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40% of Americans-earth 10K years old

If we go back 500 years, we come to the time of Martin Luther (born in 1483), and Columbus, who “sailed the ocean blue in 1492.”
If we go back 1000 years, we come to the time of Leif Ericson, Christian explorer, who preached Christ to pagans. (World Book, 1983, vol.6, page 270.)
If we go back 2000 years, we come to the birth of Jesus Christ. Our calendar is dated from His birth.
If we go back 3000 years, we come to the time of David and Solomon; they ruled Israel about 1000 BC.
If we go back 4000 years, we come to the time of Abraham (2000 BC), ancestor of Arabs and Jews.
If we go back 5000 years, we come to the time of Enoch, who “walked with God 300 years … and God took him [into Heaven].”
If we go back 6000 years, we come to the time of Creation, and Adam and Eve (4004 BC). Luke, evangelist and historian, records Adam as the first man (Luke 3:38).
The earth is about 6000 years old. Let God's people rejoice in Him who made them! (Psalm 149:2)

Although many people don't accept the Bible's timeline of history, they have difficulty deciding exactly when to start disagreeing with it.

Was Jesus Christ real? The Bible says he was, and no serious historian doubts it.
Was King David real? The Bible says he was. Again, there is no reason to doubt it.
Was Abraham real? The Bible says he was. There seems no reason to doubt this either.
Was Enoch real? The Bible says he was. There is no reason to think the Bible has suddenly lapsed into fiction when the other people were genuine historical figures.
Was Adam real? Well, Enoch was a son of Cain, who was a son of Adam. So if Enoch was real there is no reason to think that his father Cain wasn't, or that his grandfather Adam wasn't. They were only two generations away.
And Adam was the first man, created in the first week of the earth's existence.
According to the Bible, he lived about 6000 years ago. So according to the Bible, the world also is about 6000 years old.
Irish Archbishop James Ussher (1581-1656), pictured at right, calculated a similar date.
In his famous work The Annals of the World, Ussher used the Masoretic text of the Bible to come up with fairly precise dates for people and events mentioned in the Bible. His calculations led him to determine that God created the universe on 23 October, 4004 BC.
Other Bible historians and scholars always come up with a date not far from Ussher's, because even if you use slightly different methods for determining Bible chronology, you can't get away from the fact that the Bible will point you to a date of creation about 6000 years ago.

How old is the earth according to the Bible?

The problem with your calculations is knowing the length of a day. We know from the Bible that God created Adam on the sixth day, what we don't know is how long a day is to God. In 2 Peter 3:8 it states that “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day".

once again you change your story to fit your theory. why would a day in the bible be any different than a day today? and then at what point did the "day" change in length? there is not mention of this
in the bible, so how do you know it was any different?

"John C. Whitcomb observed:
Note carefully that the verse does not say that God’s days last thousands of years, but that “one day is with the Lord as a thousand years.” In other words, God is completely above the limitations of time in the sense that he can accomplish in one literal day what nature or man could not accomplish in thousands of years, if ever."
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The day length was less in the past. About 320 million years ago there were 400 days in the year.

This mechanism has been working for 4.5 billion years, since oceans first formed on the Earth. There is geological and paleontological evidence that the Earth rotated faster and that the Moon was closer to the Earth in the remote past. Tidal rhythmites are alternating layers of sand and silt laid down offshore from estuaries having great tidal flows. Daily, monthly and seasonal cycles can be found in the deposits. This geological record is consistent with these conditions 620 million years ago: the day was 21.9±0.4 hours, and there were 13.1±0.1 synodic months/year and 400±7 solar days/year. The length of the year has remained virtually unchanged during this period because no evidence exists that the constant of gravitation has changed. The average recession rate of the Moon between then and now has been 2.17±0.31 cm/year, which is about half the present rate.

Tidal acceleration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It appears the length of years was different. The geological record of course would be very accurate....
What about before that?

what do you mean the length of years was different? it say that a year was approx 400 days based upon a 21.4 hour day (using todays terms)

and before what? before 620 million years ago?

Yes, before that. What do the scientists say happened before that? You are implying that the Biblical story of creation is wrong and the scientists are right. What do they know about those years the earth was forming? I have had geology. How did it happen?

My point: the Bible was from and about the Creator. He told man on a level that man could understand. He also mentioned that "HIS" time is not "man's" time. Because "men" want to claim to "know" all about the earth, I ask these questions. Before "Biblical times" there is no record (I am including other civilizations that were around at the same time). The "scientists" do not know. They can only guess. You are telling me how much they know... so what about 620,000,000 years ago?
Lonestar, you still havent proven the superiority of FAITH in something you haven't seen...over the SCIENTIFIC METHOD which produces predictable results.

None of you pro-Christians have.

I have nothing to prove, either you believe in God or you don't. Psalms 118:8 is all I need to know. It is better to trust in the Lord than trust in man.

Then why are you here? Why are you on the internet...in this thread?

You're telling us we're wrong...and your only back up is "BECAWSZE I BUHLEF!!"

That doesn't cut it.

We'll people the people who measure and calculate and study and test and prove things...you can believe the white bearded guy in the clouds...but don't expect us to.

(And before you say you didn't ask us to...uhm yeah you did)
Lonestar, you still havent proven the superiority of FAITH in something you haven't seen...over the SCIENTIFIC METHOD which produces predictable results.

None of you pro-Christians have.

I have nothing to prove, either you believe in God or you don't. Psalms 118:8 is all I need to know. It is better to trust in the Lord than trust in man.

yes you need to be able to provide evidence and reasoning to back up your claims, otherwise anything anyone says is truth. (otherwise these are called lies)
can you prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the lord exists?
by the same toke, can you prove beyond a reasonable doubt that man exists?

if you can not prove beyond a doubt that one exists, how can you trust him?

Faith. And it's not a blind faith, there is plenty of evidence that the Bible is accurate. Just research the archeological evidence like this and this
While I don't respect what you actually believe, I do acknowledge you should be able to believe it without insult.

Faith, by its nature, has no proof. If you've decided that you don't want proof for what you believe in, that's your decision. I personally think it's a faulty one, but I wont characterize it in any way worse than that.

We can go round and round on what can and can't be proven...but at the end of the day...there science has certain repeatable processes that are based on theories that are at least repeatable.

Religion on the other hand is totally unsubstantiated. People say "thank god!" when someone survives a car crash...but then say we shouldn't curse god when someone doesn't. If you can prove to me that prayer works, I'd love to listen.

I just lost a case where the forces of evil lined up in a manner so Machiavellian that even the Devil himself would think our opposition was despicable. The judge threw it out on summary judgment and the case is over. My client was a school teacher for over 30+ years who was fired for proving there was corruption in our state education system...cheating children out of millions of dollars...and then fired for it...with no protection. Where was God? (this is where we devolve into why is there evil in the world...we can table that for now)

I've studied apologetics...and comparative religion...and a myriad of other theological subjects at seminary. I eventually left ;)

I wish you well on your journey of understanding, but it's not one that I can share. It's unfortunate to me that literal interpretation interpretation of a historical document is still taught. There's no ancient text in history, written by humans, that doesn't bear contextual reading.

Thank you for your post. However... you did not answer the questions about the consistancy of "years" from the formation of the earth. As far as I know, this is not mentioned or considered by "science" (that is 'supposed' to look at all possibilities).

As far as "where is G*d" when people have problems, He is there. Each person is given the ability to reason (free will). If the Lord was the safety net for every bad or evil decision, when would we learn. If we refuse to learn, the ones we love can show us the way. The Lord never promised that we would like it. He just promised the possiblity of everlasting love in His glory. There is no requirement for you to choose Him. Peace.

Of course it's been considered by science, as a previous poster has explained.

What YOU haven't explained is what the mystical hole in the scientific method is. Not a particular theory...but the PROCESS.

The scientific method (the process of hypothetical >observable phenomena> conclusion based on repetition of the phenomena) works. It works and allows us to record what is and what isnt. what happens and what doesnt. Over time, the theories get more concrete and reliable.

And you know what you do when you insult the scientific method? You prove there is no such thing as OBJECTIVE TRUTH. The sun rises and sets every day. Science taught us there's a sun...we've taken pictures of it. Science defined the star we call the sun...hell science helped us create the camera required to take the picture. Science works. It's based on reliable, repeatable phenomena.

You haven't given ONE SINGLE explanation as to why your faith is more worthy of belief than millions of scientists over the course of history using the scientific method. And the sad thing is...you can't. You can try and poke holes in any particular theory you like...but you can't prove that Christianity is more worthy than the scientific method. If you can, please do so.

Your religion is one of many around the world. The fact that you believe in it is pure accident of birth.

When I was a toddler and walked outside on a bright day, I knew there was a sun. I did not need science to tell me. Sorry, I don't think that is a good analogy. How about: because of science we can find out more about our "physical" world.
I never said that Christianity is more worthy than the "scientific method". I said when it came to the creation of planet and life, that I choose to believe the one that was there, that actually made it happen. I have a problem with "scientists" that claim their story is accurate. They have only guesses.
Today: that is a different story. You can use science to prove experiments, to predict reactions, to plan events. I have no problem "using" science. It is just not my religion.
It appears the length of years was different. The geological record of course would be very accurate....
What about before that?

what do you mean the length of years was different? it say that a year was approx 400 days based upon a 21.4 hour day (using todays terms)

and before what? before 620 million years ago?

Yes, before that. What do the scientists say happened before that? You are implying that the Biblical story of creation is wrong and the scientists are right. What do they know about those years the earth was forming? I have had geology. How did it happen?

My point: the Bible was from and about the Creator. He told man on a level that man could understand. He also mentioned that "HIS" time is not "man's" time. Because "men" want to claim to "know" all about the earth, I ask these questions. Before "Biblical times" there is no record (I am including other civilizations that were around at the same time). The "scientists" do not know. They can only guess. You are telling me how much they know... so what about 620,000,000 years ago?

just because man didnt exist that long ago, you have to open to the idea that planets and the universe existed before man evolved. the dinosaurs existed before man, plants and water existed before man. i think its hard for religious people to comprehend an earth without humans on it. for scientists, it is not.

i have never claimed to believe that science can currently solve every questions in the universe. but what science has allowed us to do is look at evidence with an open mind, create theories, and a process to test those theories to determine their validity. the evidence of evolution and an old earth is overwhelming. the only evidence against this is the bible. what makes the bible (which was written by man) so much more powerful and believable than thousands of years of science and research (which was also written by man)?
If we go back 500 years, we come to the time of Martin Luther (born in 1483), and Columbus, who “sailed the ocean blue in 1492.”
If we go back 1000 years, we come to the time of Leif Ericson, Christian explorer, who preached Christ to pagans. (World Book, 1983, vol.6, page 270.)
If we go back 2000 years, we come to the birth of Jesus Christ. Our calendar is dated from His birth.
If we go back 3000 years, we come to the time of David and Solomon; they ruled Israel about 1000 BC.
If we go back 4000 years, we come to the time of Abraham (2000 BC), ancestor of Arabs and Jews.
If we go back 5000 years, we come to the time of Enoch, who “walked with God 300 years … and God took him [into Heaven].”
If we go back 6000 years, we come to the time of Creation, and Adam and Eve (4004 BC). Luke, evangelist and historian, records Adam as the first man (Luke 3:38).
The earth is about 6000 years old. Let God's people rejoice in Him who made them! (Psalm 149:2)

Although many people don't accept the Bible's timeline of history, they have difficulty deciding exactly when to start disagreeing with it.

Was Jesus Christ real? The Bible says he was, and no serious historian doubts it.
Was King David real? The Bible says he was. Again, there is no reason to doubt it.
Was Abraham real? The Bible says he was. There seems no reason to doubt this either.
Was Enoch real? The Bible says he was. There is no reason to think the Bible has suddenly lapsed into fiction when the other people were genuine historical figures.
Was Adam real? Well, Enoch was a son of Cain, who was a son of Adam. So if Enoch was real there is no reason to think that his father Cain wasn't, or that his grandfather Adam wasn't. They were only two generations away.
And Adam was the first man, created in the first week of the earth's existence.
According to the Bible, he lived about 6000 years ago. So according to the Bible, the world also is about 6000 years old.
Irish Archbishop James Ussher (1581-1656), pictured at right, calculated a similar date.
In his famous work The Annals of the World, Ussher used the Masoretic text of the Bible to come up with fairly precise dates for people and events mentioned in the Bible. His calculations led him to determine that God created the universe on 23 October, 4004 BC.
Other Bible historians and scholars always come up with a date not far from Ussher's, because even if you use slightly different methods for determining Bible chronology, you can't get away from the fact that the Bible will point you to a date of creation about 6000 years ago.

How old is the earth according to the Bible?

At the risk of getting into trouble with some Christians: there were "people" before Adam & Eve. Cain was afraid to go to their "citieS" because of what he did to Able.
Again: the Lord's time is not ours.
Lonestar, you still havent proven the superiority of FAITH in something you haven't seen...over the SCIENTIFIC METHOD which produces predictable results.

None of you pro-Christians have.

The scientific method does not conflict with my faith whatsoever.
Lack of faith is the problem these days. Plenty of folks have beliefs but it is faith that allows one to open their mind and see that the Bible was translated by politically motivated and biased scribes. The greatest teaching book on earth is the Bible but many of the stories in the Bible are myths such as the great flood which is not supported by any evidence on earth. God creates the earth the first day and light is created. How was that done when the sun wasn't created until the fourth day? The Exodus story whereMoses receives the 10 Commandments tablets written by God himself.
None of these facts of the faults of man, as man wrote and translated the Bible, has nothing to do with my belief and faith in Jesus Christ.
That is all that matters, not a lot of talk of this says this and this says that.
The creationists ARE pushing their 6000 year old BS version as fact. And Christians aresitting by and acting like that is acceptable scientific curriculum.
And I fight them for their ignorance and arrogance. The scientific method has tested evolution for a century and more. And the evidence continues to support it.
Biology 101 for the uninformed is taught at every community college in the nation. Fine Christian professors are the norm.
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If we go back 500 years, we come to the time of Martin Luther (born in 1483), and Columbus, who “sailed the ocean blue in 1492.”
If we go back 1000 years, we come to the time of Leif Ericson, Christian explorer, who preached Christ to pagans. (World Book, 1983, vol.6, page 270.)
If we go back 2000 years, we come to the birth of Jesus Christ. Our calendar is dated from His birth.
If we go back 3000 years, we come to the time of David and Solomon; they ruled Israel about 1000 BC.
If we go back 4000 years, we come to the time of Abraham (2000 BC), ancestor of Arabs and Jews.
If we go back 5000 years, we come to the time of Enoch, who “walked with God 300 years … and God took him [into Heaven].”
If we go back 6000 years, we come to the time of Creation, and Adam and Eve (4004 BC). Luke, evangelist and historian, records Adam as the first man (Luke 3:38).
The earth is about 6000 years old. Let God's people rejoice in Him who made them! (Psalm 149:2)

Although many people don't accept the Bible's timeline of history, they have difficulty deciding exactly when to start disagreeing with it.

Was Jesus Christ real? The Bible says he was, and no serious historian doubts it.
Was King David real? The Bible says he was. Again, there is no reason to doubt it.
Was Abraham real? The Bible says he was. There seems no reason to doubt this either.
Was Enoch real? The Bible says he was. There is no reason to think the Bible has suddenly lapsed into fiction when the other people were genuine historical figures.
Was Adam real? Well, Enoch was a son of Cain, who was a son of Adam. So if Enoch was real there is no reason to think that his father Cain wasn't, or that his grandfather Adam wasn't. They were only two generations away.
And Adam was the first man, created in the first week of the earth's existence.
According to the Bible, he lived about 6000 years ago. So according to the Bible, the world also is about 6000 years old.
Irish Archbishop James Ussher (1581-1656), pictured at right, calculated a similar date.
In his famous work The Annals of the World, Ussher used the Masoretic text of the Bible to come up with fairly precise dates for people and events mentioned in the Bible. His calculations led him to determine that God created the universe on 23 October, 4004 BC.
Other Bible historians and scholars always come up with a date not far from Ussher's, because even if you use slightly different methods for determining Bible chronology, you can't get away from the fact that the Bible will point you to a date of creation about 6000 years ago.

How old is the earth according to the Bible?

The problem with your calculations is knowing the length of a day. We know from the Bible that God created Adam on the sixth day, what we don't know is how long a day is to God. In 2 Peter 3:8 it states that “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day".

once again you change your story to fit your theory. why would a day in the bible be any different than a day today? and then at what point did the "day" change in length? there is not mention of this
in the bible, so how do you know it was any different?

"John C. Whitcomb observed:
Note carefully that the verse does not say that God’s days last thousands of years, but that “one day is with the Lord as a thousand years.” In other words, God is completely above the limitations of time in the sense that he can accomplish in one literal day what nature or man could not accomplish in thousands of years, if ever."
Apologetics Press - The Days of Genesis and 2 Peter 3:8

The Lord told the ancients how the earth was made. After man was writing he would have kept track of time according to earth standards, just a thought.
If we go back 500 years, we come to the time of Martin Luther (born in 1483), and Columbus, who “sailed the ocean blue in 1492.”
If we go back 1000 years, we come to the time of Leif Ericson, Christian explorer, who preached Christ to pagans. (World Book, 1983, vol.6, page 270.)
If we go back 2000 years, we come to the birth of Jesus Christ. Our calendar is dated from His birth.
If we go back 3000 years, we come to the time of David and Solomon; they ruled Israel about 1000 BC.
If we go back 4000 years, we come to the time of Abraham (2000 BC), ancestor of Arabs and Jews.
If we go back 5000 years, we come to the time of Enoch, who “walked with God 300 years … and God took him [into Heaven].”
If we go back 6000 years, we come to the time of Creation, and Adam and Eve (4004 BC). Luke, evangelist and historian, records Adam as the first man (Luke 3:38).
The earth is about 6000 years old. Let God's people rejoice in Him who made them! (Psalm 149:2)

Although many people don't accept the Bible's timeline of history, they have difficulty deciding exactly when to start disagreeing with it.

Was Jesus Christ real? The Bible says he was, and no serious historian doubts it.
Was King David real? The Bible says he was. Again, there is no reason to doubt it.
Was Abraham real? The Bible says he was. There seems no reason to doubt this either.
Was Enoch real? The Bible says he was. There is no reason to think the Bible has suddenly lapsed into fiction when the other people were genuine historical figures.
Was Adam real? Well, Enoch was a son of Cain, who was a son of Adam. So if Enoch was real there is no reason to think that his father Cain wasn't, or that his grandfather Adam wasn't. They were only two generations away.
And Adam was the first man, created in the first week of the earth's existence.
According to the Bible, he lived about 6000 years ago. So according to the Bible, the world also is about 6000 years old.
Irish Archbishop James Ussher (1581-1656), pictured at right, calculated a similar date.
In his famous work The Annals of the World, Ussher used the Masoretic text of the Bible to come up with fairly precise dates for people and events mentioned in the Bible. His calculations led him to determine that God created the universe on 23 October, 4004 BC.
Other Bible historians and scholars always come up with a date not far from Ussher's, because even if you use slightly different methods for determining Bible chronology, you can't get away from the fact that the Bible will point you to a date of creation about 6000 years ago.

How old is the earth according to the Bible?

The problem with your calculations is knowing the length of a day. We know from the Bible that God created Adam on the sixth day, what we don't know is how long a day is to God. In 2 Peter 3:8 it states that “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day".

once again you change your story to fit your theory. why would a day in the bible be any different than a day today? and then at what point did the "day" change in length? there is not mention of this
in the bible, so how do you know it was any different?

"John C. Whitcomb observed:
Note carefully that the verse does not say that God’s days last thousands of years, but that “one day is with the Lord as a thousand years.” In other words, God is completely above the limitations of time in the sense that he can accomplish in one literal day what nature or man could not accomplish in thousands of years, if ever."
Apologetics Press - The Days of Genesis and 2 Peter 3:8

I'm not changing anything, I've already stated that I nor anyone else knows how old the earth is. As you, yourself acknowledges, God isn't bound by the constraints of time. I was simply stating that the calculations you made cannot be accurate given the fact that God is not limited by time and we don't know how long creation actually took.
All of you keep going in circles. You can't prove that what the scientists have said is wrong...so you fall back on your faith. Then when called on it, you go back to calling the scientists wrong.

Over...and over...and over.

None of what you say is worth listening to if your logic doesnt hold up. Your words are worthless. Keep arguing based on faith.
so when do you believer that "time" started exactly? was this after "god" completed the earth? or when god put man on the earth?
and when did what we perceive as time start?
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what do you mean the length of years was different? it say that a year was approx 400 days based upon a 21.4 hour day (using todays terms)

and before what? before 620 million years ago?

Yes, before that. What do the scientists say happened before that? You are implying that the Biblical story of creation is wrong and the scientists are right. What do they know about those years the earth was forming? I have had geology. How did it happen?

My point: the Bible was from and about the Creator. He told man on a level that man could understand. He also mentioned that "HIS" time is not "man's" time. Because "men" want to claim to "know" all about the earth, I ask these questions. Before "Biblical times" there is no record (I am including other civilizations that were around at the same time). The "scientists" do not know. They can only guess. You are telling me how much they know... so what about 620,000,000 years ago?

just because man didnt exist that long ago, you have to open to the idea that planets and the universe existed before man evolved. the dinosaurs existed before man, plants and water existed before man. i think its hard for religious people to comprehend an earth without humans on it. for scientists, it is not.

i have never claimed to believe that science can currently solve every questions in the universe. but what science has allowed us to do is look at evidence with an open mind, create theories, and a process to test those theories to determine their validity. the evidence of evolution and an old earth is overwhelming. the only evidence against this is the bible. what makes the bible (which was written by man) so much more powerful and believable than thousands of years of science and research (which was also written by man)?

If the Lord created "Light", and it took a very, very long time and that was "HIS" first day. HIS second day would have been similar in length, the time it took HIM to make the heavens and the earth (a very, very long time), etc, etc, etc. I am trying to point out to you that if "you" had an open mind, you might see the two are compatible for the creation of the earth.
I get that you want to put "your" faith in science. It is okay if you want it to be your religion. Judgement day, you will have more answers than you are ready to know. You cannot convince me that "scientists" know more than the Creator. You can try if you want to, but there are to many things that science cannot answer to give them any credibility for being "wise".
You dont seem to grasp logic, which is weird for someone who named themselves logical4u...but whatever.

This isn't a fight between faiths...its one person believing what a religious text and the people who teach the text say...and people who believe in repeatable phenomena. That's it. End of story.

You want to believe shit you haven't seen or that no one can prove. We believe shit that people can reproduce and have peer-tested.

Believe the hocus pocus...but science isn't a religion.
Lonestar, you still havent proven the superiority of FAITH in something you haven't seen...over the SCIENTIFIC METHOD which produces predictable results.

None of you pro-Christians have.

I have nothing to prove, either you believe in God or you don't. Psalms 118:8 is all I need to know. It is better to trust in the Lord than trust in man.

Then why are you here? Why are you on the internet...in this thread?

You're telling us we're wrong...and your only back up is "BECAWSZE I BUHLEF!!"

That doesn't cut it.

We'll people the people who measure and calculate and study and test and prove things...you can believe the white bearded guy in the clouds...but don't expect us to.

(And before you say you didn't ask us to...uhm yeah you did)

I believe the dating methods are flawed and you're wrong to trust them. The Bible has shown to be historically accurate time after time whereas carbon dating has shown to be flawed time after time. Hell they carbon dated a freshly killed seal and said it was 1,300 years old and they dated live mollusk as being dead for 23,000 years.
If the Lord created "Light", and it took a very, very long time and that was "HIS" first day. HIS second day would have been similar in length, the time it took HIM to make the heavens and the earth (a very, very long time), etc, etc, etc. I am trying to point out to you that if "you" had an open mind, you might see the two are compatible for the creation of the earth.
I get that you want to put "your" faith in science. It is okay if you want it to be your religion. Judgement day, you will have more answers than you are ready to know. You cannot convince me that "scientists" know more than the Creator. You can try if you want to, but there are to many things that science cannot answer to give them any credibility for being "wise".

what if you do not believe that god created the light? and the the universe created itself? there is more overwhelming evidence of the big bang, than of creationism.

again, when does "time" start? at the moment you believe god created light? or when you believe that god created man? no matter which time that you choose, you need to have a reference point with which to start. religious scholars point out that bible suggests that the earth was created approx. 6,000 years ago. what other evidence besides the bible points to this conclusion?

youre too ignorant to look at anything outside of your religion that points to your beliefs being false. this in essence is faith. you believe in something blindly without ever questioning it.

science is not my or a religion. is a process of determining the truth objectively. if science proved that the earth was only 10,000 years old, i would accept that based on the evidence. if you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that something exists, or has existed then you pass the scientific process. (remember its not called the religious process, there is not a set series of tests that something must pass to be determined to be religiously true)
I have nothing to prove, either you believe in God or you don't. Psalms 118:8 is all I need to know. It is better to trust in the Lord than trust in man.

Then why are you here? Why are you on the internet...in this thread?

You're telling us we're wrong...and your only back up is "BECAWSZE I BUHLEF!!"

That doesn't cut it.

We'll people the people who measure and calculate and study and test and prove things...you can believe the white bearded guy in the clouds...but don't expect us to.

(And before you say you didn't ask us to...uhm yeah you did)

I believe the dating methods are flawed and you're wrong to trust them. The Bible has shown to be historically accurate time after time whereas carbon dating has shown to be flawed time after time. Hell they carbon dated a freshly killed seal and said it was 1,300 years old and they dated live mollusk as being dead for 23,000 years.

ive heard you spout this off several times now. but do you have links to reputable sites detailing these claims?
I have nothing to prove, either you believe in God or you don't. Psalms 118:8 is all I need to know. It is better to trust in the Lord than trust in man.

Then why are you here? Why are you on the internet...in this thread?

You're telling us we're wrong...and your only back up is "BECAWSZE I BUHLEF!!"

That doesn't cut it.

We'll people the people who measure and calculate and study and test and prove things...you can believe the white bearded guy in the clouds...but don't expect us to.

(And before you say you didn't ask us to...uhm yeah you did)

I believe the dating methods are flawed and you're wrong to trust them. The Bible has shown to be historically accurate time after time whereas carbon dating has shown to be flawed time after time. Hell they carbon dated a freshly killed seal and said it was 1,300 years old and they dated live mollusk as being dead for 23,000 years.

The Bible has been proven to be historically accurate? Not really chief.

Surely SOME parts of the Bible are right (dumb luck? factual filler?) but not the ENTIRE thing. Not even close to MOST of the entire thing.

First lets talk about all the crazy shit. Angels...the devil being cast out...that even one person has come back from the dead...shit like that. None of it proven.

Then lets talk about the scientific shit. You haven't proven that a day then was any less than it is today ... or more. You just BELIEVE it's true. How about a full day of sun or full day of night...the exodus plagues...None of it proven.

Sure...there might be some proof for some facts...but that doesnt get us to Jesus risen from the dead...or blood/wine giving people literal eternal life.

Come back when you have some proof.

Oh...here's an entire article on that point:
The Skeptical Review Online - Print Edition - 1990-2002

Some doesn't equal all.

here's another:

Some examples of biblical statements contradicting known history:

Daniel 5:1-2 says Belshazzar was king of the Chaldean Empire (Babylon), and son and successor of Nebuchadnezzar. In reality, Nebuchadnezzar's son and successor was Amel-Marduk. He was assassinated by his Brother-in-law Nergal-Ashur-Usur, who took the throne. His reign was followed by his son Labashi-Marduk, who was opposed by a faction that overthrew him and placed Nabu-naido on the throne. Belshazzar (who's name was actually Bel-shar-utsur) was the son of Nabu-naido. He was NEVER king, but crown prince, and was no relation at all to Nebuchadnezzar.

Hosea 5:13 tells us the Assyrian King at that time was named Jareb. There was never an Assyrian king by that name, and the name of the king who did rule at that time was Tiglath-Pileser the third.

Daniel 5:30-31 says that Darius the Median took over the Babylon empire, but it was Cyrus of Persia who overthrew the Babylonian Empire. While there is a Darius the first in history, there is no mention of a Darius of Median anywhere.

Esther 1:9 tells us Vashti was queen of Persia at the time the story occures, but the queen at this time was actually Amestris, and there never was a queen of Persia named Vashti. Vashti was the name of an Elamite goddess. Most probably that is the origin of the name in this story.

Jeremiah 29:10 Tells us the Babylonian Exile will last 70 years. 2nd Chronicles 36:21 tells us that this came about. However, the elapsed time from the destruction of the temple (beginning of the exile) in

586 B.C., to the return of the Israelites to their promised land after Cyrus overthrew the Babylonian Empire in 538 B.C. was 48 years, and not 70.

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