44 Senators kill Sassy Ben Sasse's anti-infanticide anti-abortion pro-life bill

A one or two year old child is a living human being and not the same thing as a zygote, embryo or fetus.

If you actually believe they are the same then let them BE the same.

Take that zygote, embryo or fetus out of the body of the woman then let it walk, talk, eat, breathe and do all the things that a one or two year old child does.

See how long it survives. Then you'll see that they aren't the same thing as a one or two year old living child.

You lost on this one this time. Posting lies won't change reality.


Take a one or two year old child and treat him just like you want these children born alive to be treated. Deny him medical care if he needs it, don't feed him, don't clothe him, and see how long he survives. Now try the same with the old, the infirm, the handicapped...

Oh, they all died? They must not have been "viable"...

You lose on this one, by your own definitions.


What I am is someone who is sick and tired of anti choice people forcing their beliefs on the people of our nation.

Finally, democrats and sane republicans are starting to write laws that protect women and doctors.

If you don't like it that's just too bad.

You can lie about what the laws are about but that doesn't make your lies reality.

I've never performed an abortion. I've never had an abortion.

Supporting choice and protecting the lives of women and doctors isn't murder.

So you can try to use all the fake words on me but they don't work on me. I just shake my head at you and can't believe you're so pathetic that you have to lie and call me names.

The reason you have to do that is because the truth and reality isn't on your side.

Nor is the law.

Do you support the death penalty?
A one or two year old child is a living human being and not the same thing as a zygote, embryo or fetus.

If you actually believe they are the same then let them BE the same.

Take that zygote, embryo or fetus out of the body of the woman then let it walk, talk, eat, breathe and do all the things that a one or two year old child does.

See how long it survives. Then you'll see that they aren't the same thing as a one or two year old living child.

You lost on this one this time. Posting lies won't change reality.


Take a one or two year old child and treat him just like you want these children born alive to be treated. Deny him medical care if he needs it, don't feed him, don't clothe him, and see how long he survives. Now try the same with the old, the infirm, the handicapped...

Oh, they all died? They must not have been "viable"...

You lose on this one, by your own definitions.


What I am is someone who is sick and tired of anti choice people forcing their beliefs on the people of our nation.

Finally, democrats and sane republicans are starting to write laws that protect women and doctors.

If you don't like it that's just too bad.

You can lie about what the laws are about but that doesn't make your lies reality.

I've never performed an abortion. I've never had an abortion.

Supporting choice and protecting the lives of women and doctors isn't murder.

So you can try to use all the fake words on me but they don't work on me. I just shake my head at you and can't believe you're so pathetic that you have to lie and call me names.

The reason you have to do that is because the truth and reality isn't on your side.

Nor is the law.

Do you support the death penalty?

but killing a helpless baby is murder
They also ignore the fact that many pregnancies end in heartbreak .

For example you may have a severely deformed fetus that may live a few minutes post birth . This law would require the doctors to try to save the fetus ?! That’s insnane .


My best friend's sister in law found out the fetus she was carrying didn't have much of a brain and didn't have much of the skull over the brain. If it was born, it wouldn't have lived more than a few minutes.

Would that law have forced doctors to try to keep it alive? And how would they do that without most of a brain and skull?

People don't understand that these laws cover situations just like the one I described.

All laws like that do is cause more harm to the women and men involved. It puts the woman and man through the horror of having to watch as that child dies a very horrible death. It's cruel for everyone involved.

I have no patience for anti choice people anymore. Most of them are bat crap crazy. They don't want any exceptions. So if a woman's pregnancy goes wrong she dies.

It's sick.
They also ignore the fact that many pregnancies end in heartbreak .

For example you may have a severely deformed fetus that may live a few minutes post birth . This law would require the doctors to try to save the fetus ?! That’s insnane .


My best friend's sister in law found out the fetus she was carrying didn't have much of a brain and didn't have much of the skull over the brain. If it was born, it wouldn't have lived more than a few minutes.

Would that law have forced doctors to try to keep it alive? And how would they do that without most of a brain and skull?

People don't understand that these laws cover situations just like the one I described.

All laws like that do is cause more harm to the women and men involved. It puts the woman and man through the horror of having to watch as that child dies a very horrible death. It's cruel for everyone involved.

I have no patience for anti choice people anymore. Most of them are bat crap crazy. They don't want any exceptions. So if a woman's pregnancy goes wrong she dies.

It's sick.
at least they are baby killers like you
A one or two year old child is a living human being and not the same thing as a zygote, embryo or fetus.

If you actually believe they are the same then let them BE the same.

Take that zygote, embryo or fetus out of the body of the woman then let it walk, talk, eat, breathe and do all the things that a one or two year old child does.

See how long it survives. Then you'll see that they aren't the same thing as a one or two year old living child.

You lost on this one this time. Posting lies won't change reality.


Take a one or two year old child and treat him just like you want these children born alive to be treated. Deny him medical care if he needs it, don't feed him, don't clothe him, and see how long he survives. Now try the same with the old, the infirm, the handicapped...

Oh, they all died? They must not have been "viable"...

You lose on this one, by your own definitions.


What I am is someone who is sick and tired of anti choice people forcing their beliefs on the people of our nation.

Finally, democrats and sane republicans are starting to write laws that protect women and doctors.

If you don't like it that's just too bad.

You can lie about what the laws are about but that doesn't make your lies reality.

I've never performed an abortion. I've never had an abortion.

Supporting choice and protecting the lives of women and doctors isn't murder.

So you can try to use all the fake words on me but they don't work on me. I just shake my head at you and can't believe you're so pathetic that you have to lie and call me names.

The reason you have to do that is because the truth and reality isn't on your side.

Nor is the law.

Do you support the death penalty?
Now you are equating a murderer that receives the death penalty with legally murdering an innocent defenseless infant at birth. You're insane.
They also ignore the fact that many pregnancies end in heartbreak .

For example you may have a severely deformed fetus that may live a few minutes post birth . This law would require the doctors to try to save the fetus ?! That’s insnane .


My best friend's sister in law found out the fetus she was carrying didn't have much of a brain and didn't have much of the skull over the brain. If it was born, it wouldn't have lived more than a few minutes.

Would that law have forced doctors to try to keep it alive? And how would they do that without most of a brain and skull?

People don't understand that these laws cover situations just like the one I described.

All laws like that do is cause more harm to the women and men involved. It puts the woman and man through the horror of having to watch as that child dies a very horrible death. It's cruel for everyone involved.

I have no patience for anti choice people anymore. Most of them are bat crap crazy. They don't want any exceptions. So if a woman's pregnancy goes wrong she dies.

It's sick.
You're the sick one here. If a child is alive and survives an abortion, your solution is to leave it to die on a table. We're talking about human beings here. You're very sick.
A one or two year old child is a living human being and not the same thing as a zygote, embryo or fetus.

If you actually believe they are the same then let them BE the same.

Take that zygote, embryo or fetus out of the body of the woman then let it walk, talk, eat, breathe and do all the things that a one or two year old child does.

See how long it survives. Then you'll see that they aren't the same thing as a one or two year old living child.

You lost on this one this time. Posting lies won't change reality.


Take a one or two year old child and treat him just like you want these children born alive to be treated. Deny him medical care if he needs it, don't feed him, don't clothe him, and see how long he survives. Now try the same with the old, the infirm, the handicapped...

Oh, they all died? They must not have been "viable"...

You lose on this one, by your own definitions.


What I am is someone who is sick and tired of anti choice people forcing their beliefs on the people of our nation.

Finally, democrats and sane republicans are starting to write laws that protect women and doctors.

If you don't like it that's just too bad.

You can lie about what the laws are about but that doesn't make your lies reality.

I've never performed an abortion. I've never had an abortion.

Supporting choice and protecting the lives of women and doctors isn't murder.

So you can try to use all the fake words on me but they don't work on me. I just shake my head at you and can't believe you're so pathetic that you have to lie and call me names.

The reason you have to do that is because the truth and reality isn't on your side.

Nor is the law.

Do you support the death penalty?
Sick of people trying to stop baby killing eh ?? I know I support the killing of a henous convicted killer by way of the death penalty, but not the killing of an innocent baby that has it's whole life to live once born, and has never done anything to anyone throughout the whole or entire event, except maybe to inconvenient the mother once she decides to say "hey I gotta get this baby out of me (kill it)" after she decides for some reason that she doesn't want it.
They also ignore the fact that many pregnancies end in heartbreak .

For example you may have a severely deformed fetus that may live a few minutes post birth . This law would require the doctors to try to save the fetus ?! That’s insnane .


My best friend's sister in law found out the fetus she was carrying didn't have much of a brain and didn't have much of the skull over the brain. If it was born, it wouldn't have lived more than a few minutes.

Would that law have forced doctors to try to keep it alive? And how would they do that without most of a brain and skull?

People don't understand that these laws cover situations just like the one I described.

All laws like that do is cause more harm to the women and men involved. It puts the woman and man through the horror of having to watch as that child dies a very horrible death. It's cruel for everyone involved.

I have no patience for anti choice people anymore. Most of them are bat crap crazy. They don't want any exceptions. So if a woman's pregnancy goes wrong she dies.

It's sick.
Bullcrap...... There are exceptions allowed, but they should strictly be medical exceptions. Hundreds of thousands planned Parenthood has taken out, in no way justified that medical nessesity.
Senate fails to pass bill protecting infants surviving abortion

Sickening people. Glad we now have this on record especially for the 2020 candidates.

I heard about this yesterday and did my happy dance when it was announced.

I'm so glad it didn't pass.

Cry all you want, you lost again.

Another piece of dog shit cheering baby murder. Ah I just hope a nice criminal decides your nice home is an easy target. Make sure to put up your gun free home signs bitch.
What I am is someone who is sick and tired of anti choice people forcing their beliefs on the people of our nation.
Imagine how the babies would reply to this - if they could. Can you imagine a baby saying "Kill me, it's your right. I don't have any rights yet."?

YOU are the one forcing your beliefs on innocent victims, and it's reprehensible.
What I am is someone who is sick and tired of anti choice people forcing their beliefs on the people of our nation.
Imagine how the babies would reply to this - if they could. Can you imagine a baby saying "Kill me, it's your right. I don't have any rights yet."?

YOU are the one forcing your beliefs on innocent victims, and it's reprehensible.
Then don't support war...
"Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children. The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth...This will be remembered as one of the most shocking votes in the history of Congress. If there is one thing we should all agree on, it’s protecting the lives of innocent babies." - President Trump
What I am is someone who is sick and tired of anti choice people forcing their beliefs on the people of our nation.
Imagine how the babies would reply to this - if they could. Can you imagine a baby saying "Kill me, it's your right. I don't have any rights yet."?

YOU are the one forcing your beliefs on innocent victims, and it's reprehensible.
Then don't support war...
And yet another lame analogy that has absolutely nothing to do with the specific topic at hand. Muddying the waters ain't working, as we can still see the vipers swimming around in the mud.
An ordinary human conscience should have difficulty even processing the fact that 44 Senate Democrats on Monday blocked a bill that would protect newborn infants from being killed or subjected to negligent homicide should they survive an attempted abortion.

Yes, as a side note, polling indicates Democrats might suffer politically from their callousness.
"Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children. The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth...This will be remembered as one of the most shocking votes in the history of Congress. If there is one thing we should all agree on, it’s protecting the lives of innocent babies." - President Trump
It is already against the law this bill was meting out punishment..
"With all the attention to infanticide and late-term abortions, at least some polling data is showing that Democrats may be sorry for opposing this bill. Marist, a pollster that has done surveys on abortion attitudes for more than a decade, announced this week a “ dramatic shift” in favor of being pro-life, against abortion, including among Democrats and young voters, in various measures of self-identification along the “life” vs. “choice” spectrum.

Marist’s new overall numbers bring pro-life and pro-choice sides into exact parity, which is roughly what other surveys have shown for some time. Because pollsters use different sampling methods, it would be interesting to see if the other pollsters that already showed a rough parity now will show a shift from parity to an actual pro-life majority.

Either way, Marist’s numbers should give Democrats pause. The recent, radical moves in favor of extra-late-term abortions and infanticide are clearly not playing well in the broader public"

Much of the establishment media coverage obscures this fact, so let’s repeat it: This bill applies only to babies who are alive, breathing the air of day, separate and apart from the mother’s body, no longer in any sense “fetuses” but who are unambiguously, fully formed human beings. These are babies that doctors tried, but failed, to abort. They are there, presumably in the maternity room, struggling for life.

This bill says doctors cannot turn “ Gosnell” on them, snuffing the lifefrom breathing babies, nor can they sit and watch while a baby who could survive with a modicum of assistance instead suffocates to death. That’s all. It’s the sort of thing that until about a decade ago would not have occurred to decent human beings to be the slightest bit controversial.

This isn’t about abortion. The bill would stop not a single abortion. This is about infanticide, or, to put it bluntly, murder.

But how is there any legitimate discussion to be held? The options are three: Kill the breathing baby, let it lie there until it dies, or provide ordinary care so that it lives. This bill makes it a crime for the doctor to refuse to provide ordinary care. That’s it.

Thirteen years ago, Democrats howled when National Review’s Ramesh Ponnuru penned a thoughtful, full-length book calling them and the media together the “ Party of Death.” By their refusal to condemn infanticide — a stance, to put it bluntly, that is barbaric — Democrats risk proving conclusively that Ponnuru was right.
You people's ignorance is albeit not asstounding but yuge nonetheless..

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