43% Agree J6 Protestors Had a Point


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
“And what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

Thomas Jefferson, 1787

Now that Biden has declared everyone not supporting him enemies of the State, we are very close to a Civil War. J6 was the John Brown moment of the first Civil War.

‘Sympathy’ surging for Jan. 6 rioters, 43% agree ‘they had a point’​

6% said their actions were appropriate. I hope you're not trying to plant your flag on that.
Most of the J6sers were there for legitimate reasons and to legally protest. The violence is what the media and others focus on the majority were good patriotic Americans protesting for what they believe. If those issues had been addressed properly to begin with maybe the violence and protest would not have happened. I listened to all of Trump's speech that day and it does get distorted and nitpicked. He did a peaceful protest
Most of the J6sers were there for legitimate reasons and to legally protest. The violence is what the media and others focus on the majority were good patriotic Americans protesting for what they believe. If those issues had been addressed properly to begin with maybe the violence and protest would not have happened. I listened to all of Trump's speech that day and it does get distorted and nitpicked. He did a peaceful protest
The issue was Trump lost but all the tards won't and don't believe it.
  1. Donald Trump said on January 6 to ‘remain peaceful’ and ‘go home’ within hours of the riots
  2. Donald Trump said within hours of the 2020 election certification that he would step down and he did
  3. The Commander-in-Chief did not use the military in any way on J6
  4. The president did not send in unarmed extremists to “overturn the election” results, since there is no mechanism for a riot to overturn election results
  5. The overwhelming majority of the J6 defendants were charged with non-violent crimes & misdemeanors
  6. The J6 protesters did not kill a single person during the riots
  7. Donald Trump wanted 10,000 National Guard troops at the Capitol, but D.C. Mayor Bowser, Pentagon & Speaker Pelosi refused to call them up
  8. The FBI tracked extremists intending to go to the Capitol on J6 for months prior to the riots unconstitutionally using NSA technology
  9. Court documents show there were dozens of undercover officers at the Capitol Riots, despite there being light security
  10. Capitol Police officers were caught on video opening doors, removing barriers, and acting cordially with protesters inside the capitol building
  11. There were undercover MPD officers caught on video encouraging Trump supporters to ‘go to the capitol’
  12. The narrative that Donald Trump would “incite” a riot had been set as early as May 2020, according to the infamous Time ‘shadow cabal’ article
  13. The Transition Integrity Project wargamed out the 2020 election in the prior summer and in 3 of 4 scenarios ended in an “insurrection”
  14. The Congress was evacuated originally over the RNC & DNC pipe bomb threats, not the riots
  15. The pipe bomber has not been apprehended despite the FBI knowing the license plate & cell phone data of the suspect
  16. Nancy Pelosi’s own daughter documented her saying as the Capitol Riots started “I’ve been waiting for this”
  17. Nancy Pelosi’s staff was in communication with Secret Service on January 6
  18. The Secret Service texts from January 6 have gone “missing”
  19. The J6 partisan committee has buried tens of thousands of hours of public surveillance videos, including footage exonerating January 6 defendants
“And what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

Thomas Jefferson, 1787

Now that Biden has declared everyone not supporting him enemies of the State, we are very close to a Civil War. J6 was the John Brown moment of the first Civil War.

‘Sympathy’ surging for Jan. 6 rioters, 43% agree ‘they had a point’​

Maybe you can explain why Trump threw them all under the bus instead of pardoning them before he left office

6% said their actions were appropriate. I hope you're not trying to plant your flag on that.
Wait..are you under the impressions that they read past the headlines?

Their attention span isn’t that long.
Are the OP and his fellow far rightwing extremists suggesting that 43% of Americans are in agreement w/the FBI?

Your latest false argument is that January 6th was all FBI agents, remember?!??
Yeah, yesterday he said the rioters were all federal agents. Two days ago, they were all BLM and Antifa. Three days ago, there was no riot. Four days ago he fully supported everything that took place.
Yeah, yesterday he said the rioters were all federal agents. Two days ago, they were all BLM and Antifa. Three days ago, there was no riot. Four days ago he fully supported everything that took place.

You all act like he even knows what he is posting, he just post what he is told to post
Rise above the partisan fray, and you'll realize J6 was about a failed government the participants there were protesting

It's an issue that's been in court for 3 years now


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