40-50 million illegal aliens in America

Illegals from south of the border contribute very little and cost enormously. They get paid in cash paying no taxes. They send money home, again untaxed. They buy stolen merchandise from thousands of street peddlers and at Mexican swap meets. They propel the underground gray market. Start mass deportations, if we find that we need the workers, let them in legally.
You ask every customer you install for what their immigration status is and what their future plans are?

It’s called conversation. Plus their immigration status could be inferred from the income section of the service order. When the family’s listed income is “AFDC” and the only people in the household who speak any English are grade school kids, it’s a damned good bet the parents are illegal immigrants. Plus they make no bones about it. Don’t ask me why a phone company service order would show primary income source, but they did.
And so we are.
Yes of course you are, you keep swallowing that pill. Did you know, if you own an AR-15 in the UK, the magazine size is not restricted, but in free America....... (but..but..but guns are banned in the UK but.. but.. but.. 2aguy comes out with that shit, but listen to that idiot, you will swallow anything.)

No offence, you guys are credulous in what your elders claim. If you guys had passports and actually visited the rest of the world, then reality will slap your face.
The slogan of the credulous.
Hmmmm.... I wonder why less than 240,000 people migrated to the UK last year vs more than a million (a lot more) to the US. In fact, more people want to come to the US than any other country on earth. Hmmmm....
..... I suggest you get a passport.
I have expired passports older than you, pretentious douche. "See the world" doesn't mean take a train to France through a tunnel for a day and be home in time for a tasteless dinner, douche. It doesn't mean a week's vacation where you drive in a small circle though 6 countries in that jigsaw continent, douche.
That is what many agree on

you do realize that none of them will ever leave

Most of them are illiterate in Spanish and many have serious criminal records. Also most DO NOT Work

When they are legalized here that will be over 200 million after you count their familes
And all on welfare. They SUCK.
LEGAL immigration, by people screened for criminality, heal
America has always had immigration.
LEGAL immigration by people pre-screened for criminality, good health and support so they don’t become dependent on society. None of that applies the the tens of millions of ILLEGAL immigrants that have flooded into our country in the last two decades,
That is what many agree on

you do realize that none of them will ever leave

Most of them are illiterate in Spanish and many have serious criminal records. Also most DO NOT Work

When they are legalized here that will be over 200 million after you count their familes
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

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