47 Republicans vote in support of same sex marriage

It’s a start (150 Republicans voted against Same Sex Marriage)
The House passed Respect for Marriage Act protecting interracial and same sex marriages.

Senate Republicans seem to be running away from the issue and don’t want to be forced to go on the record.

Can Democrats force a vote?

I guess we aren't facing any national security issues or anything so let's spend all of our time wringing our hands over Gay marriage, Roe v Wade, and the latest OH MY! the media wants to dangle in front of us.
I guess we aren't facing any national security issues or anything so let's spend all of our time wringing our hands over Gay marriage, Roe v Wade, and the latest OH MY! the media wants to dangle in front of us.
What laws pertaining to national security issues are you talking about?
If gay marriage gets kicked to the states Congress can do nothing. A majority (30+) of states amended the state Constitutions to define marriage and the Supreme Court already rule the feds have no authority to define marriage.

With the courts no longer defending citizens’ rights and liberties, lawmakers will need to do so via the political process.

The better solution would be for people to take marriage out of the hands of the political process.
Remember when Hitlery and Barry Hussein both opposed gay marriage due to their deeply held religious beliefs?

Good times.
It's a weird feeling to find it pretty incredible how much we've progressed since then (culturally) while at the same time being thoroughly disappointed with how backwards we are as a society.
News flash to idiot leftists, you do not need government approval to get married. You stupid fags. You can do your own thing (but you can't rape minors although you want to), do your own vows, do your own ceremony, invite whoever you please.
It's a weird feeling to find it pretty incredible how much we've progressed since then (culturally) while at the same time being thoroughly disappointed with how backwards we are as a society.
Celebrating sticking your dick inside a butthole isn't progress weirdo.
That’s the real problem. It’s all about normalizing homosexuality and allows gays to have access to children to molest.

Keep gay marriage out of the Southern Baptist church and maybe we could get a handle on that.
Celebrating sticking your dick inside a butthole isn't progress weirdo.
I celebrate the freedom for people to do so and the freedom of them to join together in a union of marriage. Expanding freedom for people to do things that don't harm anyone else (beyond the very sensitive feelings of white wingers) is progress.
So they want to codify an already existing Supreme Court decision into law, "just in case."

The SC's decisions on abortion and self-defense sure has made the left crazy.

I supported the decision in both instances and I support making sure all have the same access to marriage as everyone.
News flash to idiot leftists, you do not need government approval to get married. You stupid fags. You can do your own thing (but you can't rape minors although you want to), do your own vows, do your own ceremony, invite whoever you please.
You know you're just advertising yourself as a big pussy right? I mean if you really thought gays were raping minors what are you clowns doing here on message boards? Why aren't you out there stopping these atrocities?

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