42% of Democrats are in Favor of Socialism

Yet ANOTHER right wing moron who has learned economic history from Sean Hannity.
You Takers are funny.
Tell us, are there any downsides to capitalism, even one by chance?

Yes it does. Everything has,you have pros and cons with everything.
Capitalism has more pros than cons.
Social Democracy has more cons than pros.
Capitalism is better than any other system we have right now in getting people out of poverty.
100 % of democrats have been shown to need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to think and do everything for them.

According to lala land from Fish Dimbaugh's empty skull of mush.

Conservatives wail "keep the government's hands off of my medicare". Cons love government assistance, they just think that assistance drops in their laps from fantasy land, rather than being paid for by taxes.


Detroit produced the arsenal that won WW2. But factual history isn't something cons consider worth studying. Nothing is worth studying to cons in fact, other than flying grandpas with magical powers that talk to snakes.
You are wrong, the factories you refer to are outside of detroit. In cities called Warren, Sterling Heights, Dearborn.

Facts are stubborn things for Libersls.
Capitalism is better than any other system we have right now in getting people out of poverty.

Peaches, after her own little survey, disagrees with the Census Bureau....Go figure !!!
In 2014, the official poverty rate was 14.8 percent. There were 46.7 million people in poverty.
Democrats are parasites, they claim
Detroit is a good example of capitalism at work. They made some really bad cars, we saved them more than once, and now they make jack-shit because others made much better cars. And so it goes...
If you saved them how can you say they make jack shit? I guess a democrat socialist saving something is no different than it being destroyed, as you just said, thank you for validating all my posts.
State run services are necessary, such as fire departments, police, water, etc. You don't hear conservatives complain about that. Federal overreach (mandated healthcare, common core, etc) is where we differ.

Isn't that what we on the left are ALSO stating....a combination of capitalism and socialism....
Democratic Socialism........


Detroit produced the arsenal that won WW2. But factual history isn't something cons consider worth studying. Nothing is worth studying to cons in fact, other than flying grandpas with magical powers that talk to snakes.

That was not the point that was made.
WWII was over 70 years ago. Social Dems took Detroit over 50 years ago.
Capitalism was what produced the autos and arsenal, socialists destroyed it.

Well that's strange, because I see more cons who know and understand our Constitution and History of it and how our government is suppose to be, compared to the many libs who haven't got a clue.

I would love to see your face when Jesus returns and you find out God is real.

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