40-50 million illegal aliens in America

Are you blind, deaf, and dumb? Nearly every dollar earned by undocumented immigrants is spent immediately, and the average wage for US citizens is $10.25/hour with an average of 34 hours per week. This means that approximately 8 million US jobs are dependent upon economic activity produced by undocumented immigrant activities within the US.[17][18][19] The U.S. government continues to stop immigration from Mexico even though it has done harm on wages in a number of industries. Immigrants have helped the U.S. tremendously and have created jobs for Americans and immigrants. Studies have shown that they contributed 2 trillion to the U.S. GDP in 2016 and have contributed 458.7 billion to federal taxes.[20][21]

Are you a complete idiot? So what if they spend money? They COST more money than they spend, not just in terms of the actual dollars it takes to feed and educate their kids, give emergency care at hospitals, give pro-rated rent subsidies to the entire illegal family if there is a single anchor baby, but also in terms of lowering the caliber of the schools and the property values where they settle.

Look….the gig is up. You Dems can virtue signal all you want about what a blessing it is to have unskilled, uneducated people stream into our country illegally by the millions, but the truth came out when the elitists libs in MV recoiled in horror when 50 of them appeared at their doorstop and thus they had them removed within 24 hours.

Bunch if f’in hypocrites.

(And posting stats about how WONDERFUL all these illegal lowlifes are by a site called American Progress means squat.)
Your ignorant racism in showing.
The United States as a whole, as well as each state, stands to suffer widespread economic losses under a policy that removes unauthorized immigrants.
A policy of mass deportation would immediately reduce the nation’s GDP by 1.4 percent, and ultimately by 2.6 percent, and reduce cumulative GDP over 10 years by $4.7 trillion.
Mass deportation would cost the federal government nearly $900 billion in lost revenue over 10 years.
Why racism? I said nothing about race.

As soon as you nasty libs revert to the false “raaaaxist!” accusation, I know I’m dealing with someone who is beyond reason.
Some of the Native American Tribes were as much or more Christian Israelite than the Europeans. There is a letter recorded between a colonial manager and the big shots in England, who were told that the Native Americans were happy, well fed and free, and that this was a danger, because the Natives would lure the colonialists who were working for the elite, into copying the Natives and even going to live with some tribes/nations, and of course no longer working for the Rich guys.
Thus, to the rich guys trying to milk the colonies, the Native Americans were a problem/threat to profits; And the rich guys didn't care one bit about the natives, even if some of the natives were of Christian Israelite descent.
And after Cromwell brought the Jews back to England, things got much worse.
What is humorous is that Americans thought or think they own the lands stolen from Native Americans, but the King of kings knows otherwise and has raised a flag to other nations to plunder America. It ought to be obvious. European Americans used to own the land, but, then, their glorious peoples' leaders started charging them rent.
Dont pay the rent (called taxes) and the nice peoples' leaders kick you off what you thought was your land.
Today, hardly anyone really owns any land. Most everyone is a renter from those they keep voting for or against. That is One Judgement. More are arriving.
Isaiah 5 says no one can stop the nations coming into America to loot it, and take it. Have fun on your sinking boat.
The only recourse is for Americans to confess their pile of wrongs and repent, then and only then, can the King of kings, YahwehShua heal.
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January 2022 there were 11.35 million illegal immigrants in the country,
Putting undocumented immigrants on a pathway to citizenship would increase U.S. GDP by up to $1.7 trillion over the next decade, and raise wages. ...
The actual number is far higher than that. People like you have been using that number for at least four decades. tens of millions of additional illegal aliens have entered the country just in that time. Heck, there are over two million this year alone in the most conservative estimates, four or more million since Biden was elected.
The actual number is far higher than that. People like you have been using that number for at least four decades. tens of millions of additional illegal aliens have entered the country just in that time. Heck, there are over two million this year alone in the most conservative estimates, four or more million since Biden was elected.
How many have left during that same period? Where are you getting your data?
What is humorous is that Americans thought or think they own the lands stolen from Native Americans, but the King of kings knows otherwise and has raised a flag to other nations to plunder America. I....
Well? What are you waiting for? Come take it, if you can.
The actual number is far higher than that. People like you have been using that number for at least four decades. tens of millions of additional illegal aliens have entered the country just in that time. Heck, there are over two million this year alone in the most conservative estimates, four or more million since Biden was elected.
The 46.6 million immigrants (legal and illegal) in the country in January 2022 is the largest number recorded in any government survey or decennial census going back to 1850.Feb 23, 2022

Among the findings of our analysis:
We estimate that in January 2022 there were 11.35 million illegal immigrants in the country
How many? Where do you get your data?
Partly living and working around illegal aliens. They come here to get away from the problems in their home countries. Mexicans will sometimes go home for visits depending on coyotes to get them back into the US, but even that is expensive. A short visit can cost ten grand. There was a time that Central Americans and Mexicans would migrate back and forth, but between the corruption of the Mexican side of the border, and better border enforcement, costs have skyrocketed.
Not that many. Other than in economic downturns, illegal aliens don't go home unless it's for a visit.
A new study shows a third of immigrants are going back home. Jun 28, 2019 — The number of Mexican immigrants living in the U.S. illegally has declined by 2 million since 2007
Many illegal aliens have homes in Mexico and eventually go home. Many Philipinos have homes in the Philippines and eventually go home. I know some of them personally. They are here working because they make more money.
Partly living and working around illegal aliens. ....
Sorry, but I'm pretty confident that I have had a lot more contact with immigrants of all sorts. Without real, reliable data, categorical statements carry no weight.
A new study shows a third of immigrants are going back home. Jun 28, 2019 — The number of Mexican immigrants living in the U.S. illegally has declined by 2 million since 2007
Many illegal aliens have homes in Mexico and eventually go home. Many Philipinos have homes in the Philippines and eventually go home. I know some of them personally. They are here working because they make more money.
That study was done during the height of Covid when there wasn’t any work for illegals here. You don’t find many illegal Philippines, they are mostly here on work visas.
Sorry, but I'm pretty confident that I have had a lot more contact with immigrants of all sorts. Without real, reliable data, categorical statements carry no weight.
So the hundreds of illegal aliens I installed or repaired phone lines for every year were lying to me?

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