43% of Republicans could imagine supporting a military coup in the United States

Evil people who would overthrow the Constitution and republic have always existed in America.

True and we call them Progressives. The Constitution has been a huge obstacle in their path
Of course the evil far right would call anybody who opposes them as "Progressives." We have the numbers, the will, and the money. You will not overthrow the Constitution. Don't even think about it. It will be a bad day at Round Rock for the far right if it even thinks about it.
Fuck you, Soggy.

No such thing is happening. You just won't accept your hard right conservatism is not what the country needs going into the 21st century.

You know somethin' Jerkoff Fakey?

You are Cicero's definition of a traitor. You know damn well that the liberalism you promote has been responsible for countless murders and unspeakable acts of terror and savagery yet you smugly sit there in a soiled diaper and brow beat people simply because they want to be left alone. I have run into few people more repulsive than you.

Democrook oxygen thieves can have some excuses for their utter ignorance and weapons grade stupidity, but you are a willing tool of something you know is sinister. There are savage killers locked in prisons that are better neighbors than you. If I ever met you face to face....

I can't legally say what would happen.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
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The idea of revolt is not as reactionary as you may think. I believe one president "Coolidge" actually said that their would be revolt if the people knew how the federal reserve operated. He obviously used the term without it being labeled contraversal.
Fuck you, Soggy.

No such thing is happening. You just won't accept your hard right conservatism is not what the country needs going into the 21st century.

You know somethin' Jerkoff Fakey?

You are Cicero's definition of a traitor. You know damn well that the liberalism you promote has been responsible for countless murders and unspeakable acts of terror and savagery yet you smugly sit there in a soiled diaper and brow beat people simply because they want to be left alone. I have run into few people more repulsive than you.

Democrook oxygen thieves can have some excuses for their utter ignorance and weapons grade stupidity, but you are a willing tool of something you know is sinister. There are savage killers locked in prisons that are better neighbors than you. If I ever met you face to face....

I can't legally say what would happen.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
Pete you are a bedwetting fuck who won't take responsibility for the damage your ilk causes America. Our American Exceptionalism continues to be threated by the far right and libertarian wings in America.
Fuck you, Soggy.

No such thing is happening. You just won't accept your hard right conservatism is not what the country needs going into the 21st century.

You know somethin' Jerkoff Fakey?

You are Cicero's definition of a traitor. You know damn well that the liberalism you promote has been responsible for countless murders and unspeakable acts of terror and savagery yet you smugly sit there in a soiled diaper and brow beat people simply because they want to be left alone. I have run into few people more repulsive than you.

Democrook oxygen thieves can have some excuses for their utter ignorance and weapons grade stupidity, but you are a willing tool of something you know is sinister. There are savage killers locked in prisons that are better neighbors than you. If I ever met you face to face....

I can't legally say what would happen.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
Pete you are a bedwetting fuck who won't take responsibility for the damage your ilk causes America. Our American Exceptionalism continues to be threated by the far right and libertarian wings in America.
Yeah Fakey...you at it again I see. Your fear of self imagined political factions is palpable....does it keep you up at night?

So again, who in government is part of the far right or is libertarian? Come on Fakey...you can do it this time. Think real haaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrddddddddddddd.
gipped, you offer pot shots as you sit on the pot taking a shot of booze. :lol:

Why you think the govern is "far right" or "libertarain"? You are stupid.
Go for it Tea Brans.


Only this civil war won't last a week.
gipped, you offer pot shots as you sit on the pot taking a shot of booze. :lol:

Why you think the govern is "far right" or "libertarain"? You are stupid.
Fakey.....please.....please....pretty please with sugar on top....NAME all the far right and libertarian extremists in Congress. There must be many of them for you to have such a horrifying fear of them.
gipped, you offer pot shots as you sit on the pot taking a shot of booze. :lol:

Why you think the govern is "far right" or "libertarain"? You are stupid.
Fakey.....please.....please....pretty please with sugar on top....NAME all the far right and libertarian extremists in Congress. There must be many of them for you to have such a horrifying fear of them.
That was not the original question or my point, and that has nothing to do with the freaks on the far right and libertarian side. I am glad to see you admit how weak you are in argument and your folks in influence.
gipped, you offer pot shots as you sit on the pot taking a shot of booze. :lol:

Why you think the govern is "far right" or "libertarain"? You are stupid.
Fakey.....please.....please....pretty please with sugar on top....NAME all the far right and libertarian extremists in Congress. There must be many of them for you to have such a horrifying fear of them.
That was not the original question or my point, and that has nothing to do with the freaks on the far right and libertarian side. I am glad to see you admit how weak you are in argument and your folks in influence.
Come now Fakey, for you to have such an immense psychological fear of the far right, they must have some power over you. Please explain this power they have.
gipped, you offer pot shots as you sit on the pot taking a shot of booze. :lol:

Why you think the govern is "far right" or "libertarain"? You are stupid.
Fakey.....please.....please....pretty please with sugar on top....NAME all the far right and libertarian extremists in Congress. There must be many of them for you to have such a horrifying fear of them.
That was not the original question or my point, and that has nothing to do with the freaks on the far right and libertarian side. I am glad to see you admit how weak you are in argument and your folks in influence.
Come now Fakey, for you to have such an immense psychological fear of the far right, they must have some power over you. Please explain this power they have.
gipped, you offer pot shots as you sit on the pot taking a shot of booze. :lol:

Why you think the govern is "far right" or "libertarain"? You are stupid.
Fakey.....please.....please....pretty please with sugar on top....NAME all the far right and libertarian extremists in Congress. There must be many of them for you to have such a horrifying fear of them.
That was not the original question or my point, and that has nothing to do with the freaks on the far right and libertarian side. I am glad to see you admit how weak you are in argument and your folks in influence.
Come now Fakey, for you to have such an immense psychological fear of the far right, they must have some power over you. Please explain this power they have.
They have no power over me, though certainly over you. :lol:

Libertarianism is the opiate for the lazy.
gipped, you offer pot shots as you sit on the pot taking a shot of booze. :lol:

Why you think the govern is "far right" or "libertarain"? You are stupid.
Fakey.....please.....please....pretty please with sugar on top....NAME all the far right and libertarian extremists in Congress. There must be many of them for you to have such a horrifying fear of them.
That was not the original question or my point, and that has nothing to do with the freaks on the far right and libertarian side. I am glad to see you admit how weak you are in argument and your folks in influence.
Come now Fakey, for you to have such an immense psychological fear of the far right, they must have some power over you. Please explain this power they have.
gipped, you offer pot shots as you sit on the pot taking a shot of booze. :lol:

Why you think the govern is "far right" or "libertarain"? You are stupid.
Fakey.....please.....please....pretty please with sugar on top....NAME all the far right and libertarian extremists in Congress. There must be many of them for you to have such a horrifying fear of them.
That was not the original question or my point, and that has nothing to do with the freaks on the far right and libertarian side. I am glad to see you admit how weak you are in argument and your folks in influence.
Come now Fakey, for you to have such an immense psychological fear of the far right, they must have some power over you. Please explain this power they have.
They have no power over me, though certainly over you. :lol:

Libertarianism is the opiate for the lazy.
So Fakey, you fear something that has no power over you. Well we are now making progress. I am only trying to help you through this terribly emotional and psychological state. Consider me your shrink...for free....I have diagnosed you with an awful dreadful mental disease. Only heavy medication will help...or we may have to perform a lobotomy.
Link to the poll upcoming anytime soon?

Could this be it:
YouGov | Could a coup really happen in the United States?

1000 people polled.


The proportion of the country that would support a military takeover increases when people are asked whether they would hypothetically support the military stepping in to take control from a civilian government which is beginning to violate the constitution. 43% of Americans would support the military stepping in while 29% would be opposed.
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gipped, you offer pot shots as you sit on the pot taking a shot of booze. :lol:

Why you think the govern is "far right" or "libertarain"? You are stupid.
Fakey.....please.....please....pretty please with sugar on top....NAME all the far right and libertarian extremists in Congress. There must be many of them for you to have such a horrifying fear of them.
That was not the original question or my point, and that has nothing to do with the freaks on the far right and libertarian side. I am glad to see you admit how weak you are in argument and your folks in influence.
Come now Fakey, for you to have such an immense psychological fear of the far right, they must have some power over you. Please explain this power they have.
gipped, you offer pot shots as you sit on the pot taking a shot of booze. :lol:

Why you think the govern is "far right" or "libertarain"? You are stupid.
Fakey.....please.....please....pretty please with sugar on top....NAME all the far right and libertarian extremists in Congress. There must be many of them for you to have such a horrifying fear of them.
That was not the original question or my point, and that has nothing to do with the freaks on the far right and libertarian side. I am glad to see you admit how weak you are in argument and your folks in influence.
Come now Fakey, for you to have such an immense psychological fear of the far right, they must have some power over you. Please explain this power they have.
They have no power over me, though certainly over you. :lol:

Libertarianism is the opiate for the lazy.
So Fakey, you fear something that has no power over you. Well we are now making progress. I am only trying to help you through this terribly emotional and psychological state. Consider me your shrink...for free....I have diagnosed you with an awful dreadful mental disease. Only heavy medication will help...or we may have to perform a lobotomy.
You are lost, my friend. You are afraid that your silly ideology of libertarianism will continue to fail. You are right. :lol:
A DHS report said that right wing extremist organizations try to recruit veterans.

They did not label veterans as right wing extremists. The parrot called CrusaderFrank is talking out of his flaccid anal sphincter.

Distinction without a difference. Why did Napolitano apologize for it?
Fakey.....please.....please....pretty please with sugar on top....NAME all the far right and libertarian extremists in Congress. There must be many of them for you to have such a horrifying fear of them.
That was not the original question or my point, and that has nothing to do with the freaks on the far right and libertarian side. I am glad to see you admit how weak you are in argument and your folks in influence.
Come now Fakey, for you to have such an immense psychological fear of the far right, they must have some power over you. Please explain this power they have.
Fakey.....please.....please....pretty please with sugar on top....NAME all the far right and libertarian extremists in Congress. There must be many of them for you to have such a horrifying fear of them.
That was not the original question or my point, and that has nothing to do with the freaks on the far right and libertarian side. I am glad to see you admit how weak you are in argument and your folks in influence.
Come now Fakey, for you to have such an immense psychological fear of the far right, they must have some power over you. Please explain this power they have.
They have no power over me, though certainly over you. :lol:

Libertarianism is the opiate for the lazy.
So Fakey, you fear something that has no power over you. Well we are now making progress. I am only trying to help you through this terribly emotional and psychological state. Consider me your shrink...for free....I have diagnosed you with an awful dreadful mental disease. Only heavy medication will help...or we may have to perform a lobotomy.
You are lost, my friend. You are afraid that your silly ideology of libertarianism will continue to fail. You are right. :lol:
As I feared Fakey...the only course of treatment is a lobotomy. I can't do it as I am much too busy, but the janitor has a steady hand. Good luck.
That was not the original question or my point, and that has nothing to do with the freaks on the far right and libertarian side. I am glad to see you admit how weak you are in argument and your folks in influence.
Come now Fakey, for you to have such an immense psychological fear of the far right, they must have some power over you. Please explain this power they have.
That was not the original question or my point, and that has nothing to do with the freaks on the far right and libertarian side. I am glad to see you admit how weak you are in argument and your folks in influence.
Come now Fakey, for you to have such an immense psychological fear of the far right, they must have some power over you. Please explain this power they have.
They have no power over me, though certainly over you. :lol:

Libertarianism is the opiate for the lazy.
So Fakey, you fear something that has no power over you. Well we are now making progress. I am only trying to help you through this terribly emotional and psychological state. Consider me your shrink...for free....I have diagnosed you with an awful dreadful mental disease. Only heavy medication will help...or we may have to perform a lobotomy.
You are lost, my friend. You are afraid that your silly ideology of libertarianism will continue to fail. You are right. :lol:
As I feared Fakey...the only course of treatment is a lobotomy. I can't do it as I am much too busy, but the janitor has a steady hand. Good luck.
The silly lip libertararian continues to flop his chop. I enjoying toying with him. :lol:

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