43% of Republicans could imagine supporting a military coup in the United States


Gold Member
Aug 12, 2011
It seems we know where this group is headed.
It seems the Constitution means nothing to the "true" Americans.
"Republicans (43%) are more than twice as likely as Democrats (20%) to say that they could conceive of a situation in which they would support a military coup in the United States. Independents tend to say that they could not (38%) rather than could (29%) imagine supporting a coup."
Conceiving of a situation and supporting it are not the same thing. I'd be interested in seeing the way the poll questions were worded.
It seems we know where this group is headed.
It seems the Constitution means nothing to the "true" Americans.
"Republicans (43%) are more than twice as likely as Democrats (20%) to say that they could conceive of a situation in which they would support a military coup in the United States. Independents tend to say that they could not (38%) rather than could (29%) imagine supporting a coup."

I'm in too, so make that 44%
It seems we know where this group is headed.
It seems the Constitution means nothing to the "true" Americans.
"Republicans (43%) are more than twice as likely as Democrats (20%) to say that they could conceive of a situation in which they would support a military coup in the United States. Independents tend to say that they could not (38%) rather than could (29%) imagine supporting a coup."

It is actually the Constitution that they are upholding. We have a traitor in the White House that is putting this country in grave danger with his love of Muslim Spring and importing Muslim terrorists into America. Winter's coming.....
It seems we know where this group is headed.
It seems the Constitution means nothing to the "true" Americans.
"Republicans (43%) are more than twice as likely as Democrats (20%) to say that they could conceive of a situation in which they would support a military coup in the United States. Independents tend to say that they could not (38%) rather than could (29%) imagine supporting a coup."

I'm in too, so make that 44%

You should take a remedial mathematics class first.
It seems we know where this group is headed.
It seems the Constitution means nothing to the "true" Americans.
"Republicans (43%) are more than twice as likely as Democrats (20%) to say that they could conceive of a situation in which they would support a military coup in the United States. Independents tend to say that they could not (38%) rather than could (29%) imagine supporting a coup."

I'm in too, so make that 44%

You should take a remedial mathematics class first.

Yeah. That must be it. How'd you'd get so smart in a single lifetime?
Could it be that people inclined to respond to polls are at a different point of the dullard scale than those who don't respond to polls?
Evil people who would overthrow the Constitution and republic have always existed in America.
The thing is, republicans, right wingers, conservatives or whatever bed wetting libtards want to call us are generally well studied in history, while moonbats forget history moments after it's happened.

Do the libtards remember when their moonbat messiah said he would cut the debt in half? When they're reminded they regurgitate some insipid nonsense about obozo, as brilliant as he is, couldn't conceive how bad the anti-obama Bush left things.

Those of us who oppose regressive moonbat policies are well aware of the history behind nearly every leftist regime. From the first commie country the USSR, to the most recently founded ones one thing that stands out is the millions of people who were slaughtered, starved to death, or worked to death in forced labor camps. We recall the blood thirst and conquests of the soviets, the nazis, the fascists, and the chi-coms. We are witnessing the terrible Orwellian existence of people in North Korea, and can not comprehend how these democrook parasites can possibly envy such a system or seek create one anything like it here.

So while we observe the usurpation of the moonbat messiah and the parallels of our current circumstance and the end of the Wiemar Republic it seems far more desirable to go the route Chile did when Augusto Pinochet killed just a few thousand criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths, and saw several thousand more leftist oxygen thieves expatriate. He returned the economy to a free market system, rolled back insipid regulations and then relinquished power after an election.

When did the last leftist regime relinquish power bloodlessly?

So our own sniveling libtard oxygen thieves can pretend to sit on some phony moral high horse all they like. The only thing keeping these neo-bolsheviks in check is the 2nd Amendment, and they salivate after every shooting headline at the thought of finally advancing the disarmament agenda.

So as my sig line says, in order to be a liberal, you have to be either a complete blithering imbecile, or a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath. I mean that sincerely.

Get some math skills first before you try to make a statement.

It seems we know where this group is headed.
It seems the Constitution means nothing to the "true" Americans.
"Republicans (43%) are more than twice as likely as Democrats (20%) to say that they could conceive of a situation in which they would support a military coup in the United States. Independents tend to say that they could not (38%) rather than could (29%) imagine supporting a coup."

I'm in too, so make that 44%
Fuck you, Soggy.

No such thing is happening. You just won't accept your hard right conservatism is not what the country needs going into the 21st century.
So you have become judge , jury and executioner. Isn't that interesting.
Seems you don't know anything about our Constitution either!

It seems we know where this group is headed.
It seems the Constitution means nothing to the "true" Americans.
"Republicans (43%) are more than twice as likely as Democrats (20%) to say that they could conceive of a situation in which they would support a military coup in the United States. Independents tend to say that they could not (38%) rather than could (29%) imagine supporting a coup."

It is actually the Constitution that they are upholding. We have a traitor in the White House that is putting this country in grave danger with his love of Muslim Spring and importing Muslim terrorists into America. Winter's coming.....
Well, when someone sees a factual stupid mistake like you made. Like your new hero "the donald" call you out on it. You belong to the group he calls stupid.

It seems we know where this group is headed.
It seems the Constitution means nothing to the "true" Americans.
"Republicans (43%) are more than twice as likely as Democrats (20%) to say that they could conceive of a situation in which they would support a military coup in the United States. Independents tend to say that they could not (38%) rather than could (29%) imagine supporting a coup."

I'm in too, so make that 44%

You should take a remedial mathematics class first.

Yeah. That must be it. How'd you'd get so smart in a single lifetime?
We gotta save the constitution by getting rid of this muslim blood trator, the liberal supreme court, and anyone who opposed repealing obamacare.

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