4 White Women Stabbed by Black Male At Louisiana Tech University

Blah, blah, blah, yea fuck boy, it takes a real man to hurl insults at someone on an anonymous internet forum. You are a real tough guy, go do what your bitch ass does best and get on your knees.
:itsok: Your failure to grasp your own hilariously retarded irony is once again noted.

Run, Mo. Run!
That's more bullshit, hell you can see it right here on this forum. Just go and look at any of the thousands of anti-black threads that Horseshitting starts. Yea you have plenty of black cops who will show out for the white cops to be accepted and they still treat them like shit.
You say more bullshit then admitted to making excuses for rogue black cops.
That's more bullshit, hell you can see it right here on this forum. Just go and look at any of the thousands of anti-black threads that Horseshitting starts. Yea you have plenty of black cops who will show out for the white cops to be accepted and they still treat them like shit.
Anti Black?
could you show me one
When are you going to assert why you support one, actually you support a whole lot of them. See if you would spend some time around other black folks and take a break from the coonin, you would find that most black folks don't support Biden we just wanted Trump's orange ass gone.
So you support the person who has a long history of being a racist, you sold out as always.
See this is how lies are started, that dead ass Rush Flimbaugh is the one who started calling Pres. Obama that Magic Negro bullshit. See you will turn a blind eye to that because you loved Massa Rush.
Yeah why are you tr to start a lie. The term Magic Negro was coined in a LA Times article authored by a black man. This is why understanding history is so important, when you don’t we get the ignorance you embrace
Worse off than I thought? Pew Research has proven that black folks do better financially, in education, in business, etc. when a Democrat is in the WH. Republicans vote and fight against anything that will help black folks achieve equality. When you say make America Great Again what time period are we talking? Why is that black republican candidates never get out of the starting block? Why is it that when they getting in the voting booth they won't vote for you?
They don’t vote for me because I am not running. You want to reward the people who hold you back because you are so used to being the house slave it’s ingrained deep in you psyche. If you want to support those who see you as subhuman fine it’s your world to take away from your kid. I myself look toward the future and what we can accomplish while you are to busy happily accepting the past and the scraps thrown to you. You can’t fix stupid and You are broke beyond all hope.
Everyday UNPROVOKED Violent Black Crime off the Charts.

A flight attendant in Chicago is unresponsive and may die after a vagrant with 21 convictions in Ohio and 16 arrests in Illinois speared the young woman in the head with a log for no reason.

A 23-year-old unidentified flight attendant was shopping on Chicago’s Mag Mile during a layover when Bruce Diamond, 52, a career criminal with a long rap sheet, threw a log at her head in a random attack.

According to reports, the young woman was attacked after she walked out of a Burberry store on Michigan Avenue. The suspect threw the log at her head in a ‘javelin-like manner’ and walked away as the victim lay on the ground in grave condition.

“Court records show Diamond has been AWOL for more than two years from a misdemeanor battery case filed against him on September 26, 2022. He was accused of battering someone inside a store in the 200 block of North Dearborn during that incident, but no other details about the allegations were included in the court file.” CWB reported.

Take a look at the killer below. mercy. They walk the streets after even double digit arrests and commit again and again.
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{quote]So you support the person who has a long history of being a racist, you sold out as always.
No Trump Humper, I don't support Trump.
Yeah why are you tr to start a lie. The term Magic Negro was coined in a LA Times article authored by a black man. This is why understanding history is so important, when you don’t we get the ignorance you embrace.
So it's cool that Rush came up with a parody calling Pres. Obama the Magic Negro because you claim some black man started it. Smfh.
They don’t vote for me because I am not running.
They didn't vote for Tim Scott, Uncle Ben Carson, Herman Cain, etc. either and they were running.
You want to reward the people who hold you back because you are so used to being the house slave it’s ingrained deep in you psyche. If you want to support those who see you as subhuman fine it’s your world to take away from your kid. I myself look toward the future and what we can accomplish while you are to busy happily accepting the past and the scraps thrown to you. You can’t fix stupid and You are broke beyond all hope.
Well I guess you can keep on Boot Licking for the republican party and use that weak ass excuse about they don't see skin color if you like. I guess you think coonin makes you a great American, come on brutha pull your damn head out your ass.
Racist folks like Trump, that is who I am referring to.

Yea, as a black man they don't give a damn whether you vote for them or not because you don't matter one way or the other.

You're right they expect you to be a good boy and stay in your place.

No, you don't believe that. If you did you wouldn't be voting republican.

Why is it black candidates never make it out of the primaries with republicans.
There is no helping someone like you that too afraid to step off their owners porch. Stay stupid my friend you are doing a good job of it. You’re living the stereotype well.
There is no helping someone like you that too afraid to step off their owners porch. Stay stupid my friend you are doing a good job of it. You’re living the stereotype well.
LOL, you think cooning and boot licking is stepping off the porch. You are sadly mistaken, you are not respected for being a lapdog flunky.
LOL, you think cooning and boot licking is stepping off the porch. You are sadly mistaken, you are not respected for being a lapdog flunky.
You don’t even respect yourself so there is that. Go back to serving your massa it’s all you’re good at. Just sitting on the porch flinging shit like a monkey at anyone who dares walk off the plantation you think is yours. You could be better but you enjoy the chain’s holding you back too much. It’s sad people like you can’t evolve, you don’t have to be a victim of your own ignorance anymore.
You don’t even respect yourself so there is that. Go back to serving your massa it’s all you’re good at. Just sitting on the porch flinging shit like a monkey at anyone who dares walk off the plantation you think is yours. You could be better but you enjoy the chain’s holding you back too much. It’s sad people like you can’t evolve, you don’t have to be a victim of your own ignorance anymore.
Sorry boot licker, the only fools on the plantation are you ass kissing, black republicans. You bow down to a party that really wants no part of your black ass other than to use you as a token. They will never vote you into any office that really matters and if you do happen to get a little position somewhere all you are going to do is what they tell you to do. I am with the other 96% of black folks in this country who don't coon and ass kiss for republicans. We have pretty much learned that neither party is ours, not the Jackass or the Elephant.
Sorry boot licker, the only fools on the plantation are you ass kissing, black republicans. You bow down to a party that really wants no part of your black ass other than to use you as a token. They will never vote you into any office that really matters and if you do happen to get a little position somewhere all you are going to do is what they tell you to do. I am with the other 96% of black folks in this country who don't coon and ass kiss for republicans. We have pretty much learned that neither party is ours, not the Jackass or the Elephant.
You are blissfully ignorant to the point you’re a lost soul. Stay stupid and enjoy the scrapes you are thrown to keep you in line.
You are blissfully ignorant to the point you’re a lost soul. Stay stupid and enjoy the scrapes you are thrown to keep you in line.
You stay ignorant and keep boot licking and see where it gets you. Just ask Tim Scott what he got out of it, being called gay. I see you've got a new boot licker on the scene now, Byron Donalds.
You stay ignorant and keep boot licking and see where it gets you. Just ask Tim Scott what he got out of it, being called gay. I see you've got a new boot licker on the scene now, Byron Donalds.
Squeaks the bootlicker, begging for table scraps from whitey.
Sorry Jackass, I am not a boot licking republican. See black folks who want to be accepted by white folks, they will kiss their ass or do whatever they have to so that you will accept them. Sorry fool, I am not that black man.

Yeah, bootlicker, you are. You are constantly begging for handouts. You are such a pussy you want the government to get it for you.

That makes you the ultimate bootlicker.
Yeah, bootlicker, you are. You are constantly begging for handouts. You are such a pussy you want the government to get it for you.

That makes you the ultimate bootlicker.
So tell me fuck boy what handouts am I begging for?

That black folks be treated the same way white folks are.

That black folks have the same opportunities that white folks have.

Please tell me white boy what handouts I am begging for.

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