40,000 verizon workers on strike !

i wonder how the pols will handle this . It's got all the issues in the making . Keeping good paying jobs in the us , corporate greed, working class americAns .

How will the GOP handle this ? They want working class americAns , but they are also slaves to their big biz masters !

40,000 Verizon Workers Launch One of the Biggest Strikes of the Decade
what does this have to do with politics?

verizon people are over paid for what they do, by a lot. Unless you are one of their installers

What does corporate greed , good paying jobs for Americans, have tondo with politics ? Have u watched any of the debates ?

Corporate greed? What about union greed?
I watched this special on detroit.

the union had a meet, he told them everyone had to take a $3/hr cut in pay or the company was leaving the area and they'd be out of jobs.
they voted and passed, to not take the pay cuts.
company left

they chose unemployment, in DETROIT over keeping their jobs until they could find another
Fire them all and replace them with illegals
I think Thats the GOP talking point. LOL!

Yes another far left drone talking point that is based in religious dogma..

Yes the GOP wants to build a wall and keep the illegals out..

So it is the DNC that wants that to happen..

You know the far left that you support without question or hesitation..
They don't want to see their benefits cut or their jobs outsourced. Of course anti-american assholes will cheer for their demise.
Well Hollywood usually chimes in on every topic, but when it comes to illegals in this country, they seem to remain silent and just use the "racist" card against anyone wanting to build a wall or secure the border..

Even those 1$'ers do not want to give up their cheap labor..
Progressives are throwing the border open for illegals and ISIS, so maybe we can employ 40,000 of these newly minted Americans, why is that a bad thing?
what the hell? what are Republicans suppose to do about it? it's the freaking UNIONS/Democrat party trying to destroy another business. maybe people will wake up some day
and guess who will be the first to bitch if Verizon was to LEAVE this country. ?
Verizon sounds like its a bad company to work for. Very bad. If I were those workers I would secure employment from a better place.
Verizon sounds like its a bad company to work for. Very bad. If I were those workers I would secure employment from a better place.
You'd think that would be the obvious approach.

But no, they believe Verizon exists to make their lives better.

A corporation exists for one (1) reason: To maximize shareholder value. But that one is a little above their heads.
Verizon sounds like its a bad company to work for. Very bad. If I were those workers I would secure employment from a better place.
they are free to do that. You think the unions will give a crap if all those striking loose their jobs? they did this with Hostess and they told them to stick it and 100s lost their jobs right at Christmas. these Union members(slaves) chose to follow and bow to a UNION and the unions still had their jobs afterwards.
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These aren't brainless farm jobs. Illegals ain't doing this work.

This will The initial for the Republicans. Sure they try to impress the white rubes in the sticks by telling them they are for Americans in for American jobs but in reality they want to crush unions and do whatever big business wants them to do.

That problem has already been solved; they're called 'green cards', and Paul Ryan and Co. have already started issuing 10's of thousands more of them recently.

It's high time all you uppity prole rabble and former 'middle class' types just accept that you're obligated to work cheaper than Chinese coolies, and your corporate stockholders are entitled to 500% quarterly profits and big dividends regardless of the consequences. You don't know your place. It's basic economics: unless wages are near zero and people die off in ditches when they're determined to be 'obsolete' and 'useless' by some accountants and CEO's, the country will fail. And Stuff.

You can't have lots of consumers unless 99% of you make far less than subsistence wages. Or something weird like that. Poverty and starvation will make you rich!
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These aren't brainless farm jobs. Illegals ain't doing this work.

This will The initial for the Republicans. Sure they try to impress the white rubes in the sticks by telling them they are for Americans in for American jobs but in reality they want to crush unions and do whatever big business wants them to do.

That problem has already been solved; they're called 'green cards', and Paul Ryan and Co. have already started issuing 10's of thousands more of them recently.

It's high time all you uppity prole rabble and former 'middle class' types just accept that you're obligated to work cheaper than Chinese coolies, and your corporate stockholders are entitled to 500% quarterly profits and big dividends regardless of the consequences. You don't know your place. It's basic economics: unless wages are near zero and people die off in ditches when they're determined to be 'obsolete' and 'useless' by some accountants and CEO's, the country will fail. And Stuff.

You can't have lots of consumers unless 99% of you make far less than subsistence wages. Or something weird like that. Poverty and starvation will make you rich!

and you live where?
English, people!!

What the fuck is going on in this thread? People want to talk about $15/hr and high paying jobs, but half the posts in this threads make Ebonics look like Shakespearian prose.
Progressives are throwing the border open for illegals and ISIS, so maybe we can employ 40,000 of these newly minted Americans, why is that a bad thing?
PROGRESSIVES? Who the fuck is hiring all these illegals? Not progressives, Frank.
Verizon sounds like its a bad company to work for. Very bad. If I were those workers I would secure employment from a better place.
I have a feeling they're pretty easy to work for, based on my sister-in-law who has been a serious opiate addict for several years and hasn't lost her job with them yet.

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