400 ppm CO2

And more good things we can use again:

Plastic bags! Styrofoam containers! Incandescent lightbulbs! High-flow toilets that work with one flush! High-flow showerheads! Gasoline without all the crap the state of California mandates that make our gas more expensive.

Let's build more freeways and get rid of the stupid diamond lanes!
I love those things...I poach them all the time.

If I ever get a ticket, it will be cheaper than having paid tolls all this time. :lol:
Well, I am a whitey...or is the proper term "honky"?
What we are doing now to slow down climate change is equivalent to arranging the chairs on the Titanic. Hopefully our descendants will understand that we're just not capable of long term planning on a global scale. In fact, we can't even do it on a national scale.

Although I appreciate the efforts that many are taking, I really believe it's pretty hopeless.
The same report stated that co2 levels were at this level 2-4 million years ago,what caused it then? and looks like the world survived,and heck wasn't there an ice age or two in between.

Back in the yearly 70 the same climate specialist's predicted another ice age by now.
Oh honey. Do you think I care about being politically correct?

Do you now practice Faith Based Defecation?
The same report stated that co2 levels were at this level 2-4 million years ago,what caused it then? and looks like the world survived,and heck wasn't there an ice age or two in between.

Back in the yearly 70 the same climate specialist's predicted another ice age by now.

Most of the co2 was being locked up in the glaciers. Remember it was 2-4c warmer 3-5 million years ago; so less sea ice and the land glaciers were smaller.

Greenland glaciers are around 15 million years old....Think about it.
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The same report stated that co2 levels were at this level 2-4 million years ago,what caused it then? and looks like the world survived,and heck wasn't there an ice age or two in between.

Back in the yearly 70 the same climate specialist's predicted another ice age by now.

No, dumb fuck, 10 million years ago.

No, they did not. Even the ones that were predicting a cooling predicated it on the basis of aerosols and the Milankovic Cycles. And no, they most certainly did not predict we would be in an ice age by now. The majority of scientists at that time were predicting warming, it was the Time and Newsweek that were trumpeting the ice age nonsense.

Wish you fellows would actually do a little research before flapping yap.
Nonsense. Back in the 70s, the fear was that we were entering an ice age.

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Nonsense. Back in the 70s, the fear was that we were entering an ice age.



What 1970s science said about global cooling

A new paper exposing the myth of 70s global cooling

Over time, William Connelly has been steadily documenting 70s research predicting global cooling. It's a rich resource but as he admits, could be more accessible. Now he has collaborated with Thomas Peterson and John Fleck to publish The Myth of the 1970's Global Cooling Scientific Consensus, due to be published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

The paper surveys climate studies from 1965 to 1979 (and in a refreshing change to other similar surveys, lists all the papers). They find very few papers (7 in total) predict global cooling. This isn't surprising. What surprises is that even in the 1970s, on the back of 3 decades of cooling, more papers (42 in total) predict global warming due to CO2 than cooling.

Every fruitloop that posts on this thread posts this lie at least once. Really would be nice to see some of them actually do some research before they repeat such an obvious lie.
By the way, Time and Newsweek are hardly where anyone with any intellect at all gets their science. There are these things called peer reviewed journals. People with any intelligence at all go to the journal dealing with the science that they are interested in for real information.
we're doooooooooooooooooomed!


You won't live long enough to be doomed. I wouldn't invest in any ocean beachfront property in the next fifty years though. If the ocean water rises 1 foot and there is a super hurriciane down in Florida Miami could be wiped off the map. 180-220 mph winds...25 ft tidal surge at high tide.. Millions could die since there is no high ground to evacuate to.

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