4 White Women Stabbed by Black Male At Louisiana Tech University

Because these are the folks who vote other racist folks into office, that's why you should care. Tell me how in the world as a black man can you support the Republican party.
Racist folks like our current president are those the racist people you’re referring to? I vote Republican because they don’t try and pander to me for my vote then do nothing to help me out. Republicans don’t consider me unable to follow the same rules as everyone else. I can’t understand why anyone regardless of skin color would support the Democratic Party who continually does their best to hold people back. I vote Republican because I believe in lifting people up to achieve equality not lowering the standards the way Democrats do.
It's amazing how none of you said the same thing when a white man murdered black folks in a grocery store in Buffalo.
Are you claiming that white people condoned the white man who murdered black folks? All murderers are disgusting thugs.
Racist folks like our current president are those the racist people you’re referring to?
Racist folks like Trump, that is who I am referring to.
I vote Republican because they don’t try and pander to me for my vote then do nothing to help me out.
Yea, as a black man they don't give a damn whether you vote for them or not because you don't matter one way or the other.
Republicans don’t consider me unable to follow the same rules as everyone else.
You're right they expect you to be a good boy and stay in your place.
I can’t understand why anyone regardless of skin color would support the Democratic Party who continually does their best to hold people back. I vote Republican because I believe in lifting people up to achieve equality not lowering the standards the way Democrats do.
No, you don't believe that. If you did you wouldn't be voting republican.

Why is it black candidates never make it out of the primaries with republicans.
Racist folks like Trump, that is who I am referring to.

Yea, as a black man they don't give a damn whether you vote for them or not because you don't matter one way or the other.

You're right they expect you to be a good boy and stay in your place.

No, you don't believe that. If you did you wouldn't be voting republican.

Why is it black candidates never make it out of the primaries with republicans.

Give us two provable occasions where Trump was racist.
Racist folks like Trump, that is who I am referring to.
Why do you excuse the racism for people like Biden and support them
Yea, as a black man they don't give a damn whether you vote for them or not because you don't matter one way or the other.
That’s the reason I don’t vote Democratic Party they don’t care about me
You're right they expect you to be a good boy and stay in your place.
You mean like saying if you don’t support us you’re not black?
No, you don't believe that. If you did you wouldn't be voting republican.
I do believe that it’s why I don’t support democrats
Why is it black candidates never make it out of the primaries with republicans.
Democrats got one guy out of the primary because people like you were more concerned about skin tone than the message. Then they went right back to fully supporting a racist old white man. You are a useful idiot to them nothing more.
Why do you excuse the racism for people like Biden and support them.
You support the republican party and then ask why folks excuse racism.
That’s the reason I don’t vote Democratic Party they don’t care about me.
You think republicans care about you.
You mean like saying if you don’t support us you’re not black?
Explain to me how they run out of ballots in predominately black neighborhoods in Mississippi.
I do believe that it’s why I don’t support democrats

Democrats got one guy out of the primary because people like you were more concerned about skin tone than the message. You are a useful idiot to them nothing more.
Hmmm, why does all the first when it comes to black folks always come from the Democrat party.

From Supreme Court Justices, Governors, Vice President, President, etc.

Since it's not about color why is it none of the black republican candidates messages ever resonate with republican voters. Larry Elder and Tim Scott are good little boot lickers and yet both are out. Herman Cain was the front runner for a hot minute and they pretty much white balled his ass right on out the race. Tim Scott was being attacked for not having a woman and low and behold he shows up with a white woman.
White folks condone a lot of things when the victim is black.
Bullshit. You rarely see whites condoning criminal activity whether the criminal is black or white. You do see a lot of black people making excuses for black criminals and quite often blaming a white person for the behavior of a black criminal. On these forums white cops are blamed for bad black cop behavior. I say if you are guilty you should be punished, I don’t give a shit what race you are.
You support the republican party and then ask why folks excuse racism.

You think republicans care about you.

Explain to me how they run out of ballots in predominately black neighborhoods in Mississippi.

Hmmm, why does all the first when it comes to black folks always come from the Democrat party.

From Supreme Court Justices, Governors, Vice President, President, etc.

Since it's not about color why is it none of the black republican candidates messages ever resonate with republican voters. Larry Elder and Tim Scott are good little boot lickers and yet both are out. Herman Cain was the front runner for a hot minute and they pretty much white balled his ass right on out the race. Tim Scott was being attacked for not having a woman and lo and behold he shows up with a white woman.
Are you not going to assert why you support a racist candidate? Why are you totally ignoring when black Democrats kept asking if Obama was black enough or how the left leaning media coined the term Magic Negro to refer to him. If you think Democrats care about you you are worse off than I thought, you can go blow the smoke to someone else who buys into that stupidity. You should think for yourself for a change and break free from your oppressors
I keep telling everyone that you’re a pussy.

Now you prove it yet again. Run coward. Run.
Blah, blah, blah, yea fuck boy, it takes a real man to hurl insults at someone on an anonymous internet forum. You are a real tough guy, go do what your bitch ass does best and get on your knees.
Bullshit. You rarely see whites condoning criminal activity whether the criminal is black or white. You do see a lot of black people making excuses for black criminals and quite often blaming a white person for the behavior of a black criminal. On these forums white cops are blamed for bad black cop behavior. I say if you are guilty you should be punished, I don’t give a shit what race you are.
That's more bullshit, hell you can see it right here on this forum. Just go and look at any of the thousands of anti-black threads that Horseshitting starts. Yea you have plenty of black cops who will show out for the white cops to be accepted and they still treat them like shit.
Are you not going to assert why you support a racist candidate?
When are you going to assert why you support one, actually you support a whole lot of them. See if you would spend some time around other black folks and take a break from the coonin, you would find that most black folks don't support Biden we just wanted Trump's orange ass gone.
Why are you totally ignoring when black Democrats kept asking if Obama was black enough or how the left leaning media coined the term Magic Negro to refer to him.
See this is how lies are started, that dead ass Rush Flimbaugh is the one who started calling Pres. Obama that Magic Negro bullshit. See you will turn a blind eye to that because you loved Massa Rush.
If you think Democrats care about you you are worse off than I thought, you can go blow the smoke to someone else who buys into that stupidity. You should think for yourself for a change and break free from your oppressors.
Worse off than I thought? Pew Research has proven that black folks do better financially, in education, in business, etc. when a Democrat is in the WH. Republicans vote and fight against anything that will help black folks achieve equality. When you say make America Great Again what time period are we talking? Why is that black republican candidates never get out of the starting block? Why is it that when they getting in the voting booth they won't vote for you?
See this is how lies are started, that dead ass Rush Flimbaugh is the one who started calling Pres. Obama that Magic Negro bullshit. See you will turn a blind eye to that because you loved Massa Rush
Rush is my BROTHER. It is against the rules to attack a posters family
When are you going to assert why you support one, actually you support a whole lot of them. See if you would spend some time around other black folks and take a break from the coonin, you would find that most black folks don't support Biden we just wanted Trump's orange ass gone.

See this is how lies are started, that dead ass Rush Flimbaugh is the one who started calling Pres. Obama that Magic Negro bullshit. See you will turn a blind eye to that because you loved Massa Rush.

Worse off than I thought? Pew Research has proven that black folks do better financially, in education, in business, etc. when a Democrat is in the WH. Republicans vote and fight against anything that will help black folks achieve equality. When you say make America Great Again what time period are we talking? Why is that black republican candidates never get out of the starting block? Why is it that when they getting in the voting booth they won't vote for you?

Read this so you can actually be informed you troglodyte

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