40% of Children Think Hot Dogs are a Vegetable

EWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!! Except for a few well-fermented soy products like shoyu and tamari, used sparingly, soy is not suitable for human consumption. I don't even eat flesh that has consumed significant amounts of soy. IMHO, it is suitable only for making plastics.
In the Far East, places like China and Japan, soybean is eaten extensively.
How embarrassing. Damn dumbest kids in the world. 6th highest paid teachers in the world.
How about a better curriculum:
How about put the crayons down children, this is how you write a big A and a little a. So when they grow up they can actually read the Constitution they are being taught to revile.
How about fun science hour instead of tranny prancing hour.
How about 2+2=4 instead of words we made up to call yourself.

We are producing the only generation that ever walked the earth that can't tell the difference between a man and a women.
We are failing our children beyond repair. This is our fault, not theirs...
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Well a Hot Dog a day will keep the doctor away is what I was always taught…

( No, I was never taught that and it is a Apple and not a Hot Dog )

For the individual trying to convince that the kids are correct my bet is the Hot Dog they eat is not the vegetarian type but the cheapest one their parent can buy at market usually Bar S…
And that's the schools' fault?
Nutrition is not taught in schools?
BS. Hell, our schools have entire staffs just for nutrition.
Johnny can’t read, write, or know what food is, but he can tell you what each of the letters stand for in the alphabet gender soup!
How embarrassing. Damn dumbest kids in the world. 6th highest paid teachers in the world.
How about a better curriculum:
How about put the crayons down children, this is how you write a big A and a little a. So when they grow up they can actually read the Constitution they are being taught to revile.
How about fun science hour instead of tranny prancing hour.
How about 2+2=4 instead of words we made up to call yourself.

We are producing the only generation that ever walked the earth that can't tell the difference between a man and a women.
We are failing our children beyond repair. This is our fault, not theirs...
Remember, this is the Tide Pod eating generation that’ll be voting soon.
That's nothing - Congressional Republicans think pizza and ketchup are vegetables!

But schools make sure they know which pronouns to use for people and all about how their mere existence is destroying the planet!

In shocking new research spotted by Sapien Journal, scientists found that children are surprisingly terrible at identifying where certain kinds of meat come from. Alarmingly, nearly 40 percent of children interviewed for the research believed that hot dogs come from plants — and more than 46 percent thought french fries were a type of animal. A shocking 41 percent were unable to correctly pinpoint that bacon comes from an animal.

And totally related:

Which shows how many stupid adults we have, not stupid schools. The other 60% go to the same schools. Another stupid thread from the USMB King of brain damaging threads.
People who think the vax is evil should never eat a hot dog. Talk about chemicals that have an awful effect.

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