47 Republicans vote in support of same sex marriage

I'm not a never Trumper but if two faggots want to get married so be it but leave children out of it.

One of the most well adjusted, successful, happy young men I've ever met is married to a beautiful woman and they have two beautiful children.

He was raised by two gay men...
With the TRUMPCourt, all bets are off as to what issues are not in jeopardy. Republicans are willing to push all decisions to the states.

Democrats need to force these issues and make Republicans vote.
Yes, do that. People in the states surely want the federal mandates and that will piss them off to no end getting to vote on these things.
Republicans are on the record on abortion (OPPOSED) and same sex marriage (OPPOSED), and this is why they have made huge gains among Hispanics.

I highly doubt that same-sex marriage is supported by more than two-thirds of the country. Gallup and almost every other poll reflect Democrat preferences, because almost all Republicans don't answer polls.

These anti-Catholic/Christian ideas of Democrats, along with abortion, are why the Democratic Party is losing Hispanics in droves
Most of the country supports a woman’s choice to abortion, same sex marriage, Obamacare

Make Republicans go on the record that they want to take it away
Nobody does. So why does Congress need to waste the country's time and money on enacting legislation to protect something that's already legal?

Especially when there are far more important things they should be working on?
For votes
One of the most well adjusted, successful, happy young men I've ever met is married to a beautiful woman and they have two beautiful children.

He was raised by two gay men...
That rare but it does happen maybe it's more prevalent with the dyke's to be bad father figures
I suppose there is some concern that SCOTUS may act to reverse its own prior holding on the topic. Seems far fetched to me. Otoh, even assuming (as I do) that the SCOTUS will never make any such ruling, I see this vote as just precautionary.

So they want to codify an already existing Supreme Court decision into law, "just in case."

The SC's decisions on abortion and self-defense sure has made the left crazy.
Most of the country supports a woman’s choice to abortion, same sex marriage, Obamacare

Make Republicans go on the record that they want to take it away
To a point. You go past the first few weeks of pregnancy and support for the child death cult drops dramatically. Same sex marriage couldn’t even pass in California on a vote of the people. Obie are is so gutted it barely exists. In its prime we had 30 million uninsured and after it passed we still had 30 million uninsured plus what the law then caused to be uninsured. Your wins aren’t very convincing.
Most of the country supports a woman’s choice to abortion, same sex marriage, Obamacare

Make Republicans go on the record that they want to take it away
As I said, I strongly DOUBT that most of the country supports a woman’s choice to abortion, same sex marriage. Democrats have been deluded into thinking that the polls tell the tale of the country. Nonsense,

Republicans have not been responding to polls since the 1980s, but Democrats foolishy still swear by them, like they did in 2016, when the stupid polls predicted Hillary to win.
These dopey policies are what caused Democrats to lose the Hispanic vote and many blacks are churchgoers who follow the Bible meticulously. "Most of the country" supports the CHOICE of the fetus > to LIVE.
The more of these idiotic ideas Democrats come up with, the deeper they sink.

No need to make Democrats go on record as supporting these things. They are dumb enough to do just that, on their own. Part of the reason for November's upcoming >>>
So they want to codify an already existing Supreme Court decision into law, "just in case."

The SC's decisions on abortion and self-defense sure has made the left crazy.
I think both parts of your post are on the money.
As I said, I strongly DOUBT that most of the country supports a woman’s choice to abortion, same sex marriage. Democrats have been deluded into thinking that the polls tell the tale of the country. Nonsense,

Republicans have not been responding to polls since the 1980s, but Democrats foolishy still swear by them, like they did in 2016, when the stupid polls predicted Hillary to win.
These dopey policies are what caused Democrats to lose the Hispanic vote and many blacks are churchgoers who follow the Bible meticulously.
The more of these idiotic ideas Democrats come up with, the deeper they sink.

No need to make Democrats go on record as supporting these things. They are dumb enough to do just that, on their own. Part of the reason for November's upcoming >>>
View attachment 672105
Show me any poll that says so
Last I checked, you could marry your kitchen sink if you wanted to.
You obviously did NOT check because you are wrong. Are you SUUUUUURE you have a degree in journalism? Did it come from a cereal box?
Good thing I’m not a mod and never will be. Otherwise I’d have to give myself a week off.

Now back on topic. I still don’t give a damn if two lesbians marry each other or two homosexual males marry each other.
It's still a distraction from all the Brandon buffoonery.....Faggot fiddling while Rome burns.
As I said, I strongly DOUBT that most of the country supports a woman’s choice to abortion, same sex marriage. Democrats have been deluded into thinking that the polls tell the tale of the country. Nonsense,

Republicans have not been responding to polls since the 1980s, but Democrats foolishy still swear by them, like they did in 2016, when the stupid polls predicted Hillary to win.
These dopey policies are what caused Democrats to lose the Hispanic vote and many blacks are churchgoers who follow the Bible meticulously. "Most of the country" supports the CHOICE of the fetus > to LIVE.
The more of these idiotic ideas Democrats come up with, the deeper they sink.

No need to make Democrats go on record as supporting these things. They are dumb enough to do just that, on their own. Part of the reason for November's upcoming >>>
View attachment 672105
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