"He was lying..."

"A mini nuclear bomb is planned. It is known as the B61 Model 12. There has never been anything like it. General James Cartwright, a former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has said, 'Going smaller [makes using this nuclear] weapon more thinkable.'”
A World War has Begun: Break the Silence
Do you think it can't happen here?
Let me guess,

after the biggest and most horrific killing of Americans on 9/11 you had no problem at all with President bush, telling us to "just go Shopping", that shopping was our answer to defeating the terrorists....
More will die in bathtubs this year, we just need to ignore them and they'll go away.

Historians for the next 3,000 years will be shaking their heads at his delusional stupidity.
More will die in bathtubs this year, we just need to ignore them and they'll go away.

Historians for the next 3,000 years will be shaking their heads at his delusional stupidity.

And exactly what is it you nuts expect Obama to do? You morons thanks to GW have got to get with reality. The world has become for a very long time a dangerous place to live on and it is imperative that those wishing to venture overseas to European countries understand the risk. Obama can not be expected to eulogize every damn tragedy that effects americans. We had a 5 year old shot in the back where I live....I would love for the president to speak out on his passing.....are you getting my point? Yes historians will comment on this era....but it will be at the disbelief that we waged war on a nation that never attacked us and that we are proprietors of all the aftermath that has ensued since 9/11 and the fact that as a nation of NRA fools, we continue to support every man woman and child in this country should own guns....now either get with reality or please shit and get off the pot, I'm sick of you Obama can't do a damn thing right haters, we've had 8 years of you idiots, like enough already!!
Take your Iraq whining up with Hillary. She voted to go in there. Islimic terror has been going for a lot longer than you realize. Obama's withdraw from Iraq to appease morons like you led to this resurgence in terror.
More will die in bathtubs this year, we just need to ignore them and they'll go away.

Historians for the next 3,000 years will be shaking their heads at his delusional stupidity.
More will die in bathtubs this year, we just need to ignore them and they'll go away.

Historians for the next 3,000 years will be shaking their heads at his delusional stupidity.

And exactly what is it you nuts expect Obama to do? You morons thanks to GW have got to get with reality. The world has become for a very long time a dangerous place to live on and it is imperative that those wishing to venture overseas to European countries understand the risk. Obama can not be expected to eulogize every damn tragedy that effects americans. We had a 5 year old shot in the back where I live....I would love for the president to speak out on his passing.....are you getting my point? Yes historians will comment on this era....but it will be at the disbelief that we waged war on a nation that never attacked us and that we are proprietors of all the aftermath that has ensued since 9/11 and the fact that as a nation of NRA fools, we continue to support every man woman and child in this country should own guns....now either get with reality or please shit and get off the pot, I'm sick of you Obama can't do a damn thing right haters, we've had 8 years of you idiots, like enough already!!
Take your Iraq whining up with Hillary. She voted to go in there. Islimic terror has been going for a lot longer than you realize. Obama's withdraw from Iraq to appease morons like you led to this resurgence in terror.
Why don't you actually READ the damned Iraq Resolution? You might appear a bit smarter....

No one voted FOR THE WAR.... none, zero, zip, nada, niente, zip....

they gave up their own constitutional duty and voted to give President bush the decision making power to use force or NOT use force, IF HE MET certain criteria before hand. President Bush was the sole, "decision Maker"....he also DID NOT FOLLOW the resolution and DID NOT do what congress asked of him, BEFORE he solely made the decision....
More will die in bathtubs this year, we just need to ignore them and they'll go away.

Historians for the next 3,000 years will be shaking their heads at his delusional stupidity.
More will die in bathtubs this year, we just need to ignore them and they'll go away.

Historians for the next 3,000 years will be shaking their heads at his delusional stupidity.

And exactly what is it you nuts expect Obama to do? You morons thanks to GW have got to get with reality. The world has become for a very long time a dangerous place to live on and it is imperative that those wishing to venture overseas to European countries understand the risk. Obama can not be expected to eulogize every damn tragedy that effects americans. We had a 5 year old shot in the back where I live....I would love for the president to speak out on his passing.....are you getting my point? Yes historians will comment on this era....but it will be at the disbelief that we waged war on a nation that never attacked us and that we are proprietors of all the aftermath that has ensued since 9/11 and the fact that as a nation of NRA fools, we continue to support every man woman and child in this country should own guns....now either get with reality or please shit and get off the pot, I'm sick of you Obama can't do a damn thing right haters, we've had 8 years of you idiots, like enough already!!
Take your Iraq whining up with Hillary. She voted to go in there. Islimic terror has been going for a lot longer than you realize. Obama's withdraw from Iraq to appease morons like you led to this resurgence in terror.
Why don't you actually READ the damned Iraq Resolution? You might appear a bit smarter....

No one voted FOR THE WAR.... none, zero, zip, nada, niente, zip....

they gave up their own constitutional duty and voted to give President bush the decision making power to use force or NOT use force, IF HE MET certain criteria before hand. President Bush was the sole, "decision Maker"....he also DID NOT FOLLOW the resolution and DID NOT do what congress asked of him, BEFORE he solely made the decision....
What a cop out! Appropriate for Easter. You tell 'em all about it, Pontious Pilate.
Hussein Obama is a Muslim and supports Muslim agenda. The more Americans get killed by Muslims the better can laugh Hussein.
More will die in bathtubs this year, we just need to ignore them and they'll go away.

Historians for the next 3,000 years will be shaking their heads at his delusional stupidity.

And when did Obama say 'no big deal'?

Do you realize how many of your argument are based on you making up imaginary quotes?
Hussein Obama is a Muslim and supports Muslim agenda. The more Americans get killed by Muslims the better can laugh Hussein.
You posted in the wrong forum; this is not the one called "Idiot Club", although this thread's OP belongs there.
Hussein Obama is a Muslim and supports Muslim agenda. The more Americans get killed by Muslims the better can laugh Hussein.

Obama is a Muslim....according to who? There's you citing yourself. And who?
More will die in bathtubs this year, we just need to ignore them and they'll go away.

Historians for the next 3,000 years will be shaking their heads at his delusional stupidity.

And when did Obama say 'no big deal'?

Do you realize how many of your argument are based on you making up imaginary quotes?
Yeah, talking about bathtubs are more dangerous simply lets us know what his priorities are.
More will die in bathtubs this year, we just need to ignore them and they'll go away.

Historians for the next 3,000 years will be shaking their heads at his delusional stupidity.

And when did Obama say 'no big deal'?

Do you realize how many of your argument are based on you making up imaginary quotes?
Yeah, talking about bathtubs are more dangerous simply lets us know what his priorities are.

Yeah, that's not Obama saying ISiS is 'no big deal'. That's you making shit up again, pretending you are Obama.

Really, is there anything else to you?
More will die in bathtubs this year, we just need to ignore them and they'll go away.

Historians for the next 3,000 years will be shaking their heads at his delusional stupidity.

And when did Obama say 'no big deal'?

Do you realize how many of your argument are based on you making up imaginary quotes?
Yeah, talking about bathtubs are more dangerous simply lets us know what his priorities are.

Yeah, that's not Obama saying ISiS is 'no big deal'. That's you making shit up again, pretending you are Obama.

Really, is there anything else to you?
You're right. Obama letting ISIS have electricity, phone and Internet service, functioning bridges, ports and oil fields is what means they are no big deal to Hussain.
More will die in bathtubs this year, we just need to ignore them and they'll go away.

Historians for the next 3,000 years will be shaking their heads at his delusional stupidity.

And when did Obama say 'no big deal'?

Do you realize how many of your argument are based on you making up imaginary quotes?
Yeah, talking about bathtubs are more dangerous simply lets us know what his priorities are.

Yeah, that's not Obama saying ISiS is 'no big deal'. That's you making shit up again, pretending you are Obama.

Really, is there anything else to you?
You're right. Obama letting ISIS have electricity, phone and Internet service, functioning bridges, ports and oil fields is what means they are no big deal to Hussain.

Again, your entire thread is based on an imaginary quote. Virtually every time you 'quote' Obama, you're actually quoting yourself pretending to be the president.
More will die in bathtubs this year, we just need to ignore them and they'll go away.

Historians for the next 3,000 years will be shaking their heads at his delusional stupidity.

So, Americans die abroad, and it's Obama's job to then go do what?
Go after those behind their murders.
Why is that simple self evident concept so difficult for you to grasp?

I'm sorry, but if Americans are in a foreign country, they're under the powers that be in those countries. It's the Belgians' job to do this.

Would you have the Russian govt turning up with tanks searching for the murderers of Russian citizens in the US? No you would not.

Just as it's Americas job to stop terrorism on it's soil.....yet Barry invites them with open arms.

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