42% Of Americans Believe That Obama Has Expanded His Power Too Much


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Okay, 42% of all Americans believe that Obama has expanded presidential powers too much. Not surprisingly, more Republicans than Democrats believe that.

Here is the part that shocked me. Some Dems believe that Obama hasn't expanded his powers enough.

It's one thing to defend him and say he isn't a power-hungry wannabe dictator. Quite another to wish he would go even further to make congress irrelevant. I realize there are people who embrace communism and are willing to allow one man to control the entire nation. What kind of person is willing to cede all rights to government? Never underestimate the power of free housing, free medical and free food. Government dependents will consent to government trampling the rights of citizens in exchange for staying on the liberal plantation. The useful idiots will take down yet another country. It's happened before many times.

It's wrong for any president to expand powers beyond what was intended in the constitution. Bush was criticized sharply for the increase in powers after 9/11, as he should have been, but Obama has put the policies on steroids and some idiots now say that is not enough. Wow.

Of course, they only want Dems to hold that much power. They will immediately seek to undo Obama's power grab as soon as a Republican is back in the White House.

Poll Many Americans Believe Obama Has Expanded Presidential Power
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Call any Republican and they will support that Obama is worse than Hitler

Your polls are useless
That still leaves 47% who would have voted for him no matter what.

And it's those same 47% that will continue to vote Democrat regardless.
Bush happily expanded powers as well. Look at his signing statements.

Obama has been happily acting like his little brother.

The executive needs to reined in
Call any Republican and they will support that Obama is worse than Hitler

Your polls are useless

Once again, a liberal refuses to comment on the subject at hand and deflects by throwing out a lame insult in an attempt to derail.

It's always the same tactic. Instead of honestly expressing your opinion on the topic, all you have to offer is the usual hit and run post.

Maybe it requires too much thinking to express an honest opinion on the expansion of presidential powers. Sorry for posting a thread that flew so far over your little pea brain.
rw overstates of course,which I believe was his intention.

The far right, however, is too much driven by hatred of the changing America.

Tough. It will change, nevertheless. Thus good Republicans will work to mitigate that change as much as possible. Hint: hate is not a tactic that is acceptable to most of America.
I hate to say that is how dumb our citizens are today because that number should be a LOT HIGHER
And the fact the percentage is that low is why we're fucked as a nation in the long term
I hate to say that is how dumb our citizens are today because that number should be a LOT HIGHER

I don't hate to say it. I've been saying for years Americans are a bunch of stupid, cowardly fucks.
I wonder if there would have been any expansion had congress not become a dysfunctional pile of uselessness and spite. I have often advanced the idea that a vast power vacuum has been created in Washington by congress acting in ways that run counter to their mandates and sworn duties and that Obama has stepped in to fill the void left by their flat refusal to legislate in the interests of Americans during a terrible recession.
rw overstates of course,which I believe was his intention.

The far right, however, is too much driven by hatred of the changing America.

Tough. It will change, nevertheless. Thus good Republicans will work to mitigate that change as much as possible. Hint: hate is not a tactic that is acceptable to most of America.

I don't overstate

Republicans have been programmed to respond Obamasucks to any poll. While Dems supported Bush when he deserved it, Republicans have objected to everything Obama since day one
Yurt, we have seen many Obama = Hitler during your years here, and you have been a member slightly twice as long as me. And not all, or a majority, of Republicans believe any such thing. Unfortunately, we have more than a few fools on the far right who do.
I wonder if there would have been any expansion had congress not become a dysfunctional pile of uselessness and spite. I have often advanced the idea that a vast power vacuum has been created in Washington by congress acting in ways that run counter to their mandates and sworn duties and that Obama has stepped in to fill the void left by their flat refusal to legislate in the interests of Americans during a terrible recession.

Congress is under no obligation to grant any president their agenda. There is a reason why we have separation of powers.
Presidential power will always flow into a congressional vacuum. That's why we have separation of powers. Congress must step up and govern, and governing includes consensus.
I wonder if there would have been any expansion had congress not become a dysfunctional pile of uselessness and spite. I have often advanced the idea that a vast power vacuum has been created in Washington by congress acting in ways that run counter to their mandates and sworn duties and that Obama has stepped in to fill the void left by their flat refusal to legislate in the interests of Americans during a terrible recession.

Congress is under no obligation to grant any president their agenda. There is a reason why we have separation of powers.
They have an expressed obligation to fund the government and vote up or down on presidential appointments, they didn't. In addition they have an implied duty to deal with serious problems in a timely manner and they haven't. Obama is not asking for a rubber stamp he is asking for congress to do their fucking jobs, the one we elected them to do, and all they have really done is embark on a campaign of sabotage and economic terrorism designed to do one thing, make Obana fail to lead this country out of the worst economic disaster in our lifetimes and that just fucking stinks. Obama is fully justified trying to fulfill their duties for them seeing as how they don't give a fuck if America fails as long as it happens on a democrat's watch.
Yurt, we have seen many Obama = Hitler during your years here, and you have been a member slightly twice as long as me. And not all, or a majority, of Republicans believe any such thing. Unfortunately, we have more than a few fools on the far right who do.

and the jakin continues....i have never once made such a comment, in fact i have called out some, can't see every post, who does.

you're nothing but a liar jakin. keep on fakey....keep on.
I wonder if there would have been any expansion had congress not become a dysfunctional pile of uselessness and spite. I have often advanced the idea that a vast power vacuum has been created in Washington by congress acting in ways that run counter to their mandates and sworn duties and that Obama has stepped in to fill the void left by their flat refusal to legislate in the interests of Americans during a terrible recession.

Congress is under no obligation to grant any president their agenda. There is a reason why we have separation of powers.

Maybe not, but congress has an obligation to do its Consitutional job. Shutting down government, blocking judicial appointments, refusing to pass a budget and blocking all legislation is not doing your job

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