4 Inconvenient Facts The Right Ignores

Is this supposed to be a challenge to rdean's position as Partisan Poster Boi?

if you have proof that any of the statements made in the article are false, feel free to post reliable sources.

otherwise, your opinion is duly noted.
Jillian posting more crap. Where are the links for these?

1)the religious right was for segregation? WTF???? Where do you people come up with this shit?
2)Again a link? There was the 1934 law banning automatic weapons....but that's it...

3)so was Al Gore Sr a conservative, Woodrow Wilson? ? The republican party defended civil rights until this day, but lets use your liberal souther strategy in the late 60s. Before that time, name the last democrat more conservative than the republican?

The OP is full of links, dingbat. And yes, on civil rights duh.:eusa_whistle:


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Is this supposed to be a challenge to rdean's position as Partisan Poster Boi?

if you have proof that any of the statements made in the article are false, feel free to post reliable sources.

otherwise, your opinion is duly noted.

The statements made in the article are opinions.

True opinions.


Great Catch.
bullshit article with bogus quotes. And you right wingers are full of shit.

here is what conservatives thought about civil rights in 1957...

William f. Buckley national review editorial in 1957:

"the central question that emerges — and it is not a parliamentary question or a question that is answered by merely consulting a catalog of the rights of american citizens, born equal — is whether the white community in the south is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas in which it does not predominate numerically? The sobering answer is yes — the white community is so entitled because, for the time being, it is the advanced race."

for most of the past 70 years or so conservatives have opposed the demands for equal respect and equal rights by blacks, women, and gay people. Then, once any particular battle is over, and the conservative position has been decisively defeated, conservatives accept the new status quo and deny that they were ever on the other side.

conservatives like buckley and goldwater opposed civil right on the principle that it was unnecessary; the only thing preventing blacks from advancing was the racist, sadistic, vile, descendants of slave owners in the democrat party.

....who are now all part of the gop

Lie and you know it is...
The burden is on the person making the claim, douchebag.
You're right, fuckhead, the person making the claim has the burden of proof on their shoulders.
uber-douche, jillo says that the Salon article is true but cites no evidence to back up that statement.
Listen to what you're saying, "Jillian said", which means it was "her" claim and Salon was "her" evidence. Once she provided the link to Salon, she satisfied her burden of proof, which now shifts to the "objector" of that proof.
Salon posts SHIT with no evidence to back it up.
You "say" shit with no evidence to back that up.

In a Court of Law, it would go something like, "Objection, your Honor. Making claims not in evidence."
Judge, "Sustained."
You don't go to court much, do you? Judges don't take to kindly to someone trying to tell them what is (and what is not) "in evidence", in their court. That's for them to decide, not you.
You make the claim, you have to back it up. You don't back it up, then calling you a lying, scum-sucking, knob-slurping cultist has exactly as much weight behind it as your false claim.
I agree. But the fact of the matter is, she made the claim and she did back it up.
More, in fact. Because that is exactly hat dimocrap scum are.... Lying, scum-sucking, knob slurping cultists.
I'm sure there's some truth to that, but "that's" for another thread.
Every bit of that Salon piece of shit was a complete and total lie except for #4. Which was only a partial lie.
Prove it!
The Salon article is also full of links. Only the the RW is based on lies and bs, chumps of the greedy idiot rich...
Every single point of the garbage OP has been successfully countered, with evidence. Which is more than it deserved.

Even jilly knows it. all that's left here are loons jabbering.
Jillian posting more crap. Where are the links for these?

1)the religious right was for segregation? WTF???? Where do you people come up with this shit?
2)Again a link? There was the 1934 law banning automatic weapons....but that's it...

3)so was Al Gore Sr a conservative, Woodrow Wilson? ? The republican party defended civil rights until this day, but lets use your liberal souther strategy in the late 60s. Before that time, name the last democrat more conservative than the republican?

i'm sorry, your disagreement and dementia does not diminish the value of my link and the article i posted.

unlike the obama deranged wackadoodles, it is not based on speculation or disingenuous "questions"....
You're right - one was an outright lie.
Only 6% of scientists are Republican.


Science involves facts.

I love this dickhead argument.

6% of scientists are Republican because they don't live in the real world. They work in white coats and sit around with whine corks stuffed up their asses.

Engineers, on the other hand, are in the real world and are vastly more conservative than scientists.

Why ?

Science involves hypothoses (like global warming) that have to be proved.

Engineering exists to build the real world.
Jillian posting more crap. Where are the links for these?

1)the religious right was for segregation? WTF???? Where do you people come up with this shit?
2)Again a link? There was the 1934 law banning automatic weapons....but that's it...

3)so was Al Gore Sr a conservative, Woodrow Wilson? ? The republican party defended civil rights until this day, but lets use your liberal souther strategy in the late 60s. Before that time, name the last democrat more conservative than the republican?

i'm sorry, your disagreement and dementia does not diminish the value of my link and the article i posted.

unlike the obama deranged wackadoodles, it is not based on speculation or disingenuous "questions"....

i understand that might confuse you.

no surprises.

Take the first point of the article. The history is not in dispute. The conclusion certainly is. So what is it Schillian ?

Rape seems to track ice cream sales. You gonna correlate that ? Or pay attention to the fact that go up and down as the weather is warmer, people are out more, and tend to leave their windows open.

Or does the treatment of "facts" escape your sorry ass ?

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