40-50 million illegal aliens in America

One in six residents in the US are illegal?

Why don’t I see more?
You have to go to the right places. I was a phone man in one of the many ghettos in the San Fernando Valley where there were illegal families living three or four families to a two-bedroom apartment, only the young children spoke any English at all, and the mothers couldn't even read the forms I needed them to sign that were printed in SPANISH. One of the apartment complexes was owned by the City of LA. It was totally section eight housing and it had such a problem of illegal occupancy that anytime we had an order to install a second phone line we had to take an assistant manager with us to ensure that there were only the residents listed on the lease living in the apartment. Based upon my personal experiences I've always believed that the published ESTIMATES of illegal alien population were far too low.,
I live in the United States

The last census said there are 62 million Hispanics in the US.
With the OP claiming there are an additional 50 million illegals, that would mean 112 million residents are Hispanic

One in three occupants in the US are Hispanic

I say Bullshit
Where within the USA ???

Not all illegals are Hispanic.
Except to racist dipshits like you.

You'll find the bullshit looking in the mirror.
Letting in folks with zero education or skills is HOW YOU destroy a nation

That is the master plan of all Dems and about 2/3 of the GOP

They want us all broke and desitute and relying on the FED GOVT
Stereotyping racism. Your stupidity is showing. Most of them that I know do have an education and they are not working in the field but in offices and not cleaning offices. They have office cleaning businesses and own property, etc. And their children are attending schools and getting degrees. The majority are here because they want to work. One of my friends is a dentist, teacher, etc.
Thirty-two percent of all immigrant adults (12.6 million people) had a bachelor's degree or higher, similar to the 33 percent rate among U.S.-born adults
Stereotyping racism. Your stupidity is showing. Most of them that I know do have an education and they are not working in the field but in offices and not cleaning offices. They have office cleaning businesses and own property, etc. And their children are attending schools and getting degrees. The majority are here because they want to work. One of my friends is a dentist, teacher, etc.
Thirty-two percent of all immigrant adults (12.6 million people) had a bachelor's degree or higher, similar to the 33 percent rate among U.S.-born adults
LEGAL immigrants tend to be educated. ILLEGAL immigrants usually aren’t. I lived around both types for most of my childhood and adolescence, so I know from personal experience. Mexican and Latin American illegal immigrants are almost always uneducated and often aren’t even literate in Spanish. You are playing the game all pro-illegal immigrant people do, combining the two disparate groups to make a non-existent point. I’m firmly in favor of LEGAL immigration where we can screen out undesirable I’m migrants (criminals, mentally and physically ill and not educated) I am dead set against ILLEGAL immigrants.
LEGAL immigrants tend to be educated. ILLEGAL immigrants usually aren’t. I lived around both types for most of my childhood and adolescence, so I know from personal experience. Mexican and Latin American illegal immigrants are almost always uneducated and often aren’t even literate in Spanish. You are playing the game all pro-illegal immigrant people do, combining the two disparate groups to make a non-existent point. I’m firmly in favor of LEGAL immigration where we can screen out undesirable I’m migrants (criminals, mentally and physically ill and not educated) I am dead set against ILLEGAL immigrants.
You just show us how uneducated you are. lo l
Feb 1, 2019 — In recent years, more illegal immigration stems from visa overstays by people who enter the country legally than by illegal border crossings
Putting undocumented immigrants on a pathway to citizenship would increase U.S. GDP by up to $1.7 trillion over the next decade, raise wages for all Americans, and create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, advancing the country’s economic recovery.

Illegal alien populations was 14.5 million in 2020.
That is what many agree on

you do realize that none of them will ever leave

Most of them are illiterate in Spanish and many have serious criminal records. Also most DO NOT Work

When they are legalized here that will be over 200 million after you count their familes

And who the fuck is "OUR"?
Putting undocumented immigrants on a pathway to citizenship would increase U.S. GDP by up to $1.7 trillion over the next decade, raise wages for all Americans, and create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, advancing the country’s economic recovery.
That is what many agree on

you do realize that none of them will ever leave

Most of them are illiterate in Spanish and many have serious criminal records. Also most DO NOT Work

When they are legalized here that will be over 200 million after you count their familes
You have forgotten that we are a nation of immigrants and most of them entered the country illegally. Black slaves were brought here against their will and built this country on 400 years of free labor. US was part of Mexicos and those immigrants help build this country also. Not to mention Irish, Italian, Chinese Americans, THEY ARE US>
You have forgotten that we are a nation of immigrants and most of them entered the country illegally. Black slaves were brought here against their will and built this country on 400 years of free labor. US was part of Mexicos and those immigrants help build this country also. Not to mention Irish, Italian, Chinese Americans, THEY ARE US>
Stop with the big lies !!!

Those immigrants came here legally and contributed
You just show us how uneducated you are. lo l
Feb 1, 2019 — In recent years, more illegal immigration stems from visa overstays by people who enter the country legally than by illegal border crossings

But that doesn't sound nearly as ominous as claiming 1 in 6 people in the US are illegal aliens.

And that including their families, they make up over half the population.
Putting undocumented immigrants on a pathway to citizenship would increase U.S. GDP by up to $1.7 trillion over the next decade, raise wages for all Americans, and create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, advancing the country’s economic recovery.
And, of course, you have evidence to back all of this up?
And, of course, you have evidence to back all of this up?
YES< It has been proven by the number of illegals working and paying taxes and spending money earned.
White people did not build this country.

“When the first Africans arrived in Virginia in 1619, there were no ‘white’ people there; nor, according to the colonial records, would there be for another sixty years.” — Theodore W. Allen
“There’s nothing that a white man with a penny hates more than a ****** with a nickel!” — Chris Rock
The whiterace” was invented by rich Virginians in 1676 in the aftermath of a populous rebellion of impoverished, indentured, and enslaved Africans and Europeans now known as Bacon’s Rebellion....lol

“White supremacy is a toxin. The older history textbooks were like syringes that injected the toxin of white supremacy into the mind of many generations of Americans.” And CRT scared the shite out of white people.??lol

You just show us how uneducated you are. lo l
Feb 1, 2019 — In recent years, more illegal immigration stems from visa overstays by people who enter the country legally than by illegal border crossings
Putting undocumented immigrants on a pathway to citizenship would increase U.S. GDP by up to $1.7 trillion over the next decade, raise wages for all Americans, and create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, advancing the country’s economic recovery.

Illegal alien populations was 14.5 million in 2020.
Your figures are years out of date. Over TWO MILLION illegals that we know have crossed the border THIS YEAR ALONE. FOUR MILLION since Biden was elected. The Border patrol says that at least two crossers make it undetected for every one they detect.

Putting illegal aliens on a pathway to citizenship does nothing but encourage more to cross. We know that for a fact because that was the result of Reagan's amnesty during the eighties. And that number of aliens is flat wrong. Illegal alien proponents have been using that twelve to fifteen million figure for almost forty years. We know for a fact that there hasn't been a single year of that time that at least a half million illegal aliens haven't either crossed the border or overstayed their visas.
You have forgotten that we are a nation of immigrants and most of them entered the country illegally. Black slaves were brought here against their will and built this country on 400 years of free labor. US was part of Mexicos and those immigrants help build this country also. Not to mention Irish, Italian, Chinese Americans, THEY ARE US>
That's willful bullshit and you know it. Less than four hundred thousand slaves ever were imported into the USA. And every immigrant that crossed the Atlantic from Europe or the Pacific came here LEGALLY under the laws in effect at the time. Haven't you ever heard of Ellis Island? That was only one of the immigrant entry ports and potential immigrants could and were denied entrance to the USA even after arriving there if they didn't meet the requirements or being healthy, not criminals and not going to become dependent on the government. Immigrants were screened at least twice. First by the shipping companies because they had to ship rejected immigrants' home for free and then by the US Government.

The US was never part of Mexico. Texas, California, Arizona and New Mexico were, but they were very sparsely populated by Mexico which encouraged immigration from the USA to fill those empty lands. Louisiana belonged to France until we purchased it and Florida belonged to Spain until it gave Florida to the USA in return for the US Government assuming the debts owed by Spain to Americans. So go try to peddle your ignorant bullshit somewhere where people can't read history.
That's willful bullshit and you know it. Less than four hundred thousand slaves ever were imported into the USA. And every immigrant that crossed the Atlantic from Europe or the Pacific came here LEGALLY under the laws in effect at the time. Haven't you ever heard of Ellis Island? That was only one of the immigrant entry ports and potential immigrants could and were denied entrance to the USA even after arriving there if they didn't meet the requirements or being healthy, not criminals and not going to become dependent on the government. Immigrants were screened at least twice. First by the shipping companies because they had to ship rejected immigrants' home for free and then by the US Government.

The US was never part of Mexico. Texas, California, Arizona and New Mexico were, but they were very sparsely populated by Mexico which encouraged immigration from the USA to fill those empty lands. Louisiana belonged to France until we purchased it and Florida belonged to Spain until it gave Florida to the USA in return for the US Government assuming the debts owed by Spain to Americans. So go try to peddle your ignorant bullshit somewhere where people can't read history.

Ellis Island did not open until Jan 1, 1890 and who gave who the authority to let others in? People who had already entered the country illegally. This country was stolen by Europeans who invaded the country and WHO also made the rules when the country was already inhabited. Brown people appear to be invading and they are taking the country back to where it belongs. And all of America belong to the Native Americans.

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