45's Muslim Ban Gets Smacked Down Again

That has nothing to do with this case does it. This is between a State and the Federal Government. Guess what skippy, a State has no standing to challenge Federal foreign policy as it pertains to citizens of foreign countries that have nerve set foot on US soil.

Actually the TRO and it's extension says the opposite.

Take comfort in that when it's overturned.
Timmy is a dip shit liberal that would defend ISIS so long as they are against Trump.

It's funny how the left bitches about greed and the rich, the judge said one of the reasons it would hurt Hawaii's tourist industry..


I don't understand the correlation? You don't make sense.

When you don't have anything play stupid...

Again the judge said the ban would hurt Hawaii's tourist industry..


OK. So point to me where Dems are against tourism? Let's here your retarded reasoning .

Uhm who owns the large hotels?
It's funny how Timmy goes against his beliefs and now wants to protect the millions and millions of dollars of Paris Hilton who's grandfather was a Republican.

Go figure
Have you had enough " winning" yet?"

Don't even try to say it's not a MUSLIM ban because one of the main reasons for this failure is his big mouth. All during the campaign he promised to stop Muslim's from coming into the country. Well... now there is an avalanche of lawsuits against him because its unconstitutional to ban a religion.
Trump punks himself... again.

U.S. judge in Hawaii extends halt on Trump travel ban
Derrick Watson's original order halting the travel ban was issued March 15, a day before the ban was to go into effect, in the form of a temporary restraining order.

Well that dumb fuck judge might want to read this. My bold.

Held: 1. The Federal Government’s broad, undoubted power over immigration and alien status rests, in part, on its constitutional power to “establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization,” Art. I, §8, cl. 4, and on its inherent sovereign power to control and conduct foreign relations, see Toll v. Moreno, 458 U. S. 1, 10. Federal governance is extensive and complex. Among other things, federal law specifies categories of aliens who are ineligible to be admitted to the United States,


States have no standing to say shit. Fuckheads that have never set foot on our dirt have NO constitutional protections, no matter what the fucking judge says, and their family have no authority to extend their protections to them. I hope this judge is removed for abuse of power.
The name of the judge is Derrick Watson and he's already an American hero.
Like all left wingers, he's a douche bag.

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Unless that EO says they are targeting Muslims, because there is no other way to prove it, and legally that is the way it goes. The judge is basing his decision on hearsay and opinion. Neither of those apply here in a court of law.

DipshitDon is ON RECORD running his mouth ... no HEARSAY about it ..

At a December 2015 rally in Charleston, South Carolina, just a few days after the San Bernardino shooting, Trump told thousands of supporters:

"Donald J. Trump is calling for a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.

He was a candidate then. He is exercising a presidential obligation to protect the citizens of this country. And again it is whole countries, not just Muslims.

makes no difference in the least from a legal standpoint.

I see, the way the EO is written means nothing to the court? And it means nothing because of prior comments? You don't know much about the law.

According to a newer estimate done in 2016, there were 3.3 million Muslims living in the United States, about 1% of the total U.S. population. American Muslims come from various backgrounds and, according to a 2009 Gallup poll, are one of the most racially diverse religious groups in the United States.

DipshitDon banned his own coutry ...

Wrong, asshole. He banned foreigners from 6 countries.

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No he doesn't. Our constitution is for our citizens, not for people outside our country.

You should read the constitution which you obviously haven't.

1) it doesn't just cover citizens .

2). It's not about would be immigrants from other countries .

The government can not favor or target a specific religion. That's the base of the decision .

Unless that EO says they are targeting Muslims, because there is no other way to prove it, and legally that is the way it goes. The judge is basing his decision on hearsay and opinion. Neither of those apply here in a court of law.

DipshitDon is ON RECORD running his mouth ... no HEARSAY about it ..

At a December 2015 rally in Charleston, South Carolina, just a few days after the San Bernardino shooting, Trump told thousands of supporters:

"Donald J. Trump is calling for a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.

So tell the class, was the EO a complete and total shutdown of muslims entering the US? If your answer is no then you're admitting the judge is full of shit.

Holy jimm crow, do you think the judges are idiots ? The dons own words are proof!
Leftwing judges are lying douche bags.

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1) it doesn't just cover citizens .

2). It's not about would be immigrants from other countries .

The government can not favor or target a specific religion. That's the base of the decision .

Unless that EO says they are targeting Muslims, because there is no other way to prove it, and legally that is the way it goes. The judge is basing his decision on hearsay and opinion. Neither of those apply here in a court of law.

DipshitDon is ON RECORD running his mouth ... no HEARSAY about it ..

At a December 2015 rally in Charleston, South Carolina, just a few days after the San Bernardino shooting, Trump told thousands of supporters:

"Donald J. Trump is calling for a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.

So tell the class, was the EO a complete and total shutdown of muslims entering the US? If your answer is no then you're admitting the judge is full of shit.

Holy jimm crow, do you think the judges are idiots ? The dons own words are proof!
Leftwing judges are lying douche bags.

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What makes him LEFT WING? Because he's doing his job?
We have seen this administration accomplish NOTHING so far except try to distract from the 3 investigations.
Left wing: doing their jobs.
Trump: a miserable failure.
Unless that EO says they are targeting Muslims, because there is no other way to prove it, and legally that is the way it goes. The judge is basing his decision on hearsay and opinion. Neither of those apply here in a court of law.

DipshitDon is ON RECORD running his mouth ... no HEARSAY about it ..

At a December 2015 rally in Charleston, South Carolina, just a few days after the San Bernardino shooting, Trump told thousands of supporters:

"Donald J. Trump is calling for a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.

So tell the class, was the EO a complete and total shutdown of muslims entering the US? If your answer is no then you're admitting the judge is full of shit.

Holy jimm crow, do you think the judges are idiots ? The dons own words are proof!
Leftwing judges are lying douche bags.

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What makes him LEFT WING? Because he's doing his job?
We have seen this administration accomplish NOTHING so far except try to distract from the 3 investigations.
Left wing: doing their jobs.
Trump: a miserable failure.

And you are, well, a liar. Trump has signed good bills delivered to him by congress, nominated a superior judge to the supreme court and did away with regulations that would cost the economy billions. That's not nothing.

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