40-50 million illegal aliens in America

Great achievements in science and technology in ancient AfricaMost of us learn that Europeans were the first to sail to the Americas. However, several lines of evidence suggest that[ICODE] ancient Africans sailed to South America and Asia hundreds of years before Europeans. Thousands of miles of waterways across Africa were trade routes. Many ancient societies in Africa built a variety of boats, including small reed-based vessels, sailboats and grander structures with many cabins and even cooking facilities. The Mali and Songhai built boats 100 feet long and 13 feet wide that could carry up to 80 tons (2). Currents in the Atlantic Ocean flow from this part of West Africa to South America. Genetic evidence from plants and descriptions and art from societies inhabiting South America at the time suggest small numbers of West Africans sailed to the east coast of South America and remained there (2).[/B][/HEADING][/B][/HEADING][/B][/HEADING] [HEADING=2][B][HEADING=2][B]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/B][/HEADING][/B][/HEADING] [HEADING=2][B][HEADING=2][B]`Africa is called the Cradle of Humankind because [B]human life originated there[/B]. The name applies more specifically to a region in South Africa where fossil remains of several human ancestors have been found. The oldest evidence dates back[B] three million years or more.[/B][/HEADING][/B][/HEADING] [HEADING=2][B][HEADING=2][B]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/B][/HEADING][/B][/HEADING] [HEADING=2][B][HEADING=2][B]https://www.lahc.edu/studentservices/aso/bsu/knowyourhistory/10PiecesofEvidenceThatProve.pdf[/B][/HEADING][/B][/HEADING] [HEADING=2][B][HEADING=2][B]10 Pieces of Evidence That Prove Black People Sailed to the Americas Long Before Columbus[/B][/HEADING][/B][/HEADING] [HEADING=2][B][HEADING=2][B]According to renowned American historian and linguist Leo Weiner of Harvard University, one of the strongest pieces of evidence to support the fact that Black people sailed to America before Christopher Columbus was a journal entry from Columbus himself. In Weiner’s book, “Africa and the Discovery of America,” he explains that Columbus noted in his journal that the Native Americans confirmed “black skinned people had come from the south-east in boats, trading in gold-tipped spears.[/B][/HEADING][/B][/HEADING] [HEADING=2][B][HEADING=2][B]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/B][/HEADING][/B][/HEADING] [HEADING=2][B][HEADING=2][B]Not only did slaves help to build this country, they explored it as well[/B]. Some of the slaves were Esteban, James Beckwourth, and York. African Americans have participated in the [B]American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Civil Wa[/B]r. Some of the slaves made outstanding contributions to the war effort.

Lots of people sailed to what is now the Americas, back then. Leif Erikson was thought to be first in setting foot in North America. Not one of them created the United States of America though. Living on a piece of land does not amount to creating a great nation.
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Great achievements in science and technology in ancient AfricaMost of us learn that Europeans were the first to sail to the Americas. However, several lines of evidence suggest that[ICODE] ancient Africans sailed to South America and Asia hundreds of years before Europeans. Thousands of miles of waterways across Africa were trade routes. Many ancient societies in Africa built a variety of boats, including small reed-based vessels, sailboats and grander structures with many cabins and even cooking facilities. The Mali and Songhai built boats 100 feet long and 13 feet wide that could carry up to 80 tons (2). Currents in the Atlantic Ocean flow from this part of West Africa to South America. Genetic evidence from plants and descriptions and art from societies inhabiting South America at the time suggest small numbers of West Africans sailed to the east coast of South America and remained there (2).[/B][/HEADING] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `Africa is called the Cradle of Humankind because [B]human life originated there[/B]. The name applies more specifically to a region in South Africa where fossil remains of several human ancestors have been found. The oldest evidence dates back[B] three million years or more. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.lahc.edu/studentservices/aso/bsu/knowyourhistory/10PiecesofEvidenceThatProve.pdf 10 Pieces of Evidence That Prove Black People Sailed to the Americas Long Before Columbus According to renowned American historian and linguist Leo Weiner of Harvard University, one of the strongest pieces of evidence to support the fact that Black people sailed to America before Christopher Columbus was a journal entry from Columbus himself. In Weiner’s book, “Africa and the Discovery of America,” he explains that Columbus noted in his journal that the Native Americans confirmed “black skinned people had come from the south-east in boats, trading in gold-tipped spears. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not only did slaves help to build this country, they explored it as well[/B]. Some of the slaves were Esteban, James Beckwourth, and York. African Americans have participated in the [B]American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Civil Wa[/B]r. Some of the slaves made outstanding contributions to the war effort.

Spare us all black history propaganda. We all know Dey Wuz Kangs n shit.
That explains it. They don’t hang out in rich white neighborhoods, where the wealthy Democrats live.

Instead, they descend on working class neighborhoods, bring down the caliber of the public schools, and ruin property values.
Ii used to live in Beverly Hills. The shop looters have been hitting Rodeo Drive pretty hard.
Lots of people sailed to what is now the Americas, back then. Leif Erikson was thought to be first in setting foot in North America. Not one of them created the United States of America though. Living on a piece of land does not amount to creating a great nation.
Can't you figure out that was crap. Christopher Columbus never made it to America. He never met any Native Americans. In all the archeological digs, excavations and studies in the Americas no gold tipped spears was ever found.
The native American's bows were superior to the matchlocks the early settlers were armed with. In many ways they were superior to the later flintlocks under North American conditions. In forests bows had a far higher rate of fire, were more accurate than a musket and made no noise or cloud of smoke to expose the location of the archer. The only advantage the smooth bore musket had over a bow was it was far easier to train someone to use one than a bow.
As for disease, the settlers had no idea about what caused disease, they still believed it was caused by "evil humors" in the air. American diseases affected settlers just as badly as European ones affected Native Americans.
Many tribes like the Cheroke
e welcomed the Europeans and lived side by side in peace.
The forest bows were certainly not superior to the guns of the day. They had not the range or the stopping power. With a good eye, a skilled bowman was probably more accurate.

To note a primitive weapon that was superior to every firearm go south into Mexico and even further south. They used obsidian which was far superior to anything the Europeans had. Obsidian spears were more accurate and a powerful arm had equal range.

If the north American tribes had obsidian weapons there would have been an entirely different outcome.
Can't you figure out that was crap. Christopher Columbus never made it to America. He never met any Native Americans. In all the archeological digs, excavations and studies in the Americas no gold tipped spears was ever found.
Columbus discovered South America and was thought well of by the natives. Remember, his ship was from Spain with Spanish crews. He left them in charge while he sailed back to Spain. When he left Spain to go back there, Ferdinand made him take Spanish nobles with him. When he landed again in the Americas, he found that his crew (that he left there) was enslaving and taking advantage of the natives. The noblemen saw the natives as a chance to make money and, later instituted the conquistadors who ravaged South America. Columbus objected and was sent back to Spain in chains. Later King Ferdinand absolved Columbus mainly because he was a great explorer and brought riches from South America to Spain. Columbus paved the way for the Mayflower later on as word of the new land reached all of Europe.
Columbus discovered South America and was thought well of by the natives. Remember, his ship was from Spain with Spanish crews. He left them in charge while he sailed back to Spain. When he left Spain to go back there, Ferdinand made him take Spanish nobles with him. When he landed again in the Americas, he found that his crew (that he left there) was enslaving and taking advantage of the natives. The noblemen saw the natives as a chance to make money and, later instituted the conquistadors who ravaged South America. Columbus objected and was sent back to Spain in chains. Later King Ferdinand absolved Columbus mainly because he was a great explorer and brought riches from South America to Spain. Columbus paved the way for the Mayflower later on as word of the new land reached all of Europe.

Columbus was governor of Hispanola. It is said that his treatment of the natives was capricious and cruel. He was removed as governor and returned to Spain in chains. King Ferdinand later gave him a pardon.

One of these historical retellings is true.

None say that Columbus ran across Africans.

Columbus was governor of Hispanola. It is said that his treatment of the natives was capricious and cruel. He was removed as governor and returned to Spain in chains. King Ferdinand later gave him a pardon.

One of these historical retellings is true.

None say that Columbus ran across Africans.
He was removed because he objected to the Nobles' treatment of the natives. Howard Zinn, whose textbooks are taught, wrote a fake history. Joe Piscopo's preview of a documentary on Columbus "Uncanceling Columbus' is enlightening.
Joe Piscopo previews 'Uncancelling Columbus' on Fox Nation | Fox News Video

Columbus was governor of Hispanola. It is said that his treatment of the natives was capricious and cruel. He was removed as governor and returned to Spain in chains. King Ferdinand later gave him a pardon.

One of these historical retellings is true.

None say that Columbus ran across Africans.
Howard Zinn wrote that in his textbook that had a wide distribution in the schools and it was a false narrative. I didn't say Columbus ran across Africans either.
The forest bows were certainly not superior to the guns of the day. They had not the range or the stopping power. With a good eye, a skilled bowman was probably more accurate.

To note a primitive weapon that was superior to every firearm go south into Mexico and even further south. They used obsidian which was far superior to anything the Europeans had. Obsidian spears were more accurate and a powerful arm had equal range.

If the north American tribes had obsidian weapons there would have been an entirely different outcome.
Obsidian is a hard, brittle stone not much superior to the flint cavemen and Native Americans used for spear and arrowheads. The Incas and Mayans didn’t even have bows. The North American Indians had superior weapons to them.
Obsidian is a hard, brittle stone not much superior to the flint cavemen and Native Americans used for spear and arrowheads. The Incas and Mayans didn’t even have bows. The North American Indians had superior weapons to them.
Obsidian isn't stone at all. Obsidian is a naturally-occurring glass, usually black and opaque. It's harder than steel, and it fractures smoothly. By splitting it, you can create murderously sharp blades. The Aztec macuahuitl is among the deadliest weapons in history. Nothing any North American Indians had would be considered the deadliest in world history.

When the Spanish arrived it was clear that they had no weapons to match the ones the Aztecs had which is why the Spanish, through lies, gossip and subterfuge caused the tribes to war against one another.
Obsidian isn't stone at all. Obsidian is a naturally-occurring glass, usually black and opaque. It's harder than steel, and it fractures smoothly. By splitting it, you can create murderously sharp blades. The Aztec macuahuitl is among the deadliest weapons in history. Nothing any North American Indians had would be considered the deadliest in world history.

When the Spanish arrived it was clear that they had no weapons to match the ones the Aztecs had which is why the Spanish, through lies, gossip and subterfuge caused the tribes to war against one another.
It’s actually volcanic glass. It’s much weaker than steel and far more brittle than flint. Obsidian blades are made by knapping exactly like flint ones. Mayan and Aztec blades shattered on impact with the Conquistador’s steel armor that steel battle axes could easily penetrate and steel battle hammers could deform injuring the wearer. The Spaniards were like battletanks compared to the Aztec and Mayan warriors.
The Spaniards used local allies to multiply their inadequate numbers. Hernando Cortez had a total order of battle of 518 blade armed infantry, 16 horsemen and thirteen men armed with matchlock muskets when he conquered the Aztec empire. The Aztecs had north of 100,000 warriors available to fight Cortez.
It’s actually volcanic glass. It’s much weaker than steel and far more brittle than flint. Obsidian blades are made by Knapp it exactly like flint ones. Mayan and Aztec blades shattered on impact with the Conquistador’s steel armor that steel battle axes could easily penetrate and steel battle hammers could deform injuring the wearer. The Spaniards were like battletanks compared to the Aztec and Mayan warriors.
The Spaniards used local allies to multiply their inadequate numbers. Hernandez Cortez had a total order of battle of 518 blade armed infantry, 16 horsemen and thirteen men armed with matchlock muskets when he conquered the Aztec empire. The Aztecs had north of 100,000 warriors available to fight Cortez.
I have given you a direction. It is up to you to continue. Or, stay with your errors. It's not like lack of historical knowledge will have any bearing on your well being.
I have given you a direction. It is up to you to continue. Or, stay with your errors. It's not like lack of historical knowledge will have any bearing on your well being.
I’m not the one who is wrong. Obsidian is sharp but brittle. It’s common everywhere in the world, only the south and Central Americans and Hawaiians used it for weapons. They used it because none of them had the ability to work bronze, iron or steel, it was the best option they had for edged weapons.
January 2022 there were 11.35 million illegal immigrants in the country,
Putting undocumented immigrants on a pathway to citizenship would increase U.S. GDP by up to $1.7 trillion over the next decade, and raise wages. ...
January 2022 there were 11.35 million illegal immigrants in the country,
Putting undocumented immigrants on a pathway to citizenship would increase U.S. GDP by up to $1.7 trillion over the next decade, and raise wages. ...
Except that these illegal immigrants are less educated and lower-income than the average American, and they are expensive to support. When these unskilled bottom-of-the-barrel people* have kids, we will have to provide full welfare benefits to them.

* I see who they are - just like the liberal hypocrites in Martha’s Vineyard did when they kicked them out. There are close to a hundred of them hanging out in the 7-11 parking lot in a neighborhood near mine, and they are the very bottom of society. The adjacent area is full of trash, there are broken-down cars parked in the front lawns, the area elementary school has dropped to a 2, and 90% of the kids are on free lunch.

Let’s stop denying that illegal immigrants benefit our nation, and admit what the Martha Vineyard liberals were forced to reveal: they bring down the areas where they settle.
Except that these illegal immigrants are less educated and lower-income than the average American, and they are expensive to support. When these unskilled bottom-of-the-barrel people* have kids, we will have to provide full welfare benefits to them.

* I see who they are - just like the liberal hypocrites in Martha’s Vineyard did when they kicked them out. There are close to a hundred of them hanging out in the 7-11 parking lot in a neighborhood near mine, and they are the very bottom of society. The adjacent area is full of trash, there are broken-down cars parked in the front lawns, the area elementary school has dropped to a 2, and 90% of the kids are on free lunch.

Let’s stop denying that illegal immigrants benefit our nation, and admit what the Martha Vineyard liberals were forced to reveal: they bring down the areas where they settle.
Are you blind, deaf, and dumb? Nearly every dollar earned by undocumented immigrants is spent immediately, and the average wage for US citizens is $10.25/hour with an average of 34 hours per week. This means that approximately 8 million US jobs are dependent upon economic activity produced by undocumented immigrant activities within the US.[17][18][19] The U.S. government continues to stop immigration from Mexico even though it has done harm on wages in a number of industries. Immigrants have helped the U.S. tremendously and have created jobs for Americans and immigrants. Studies have shown that they contributed 2 trillion to the U.S. GDP in 2016 and have contributed 458.7 billion to federal taxes.[20][21]

Are you blind, deaf, and dumb? Nearly every dollar earned by undocumented immigrants is spent immediately, and the average wage for US citizens is $10.25/hour with an average of 34 hours per week. This means that approximately 8 million US jobs are dependent upon economic activity produced by undocumented immigrant activities within the US.[17][18][19] The U.S. government continues to stop immigration from Mexico even though it has done harm on wages in a number of industries. Immigrants have helped the U.S. tremendously and have created jobs for Americans and immigrants. Studies have shown that they contributed 2 trillion to the U.S. GDP in 2016 and have contributed 458.7 billion to federal taxes.[20][21]

Except that these illegal immigrants are less educated and lower-income than the average American, and they are expensive to support. When these unskilled bottom-of-the-barrel people* have kids, we will have to provide full welfare benefits to them.

* I see who they are - just like the liberal hypocrites in Martha’s Vineyard did when they kicked them out. There are close to a hundred of them hanging out in the 7-11 parking lot in a neighborhood near mine, and they are the very bottom of society. The adjacent area is full of trash, there are broken-down cars parked in the front lawns, the area elementary school has dropped to a 2, and 90% of the kids are on free lunch.

Let’s stop denying that illegal immigrants benefit our nation, and admit what the Martha Vineyard liberals were forced to reveal: they bring down the areas where they settle.
Your ignorant racism in showing.
The United States as a whole, as well as each state, stands to suffer widespread economic losses under a policy that removes unauthorized immigrants.
A policy of mass deportation would immediately reduce the nation’s GDP by 1.4 percent, and ultimately by 2.6 percent, and reduce cumulative GDP over 10 years by $4.7 trillion.
Mass deportation would cost the federal government nearly $900 billion in lost revenue over 10 years.

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