47 Republicans vote in support of same sex marriage

It’s a start (150 Republicans voted against Same Sex Marriage)
The House passed Respect for Marriage Act protecting interracial and same sex marriages.

Senate Republicans seem to be running away from the issue and don’t want to be forced to go on the record.

Can Democrats force a vote?

That's 47 more Republicans who are now D33P STAIT RINOs.

They each receive a complimentary smoking jacket, two coupons for Comet Pizza, a copy of Barack Obama's Kenyan birth certificate, and a time share of the Jewish Space Laser.

Donald Trump is the only real Republican in the whoooooooooooole world!
Except even when abortion was illegal, no one was charged with murder for having one.

That’s not an exception.

well, yeah, it kind of is. If we always thought fetuses were people, then abortionists would have been charged with murder pre-Roe. They weren't. In fact, the abortion laws were about as well-enforced as prostitution laws are now. People were only prosecuted if they caused a bother.

The 1973 court didn't think they were doing anything all that controversial.
As I said, I strongly DOUBT that most of the country supports a woman’s choice to abortion, same sex marriage. Democrats have been deluded into thinking that the polls tell the tale of the country. Nonsense,

Republicans have not been responding to polls since the 1980s, but Democrats foolishy still swear by them, like they did in 2016, when the stupid polls predicted Hillary to win.
These dopey policies are what caused Democrats to lose the Hispanic vote and many blacks are churchgoers who follow the Bible meticulously. "Most of the country" supports the CHOICE of the fetus > to LIVE.
The more of these idiotic ideas Democrats come up with, the deeper they sink.

No need to make Democrats go on record as supporting these things. They are dumb enough to do just that, on their own. Part of the reason for November's upcoming >>>
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They swear by polls that they know have a thumb on the scale in their favor, in nearly every instance.

They actually like gaslighting themselves.
One of the most well adjusted, successful, happy young men I've ever met is married to a beautiful woman and they have two beautiful children.

He was raised by two gay men...

Same sex marriage was already protected under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the US Constitution:

"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
Except even when abortion was illegal, no one was charged with murder for having one.

A person can damned sure be charged with two counts of murder if he or she kills a pregnant woman. And that's not contingent upon how far along the victim was carrying.
Show me any poll that says so
I would not show a poll to anyone, because polls are false. They allege to reflect the feelings of the country, when actually all they are, are reflections of Democrats, while Republicans, seeing them as part of the enemy MSM, ignore them. Ho hum.
Why do homosexuals want to pretend they're heterosexual? There's a reason even gays reject gays marrying, because it's absurd.
They swear by polls that they know have a thumb on the scale in their favor, in nearly every instance.

They actually like gaslighting themselves.
And then they use these false "reports", to try to influence the public to go in their direction.
"It's a start"? Why the hell is it a "start"? What does a "start" mean in political terms? The short answer is nothing. I guess any cliche passes for political news when you don't want to talk about the mess the Country is in. Maybe after November when republicans become the majority and gain some balls the liberal sissies will have to be content to parade in the nude in desperate gay parades.
A person can damned sure be charged with two counts of murder if he or she kills a pregnant woman. And that's not contingent upon how far along the victim was carrying.

Yes, those are stupid laws, and we've already seen how they've been abused.

I recently watched a documentary on the Scott Peterson case, and they pretty much convicted the guy on pure emotion instead of you know, actual evidence. Apparently Scott was able to kill his pregnant wife, move her to his truck, move her to his boat, and then drive out to the middle of SF Bay, all without getting a drop of blood or hair anywhere!!!

But even beyond how they get abused by prosecutors in homicide cases, you have cases where women who have had miscarriages have been charged with fetal homicide under these laws. You should educate yourself on the cases of Purvi Patel and Bei Bei Shaui.
"It's a start"? Why the hell is it a "start"? What does a "start" mean in political terms? The short answer is nothing. I guess any cliche passes for political news when you don't want to talk about the mess the Country is in. Maybe after November when republicans become the majority and gain some balls the liberal sissies will have to be content to parade in the nude in desperate gay parades.

Do you guys spend all day lamenting how miserable you are.

Oh, gosh. Gasoline is $5.00 a gallon. This is horrible while I idle in a drive through line in a big gas guzzling SUV while waiting to buy a $5.00 cup of coffee.

How many rights are you willing to trade away for $2.00 gasoline? Or do you only want to trade away other people's rights.
Do you guys spend all day lamenting how miserable you are.

Oh, gosh. Gasoline is $5.00 a gallon. This is horrible while I idle in a drive through line in a big gas guzzling SUV while waiting to buy a $5.00 cup of coffee.

How many rights are you willing to trade away for $2.00 gasoline? Or do you only want to trade away other people's rights.

It's not just the gasoline price alone.

It's gasoline at twice the price it was during 2018, an inflation rate almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019, a recession, retirement accounts losing $3 trillion dollars over the last year, the price of oil jumping up to $130 per barrel, having to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil, sporadic shortages on the store shelves, supply line disruptions, a steadily-increasing trade imbalance with China, an increasing epidemic of violent crime and drugs, 2 million more illegals within the last year, more COVID deaths than in 2020, a dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan, a weakened military, Iran's nuclear program now having enough nuclear material to build a bomb, a revitalized Russian oil industry, and a major war in Europe that could even go nuclear.
It’s a start (150 Republicans voted against Same Sex Marriage)
The House passed Respect for Marriage Act protecting interracial and same sex marriages.

Senate Republicans seem to be running away from the issue and don’t want to be forced to go on the record.

Can Democrats force a vote?

We're in a recession, inflation is the highest its been in 40 years, crime is exploding.....and this is what the Dims are focused on. Yep...should be a big winner for ya. :lol:
We're in a recession, inflation is the highest its been in 40 years, crime is exploding.....and this is what the Dims are focused on. Yep...should be a big winner for ya. :lol:

What bills are Republicans proposing that will end the recession, inflation, crime

Like to hear them
Do you guys spend all day lamenting how miserable you are.

Oh, gosh. Gasoline is $5.00 a gallon. This is horrible while I idle in a drive through line in a big gas guzzling SUV while waiting to buy a $5.00 cup of coffee.

How many rights are you willing to trade away for $2.00 gasoline? Or do you only want to trade away other people's rights.
Not too many poor and middle class minorities waiting in line for $5 coffee these days, Simp.

Your Vegetable Messiah has put them on a diet of Beanie Weenies and Spam with his rampant Bidenflation.
With mid term elections coming up, the last thing Republicans want to do is go on the record on abortion, same sex marriage and birth control
Lefties seem to make a habit of assuming political outcomes based on the opinions of radical extremists. The truth is that most Americans are against taking the life of unborn (newborn) babies and most Americans are fed up with the homosexual revolution. You almost have to gasp when you hear democrats campaign on the right to kill the unborn and sickening displays of homosexual activists when they don't seem to understand that Americans want cheap energy and full grocery store shelves and freedom from the left wing tyranny that prevents their kids from learning and arrests political dissidents.

What bills are Republicans proposing that will end the recession, inflation, crime

Like to hear them
They aren't running the show, Simp. None of their plans will see the light of day with your party controlling everything. This shit show is all yours, Troll..
Go ahead and try, Go down to town hall and file for a marriage license for you and your sink. I suspect that they will throw a net over you and hold you for observation
Already been done, Simp.

Is it legal to marry animals and inanimate objects?​

This Morning raised a few eyebrows on Tuesday after it featured a wedding ceremony for a woman who was marrying her dog.

Alison Hammond was seen struggling to keep a straight face as she officiated at the marriage, in which Elizabeth Hoad wed her Golden Retriever Logan, having given up on men after four failed engagements.

Of course she’s not the first person to have laid claim to marrying something non-human – with a woman recently revealing she is planning to marry a chandelier and another This Morning guest revealing she recently ended her union with a pirate ghost.

And let’s not forget that time a man married a pillow.

But just what are the rules regarding marrying outside of your species – wedding either an animal or an inanimate object?

Here’s what you need to know…

Is it legal to marry an animal?​

Human-animal marriage is not specifically mentioned in national laws – meaning technically that there’s nothing to stop you entering a state of holy matrimony with your dog, cat, hamster. rabbit or whatever species you favour.

However the act of bestiality – of engaging in sexual acts with an animal – is illegal in many countries, including the UK, where you could face a two-year prison sentence for committing such acts.

Also bear in mind that such a marriage would be spiritual and symbolic rather than legally binding.

Is it legal to marry an inanimate object?​

Once again there are no specific laws relating to this, as it’s not possible to officially marry an inanimate object – although that hasn’t stopped people from enjoying wedded bliss with such items (and in some cases landmarks), with many of those people identifying as an objectum sexual – someone who is attracted to inanimate objects.

However Amanda Liberty, who recently revealed she was planning a wedding to her favourite chandelier, Lumiere, explained that she identified as an objectum sexual, and that she hoped holding such a ceremony would help legitimise this.

Amanda, who also plighted her troth to the Statue Of Liberty – even changing her surname to reflect this – said: ‘I’m determined to have this commitment ceremony, to prove that I’m here for Lumiere and that my love is going to last.’

Other similar weddings include that of San Diego native Carol Santa Fe, who ‘married’ Santa Fe train station in 2017, and Erica Eiffel, who famously wed Paris’ Eiffel Tower in 2007.

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