400 million guns

A friend of mine wanted to respond to your comment, so I let him:

Mr. Friscus, Comparing car fatalities to gun deaths is like comparing apples to hand grenades – they're just not the same thing. Cars, you see, they're meant to get us from point A to point B. And yeah, sure, accidents happen, but we've got all sorts of rules and gadgets in place to make 'em safer, you know? Seatbelts, airbags, traffic laws – you name it.

But guns? Guns are a whole different ball game. These babies are designed to make holes in things – sometimes animals, sometimes people. And when it comes to kids, well, we've got a serious problem on our hands. So, comparing car deaths to gun deaths – it's just not a fair fight, my friend.

Now, don't get me wrong. we're not saying that Democrats, Republicans, or any other political animal out there don't care about car-related fatalities. We've all got our causes, and some of us even care about multiple things at once – imagine that!

But the thing is, with guns, there's a lot of room for improvement. We could have better background checks, waiting periods, maybe even mental health screenings – just a thought! So, let's not get all emotional here, and instead, focus on finding some real solutions.

What we're talkin' about isn't exploiting tragedies; it's acknowledging that there's a problem that needs fixin'. And hey, maybe it's time to give that 2nd Amendment a little makeover, huh? Let's work together, find some common ground, and save some lives. Because, let's face it, folks – we can do better. ---Rumpole's friend.

The flaw in your friend's reasoning is that Constitutionally, gun ownership is a right while driving is a privilege!!

Tell your friend that yours truly told him not to run red lights.
"...Gun control is like a donut: there is no middle. On the one side you have people who love guns, and if you disagree with them, they’ll threaten to shoot you. On the other side you have people who detest guns, mainly out of fear of getting shot. It is an ideological death-match in which the voices of reason and compromise don’t seem to exist. Or if they do, no one can hear them over the sounds of the shouting and posturing
and the bumper-sticker slogans about cold dead hands." --"Matt" (anonymous) from his review of Adam Winkler's 'Gunfight, the Battle Over the Second Amendment in America"

There are some 400 million guns in America, and if guns were making us safer, we'd be the safest place on earth, which America is not.

That is a fact Republicans cannot reconcile.

And to average republican, I guess that for them, they aren't enough.

Guns deaths have taken the lead in children, and this is a fairly recent development. And, please, no crap about 'well, half those deaths are suicide' because,
simply because that stat isn't caused by fewer guns, let's be clear.

So I hope those of you second amendment 'cold dead hands' types are happy.

It sure isn't for the parents of those dead children whose lives have been ruined by your cherished 'second amendment'.

Personally, though America's second amendment was a necessary component of life in the frontiers of the late 18th century when the nation was founded, they could not have foreseen 233 years into the future to know of a modern urban landscape where weapons could kill hundreds of people in a relatively short period of time, that had they known, it is doubtful they would have confined the second amendment's langage to one compound sentence, whose actual meaning continues to be debated to this day.

It's time for a 28th Amendment to update the 2nd, a vertible 2nd Amendment 2.0, as it were, and as to what the new language would be, I'll let you guys duke it out, but it needs to be updated,

It's time.

….shall not be infringed.

You lost the battle in the 18th Century.

Progressive Fascism is it’s own commercial for why we will NEVER surrender our rights
"...Gun control is like a donut: there is no middle. On the one side you have people who love guns, and if you disagree with them, they’ll threaten to shoot you. On the other side you have people who detest guns, mainly out of fear of getting shot. It is an ideological death-match in which the voices of reason and compromise don’t seem to exist. Or if they do, no one can hear them over the sounds of the shouting and posturing
and the bumper-sticker slogans about cold dead hands." --"Matt" (anonymous) from his review of Adam Winkler's 'Gunfight, the Battle Over the Second Amendment in America"

There are some 400 million guns in America, and if guns were making us safer, we'd be the safest place on earth, which America is not.

That is a fact Republicans cannot reconcile.

And to average republican, I guess that for them, they aren't enough.

Guns deaths have taken the lead in children, and this is a fairly recent development. And, please, no crap about 'well, half those deaths are suicide' because,
simply because that stat isn't caused by fewer guns, let's be clear.

So I hope those of you second amendment 'cold dead hands' types are happy.

It sure isn't for the parents of those dead children whose lives have been ruined by your cherished 'second amendment'.

Personally, though America's second amendment was a necessary component of life in the frontiers of the late 18th century when the nation was founded, they could not have foreseen 233 years into the future to know of a modern urban landscape where weapons could kill hundreds of people in a relatively short period of time, that had they known, it is doubtful they would have confined the second amendment's langage to one compound sentence, whose actual meaning continues to be debated to this day.

It's time for a 28th Amendment to update the 2nd, a vertible 2nd Amendment 2.0, as it were, and as to what the new language would be, I'll let you guys duke it out, but it needs to be updated,

It's time.

You stats are total horseshit. The CDC stats don't back you up.

Why do so many control freaks want to "regulate" every friggn' thing? Why don't you guys regulate your lives, and I'll regulate mine? Sound like a plan?
Because we are all at risk of becoming a statistic in America.

Guns are a national health crisis, and how do Republicans respond? By making it easier for people to purchase handguns and other firearms.
Not confuse at all dipshit. The Militia is now the US Armed forces. They protect the freedom of the state, not the people buying weapons protected by the 2nd, who use to have that obligation. SC decisions can be changed.

You are confused Moon Bat and you are too stupid to know it.

The Supremes put an end to this silly militia nosense. I shit you not. Go look it up.
The liberals should all join the NRA.

I am puzzled as to why this has not occurred to them.
Because we are all at risk of becoming a statistic in America.

Guns are a national health crisis, and how do Republicans respond? By making it easier for people to purchase handguns and other firearms.

I'm going out tomorrow to buy my 4th one!
Dimm cocksucker's continued efforts at successfully driving open borders and lawlessness in general, is costing me money!!
So you believe people who commit crimes with guns are purchasing ammo in a retail establishment? You don't think there's a black market or any private sales going on?
Kind of like drugs.
We don't just throw our hands in the air and say "oh well....shit happens...nothing works...drug laws don't work so why have laws."
Guns are like tools -- super useful when they're used for their intended purpose. I have various sizes and shapes of screwdrivers (Phillips, flathead, large, and small). I also have lots of guns of various shapes and sized intended for different purposes. As a full-grown man who understands that tools have specific purposes ... I really don't need other "adults" telling me what tools I should or should not own. I will make that determination for myself.
Are you a criminal?
Because we are only talking about keeping them out of the hands of criminals.
Or maybe you are saying that mass murder is acceptable as long as you don't have to be inconvenienced?
Both are are predictable, thus both must be accepted or rejected. Even if accidental, it is a statistical certainty that a rate of death will happen in cars. you accept the deaths so you can enjoy a higher way of life. You monster.

Monster he says!
Well, that is especially rich given that you voted twice for that particular criminally corrupt and morally bankrupt charlatan, one Donald J Trump who orchestrated a large-scale, fraudulent scheme to subvert the election and poison confidence in American Democracy in the minds of some 65 million members of the electorate,

FYI, your statement is a false dichotomy, a logical fallacy.
If anyone needs a reminder on why people need the ability to be well armed, just remember that while BLM rioters were pillaging, assaulting, and murdering people in the streets.. multiple leftist police forces retreated, abandoning the people they had sworn to protect.

That’s why it’s appropriate to own an AR 15… we saw the police cower in real time for PR, sensibility reasons… forcing people to protect their lives, families, homes, and businesses from rabid barbarians.

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