4-Star Admiral Slams Obama: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrated All Of Our National Security Agencies

For those who don't want to listen to nine minutes of piss guzzling, the long-retired old geezer they dusted off did not provide a shred of evidence that "every one of our intelligence agencies" have been penetrated by the Muslim Brotherhood.

It is a nine minute screed of regurgitated manufactured bullshit, including an allusion to the completely bogus assertion that John Brennan is a "Muslim convert".

Holy fuck, this guy is out of touch.

The video is a textbook case of the Argument from Authority Fallacy and should be shown in every Critical Thinking 101 class.
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Adm. Lyons mispronounces the Turkish president's name and takes a comment Erdogan made completely out of context ("Islam is Islam"), in exactly the same way USMB poster Vigilante did on this forum the other day, which strongly suggests they are both drinking from the same bucket of piss.

Lyons must have seen the same captioned photo for dummies Vigilante did, and that is why he mispronounced Erdogan's name. He doesn't even know how to pronounce a world leader's name. He's clearly regurgitating manufactured bullshit that has been fed to him.
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For those who don't want to listen to nine minutes of piss guzzling, the long-retired old geezer they dusted off did not provide a shred of evidence that "every one of our intelligence agencies" have been penetrated by the Muslim Brotherhood.

It is a nine minute screed of regurgitated manufactured bullshit, including an allusion to the completely bogus assertion that John Brennan is a "Muslim convert".

Holy fuck, this guy is out of touch.

The video is a textbook case of the Argument from Authority Fallacy and should be shown in every Critical Thinking 101 class.
^ This
Adm. Lyons mispronounces the Turkish president's name and takes a comment Erdogan made completely out of context ("Islam is Islam"), in exactly the same way USMB poster Vigilante did on this forum the other day, which strongly suggests they are both drinking from the same bucket of piss.

Lyons must have seen the same captioned photo for dummies Vigilante did, and that is why he mispronounced Erdogan's name. He doesn't even know how to pronounce a world leader's name. He's clearly regurgitating manufactured bullshit that has been fed to him.
Wait, you deny that Obama has given access to Muslim Brotherhood? Really? Are you this stupid about other things?
Adm. Lyons mispronounces the Turkish president's name and takes a comment Erdogan made completely out of context ("Islam is Islam"), in exactly the same way USMB poster Vigilante did on this forum the other day, which strongly suggests they are both drinking from the same bucket of piss.

Lyons must have seen the same captioned photo for dummies Vigilante did, and that is why he mispronounced Erdogan's name. He doesn't even know how to pronounce a world leader's name. He's clearly regurgitating manufactured bullshit that has been fed to him.
Wait, you deny that Obama has given access to Muslim Brotherhood? Really? Are you this stupid about other things?
And did you know he was born in Kenya?

Adm. Lyons mispronounces the Turkish president's name and takes a comment Erdogan made completely out of context ("Islam is Islam"), in exactly the same way USMB poster Vigilante did on this forum the other day, which strongly suggests they are both drinking from the same bucket of piss.

Lyons must have seen the same captioned photo for dummies Vigilante did, and that is why he mispronounced Erdogan's name. He doesn't even know how to pronounce a world leader's name. He's clearly regurgitating manufactured bullshit that has been fed to him.
Wait, you deny that Obama has given access to Muslim Brotherhood? Really? Are you this stupid about other things?
I see you don't know the difference between "infiltrating every one of our intelligence agencies" and meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Perhaps you should have someone explain that to you.
The admiral and the generals should install a president pro tem until the next election. It might be the only thing that saves us from strategic patience.
PM Erdogan The Term Moderate Islam Is Ugly And Offensive There Is No Moderate Islam Islam Is Islam

Reacting to the term, "Islamic terrorism," Erdoğan stated,

"Such a definition saddens not only the Muslims, but also those who believe in other religions. No religion permits terrorism. Therefore, it is very ugly to put the word Islam before terrorism. You may say religious terrorist but you can't say Islamic terrorist."

Reacting to the term, "moderate Islam," Erdoğan stated,

"Turkey is not a country where moderate Islam prevails. This expression is wrong. The word Islam is uninflected, it is only Islam. If you say moderate Islam, then an alternative is created, and that isimmoderate Islam. As a Muslim, I can't accept such a concept. Islam rejects extreme concepts. I am not an extreme Muslim. We are Muslims who have found a middle road."

More from Erdoğan:

"Moderate Islam is a term open for discussion. I would like to correct this. There is no need to place a new term before or after Islam. Islam means peace. Therefore, Islam refuses all radicalism. Islam is against all forms of fanaticism. According to Islamic teachings, the murder of one equals the murder of all globally. We do not need the term moderate Islam to explain the true spirit of Islam,' told Erdogan. … Terms like Islamic terror and Islam's terror are wrong. Such an attitude towards other religions is also wrong and unacceptable. No religion can tolerate terror. Just as we can not talk aboutChristian terrorism or Jewish terrorism, we can not talk about Islamic terror. Some terrorists may come up from certain Muslim, Christian or Jewish groups. Yet, we can not hold a whole religion responsible for the acts of a few individuals. This hurts honest and devoted people and is wrong. This is what the terrorists are striving for."
So now you can see just how far off base Adm. Lyons was with his comments. He saw a captioned-for-dummies photo and jumped to the exact same wrong conclusion as the other rubes we have around here.
He sounds perfectly correct to me.... it's all interpretation, just like the Constitution has turned out to be!
He sounds perfectly correct to me....

Of course he does. You both drink from the same piss bucket. You have the same desire to believe the same horseshit. The same confirmation biases.

That's why you both fell for the captioned-for-dummies photo.
He sounds perfectly correct to me....

Of course he does. You both drink from the same piss bucket. You have the same desire to believe the same horseshit. The same confirmation biases.

That's why you both fell for the captioned-for-dummies photo.

And you don't seem to see it our way.... now who would have thought a cowardly, piss ant, subversive would disagree with a military hero.... Certainly I'd have to think twice about it...times up, I did!


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