47 Republicans vote in support of same sex marriage

That you don't understand or care about the things that gays have had to endure is not the issue

Not my job to understand a bunch of pervs that chose the way they live, anymore than it's their job to understand the way I chose to live.

"I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage." —Barack Hussein Obama 2008
Amazing how Biden, Hillary, and 0bama ALL changed their 'core' positions on gay marriage in 2012. Principled people.

Republicans are out of step with the nation and catering to their homophobic base
Not really... those folks merely hold to the several millennia -old viewpoint that homosexuality is a deviant, perverse abomination in the eyes of God and Man.

Near as I can tell.. most of 'em aren't homo-phobic (phobia implies fear) - rather, they're homo-contemptuous and homo-shunning. Big difference, methinks.

And a great many other folks are disgusted with all this cross-over bull$hit in bathrooms and sports and in kids' schools, and that asinine Pronoun Bull$hit.

Let's face it... vast, vast numbers of Americans are phukking sick-and-tired of the Gay Agenda and the Gay Mafia and their enablers in the media and gubmint.

Republicans are a little more in-touch and well-synched with the American general population on this score than you-and-yours are willing to openly concede.
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Child, if marriage requires a State license, it's a privilege, not a right. And my argument stands because States treated all men and women equally, so there was no discrimination.

More inane bullshit that fails to address the point that I made or in any way defend your idiotic asertion that gays already had equal rights because they could marry someone of the opposite sex.

The fact that a license is needed does not make marriage a priveledge. Licenses serve various,purposes, In the case of marriage, it is to ensure that you are not marrying your mother or daughter and to ensure that it involves two consenting adults. Other than meeting a few basic requirements, marriahe is not soomething that must be earned, and it cannot be denied or taken away by the state. Until Obergefell narriage was treated as a right for opposite sex couples only. That was discrimintion
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Not really... those folks merely hold to the several millennia -old viewpoint that homosexuality is a deviant, perverse abomination in the eyes of God and Man.

Near as I can tell.. most of 'em aren't homo-phobic (phobia implies fear) - rather, they're homo-contemptuous and homo-shunning. Big difference, methinks.

And a great many other folks are disgusted with all this cross-over bull$hit in bathrooms and sports and in kids' schools, and that asinine Pronoun Bull$hit.

Let's face it... vast, vast numbers of Americans are phukking sick-and-tired of the Gay Agenda and the Gay Mafia and their enablers in the media and gubmint.

Republicans are a little more in-touch and well-synched with the American general population on this score than you-and-yours are willing to openly concede.
Actually just the opposite. They are stuck in the 50s

Gay Mafia your ass
Not according to his stooge, Mr. Axelrod. Axelrod said he lied, and it makes sense he would.

The people are opposed to this Atrocity, but he wanted to get elected. Once safely in, he pretended to change his mind.
Really? So I guess you can prove that right?
Wonder how many African nations forbid homo marriage.

The racist leftists are perverts, racists and baby mutilating godless heathens that deserve zero respect.
Actually just the opposite. They are stuck in the 50s

Gay Mafia your ass

Actually, the vast majority of the world's people understand Gay Marriage to be an Abomination, including almost all of Asia and Africa, major nations including China, India and Bangladesh.

In Africa, only the Union of South Africa thinks its a great idea. The tremendous PW Botha is probably spinning in his grave.

Wonder how many African nations forbid homo marriage.

The racist leftists are perverts, racists and baby mutilating godless heathens that deserve zero respect.

Black people don't go for this shit at all. Libs don't believe me? Drive up to a street corner in your local Ghetto, roll down your window and call some of the brothers over and ask them "psst- are you guys gay" and see the negative reaction for yourself.
Actually, the vast majority of the world's people understand Gay Marriage to be an Abomination, including almost all of Asia and Africa, major nations including China, India and Bangladesh.

In Africa, only the Union of South Africa thinks its a great idea. The tremendous PW Botha is probably spinning in his grave.

But AMERICAS...which is our country...feels differently

I don't give two shits what the people of Bangladesh think
Black people don't go for this shit at all. Libs don't believe me? Drive up to a street corner in your local Ghetto, roll down your window and call some of the brothers over and ask them "psst- are you guys gay" and see the negative reaction for yourself.
None of these loser white elitist snobs on the left know a thing about the hood. I'm a minority and grew up there.

It was hilarious watching the Hollywood losers yell and scream when prop 8 was initially rejected in California and that was mainly due to the vast majority of the black neighborhoods (all hoods) voted overwhelmingly against it.

I laughed so hard at the pinky raising snobs as they sipped their disgusting Starbucks piss lattes and how shocked they were.

They really have no idea how many of them offend blacks and actual Africans.

Gay marriage and abortion illegal in the Bahamas. Why don't the left care about that? Why? Cause they are all virtue signaling losers.
But AMERICAS...which is our country...feels differently

I don't give two shits what the people of Bangladesh think

How about the people of Haiti, Jamaica or the Dominican Republic? Or the Liberal tyrants of Cuba? The Cuban people will accept living in squalor, eating garbage and people telling them what to do. But even the dictators of that island realize that Gay Marriage is a bridge too far.

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