46.9% Of Eligible Voters Didn't Vote In The Election

Just saw on MSNBC.


This is absolutely astonishing.
It was a high turnout.
Why would anybody turn out when both parties pass the same legislation?
If not for Trump I wouldn't have voted.
Guess they didn't feel like there was a candidate worth voting for. Can't say that I blame them.
How an eligible voter voluntarily declines to vote in such a consequential election is a total mystery to me.
Just saw on MSNBC.


This is absolutely astonishing.

Yes, while laughing at lawrences meltdown, he actually did post up some interesting facts. And that was one of them. Just imagine if the two Party's had actually fielded candidates that the general population liked.
Just saw on MSNBC.


This is absolutely astonishing.

Can you imagine if those voters had voted?

The entire map would have been red - but we didn't want to rub it in - we didn't want to run up the score.


Just saw on MSNBC.


This is absolutely astonishing.
What are their demographics? Poor? Uneducated? Low-information voters?

I expected a record low turnout when our two main parties each ran the most loathsome candidates in living history which is why I was surprised by such a surge of voters from certain demographics.
Just saw on MSNBC.


This is absolutely astonishing.
What are their demographics? Poor? Uneducated? Low-information voters?

I expected a record low turnout when our two main parties each ran the most loathsome candidates in living history which is why I was surprised by such a surge of voters from certain demographics.

Not sure, looking for a link...
How an eligible voter voluntarily declines to vote in such a consequential election is a total mystery to me.
Dude, EVERY election is consequential!
So, why do the same voters reelect the same fucking idiots?

That is really more of a mystery to me.
Why do voters keep reelecting the same idiots?

Nothing changes if nothing changes
If I keep doing what I've always done
I'll keep getting what I've always gotten
Nothing changes if nothing changes

But, wanna know what really baffles me?

Why are people so fucking complacent?

I have been drowning and struggling to stay afloat,
in a pathetic sea of human complacency, for far too long!

This election, Trump winning, gave me a optimism I can't explain.
Not for Trump but, in a rising of the people.

The fact that Trump won the election only proves,
that together we can take back our government.

The politicians WE have elected
do not work for us, we work for them.

Keep blaming whomever you want...
Bush, Obama, Democrats, Republicans, him, her, doesn't matter.
Because that doesn't change the fact, that the fault FIRST lies,
with the complacency of the people!... Nothing changes

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