47 Republicans vote in support of same sex marriage

Marriage definitions AND powers reside in the individual states....NOT the Federal Government.

Doesn't matter what congress does except in your own home state legislatures.
Wrong you dipshit. Our Constitution protects everyone's right, regardless of sexual orientation, to equality under the law. You're not supposed to be able to treat people differently under the law because you dislike them.
Remember when Hitlery and Barry Hussein both opposed gay marriage due to their deeply held religious beliefs?

Good times.
Still trying to say the party is run by two retire politicians who during there career changed their minds while your active ones are still there....

Nice try but showsthe difference between real confident leaders and a bunch of cowards and bigots..
Wrong you dipshit. Our Constitution protects everyone's right, regardless of sexual orientation, to equality under the law. You're not supposed to be able to treat people differently under the law because you dislike them.
I think he was objecting to the US Constitution not allowing him to marry his sister because he is already married to his horse....
A person can damned sure be charged with two counts of murder if he or she kills a pregnant woman. And that's not contingent upon how far along the victim was carrying.

But that's not even close to what he said.

He said, and quote: "Except even when abortion was illegal, no one was charged with murder for having one".

That's miles away from someone murdering a pregnant woman and being charged with two counts of murder.

You don't get to change the conversation just because you can't counter someone's comment...
With mid term elections coming up, the last thing Republicans want to do is go on the record on abortion, same sex marriage and birth control
Dems need to be hitting this hard...

Also get out front and centre that Trump cut the Oil Supply... Sell that door to door.. The Oil prices are created by Trump Oil Supply cut...
This should be called the 'Trump Oil Deal', like with all Trump Deals if you haven't figured out who's paying, it's you...
Still trying to say the party is run by two retire politicians who during there career changed their minds while your active ones are still there....

Nice try but showsthe difference between real confident leaders and a bunch of cowards and bigots..
Can you form a coherent thought?
Marriage has federal benefits, taxes, etc. End that and then you have an argument.
Nope....that means that it's a tax break/benefit based on a State's endorsement....not an indemnification for marriage.
Wrong you dipshit. Our Constitution protects everyone's right, regardless of sexual orientation, to equality under the law. You're not supposed to be able to treat people differently under the law because you dislike them.
Moral turpitude is not a constitutional right or a civil right or a human right in any nation on this planet.

That's forcing an unnatural morality upon people.
Moral turpitude is not a constitutional right or a civil right or a human right in any nation on this planet.

That's forcing an unnatural morality upon people.
Morality isnt real, what we're forcing on you is compliance with the Constitution.
But that is the constitution we live under.
If people don't like it they know the process for changing it.

No it isn't. The Constitution we live under gives equal access to all. Get rid of the federal benefits and then you can make your argument.
Sure, why not? We already allow multi-party contracts in other areas of life, business for example. The question is why don't you? Do gays frighten you?
Wow really? Do you support sticking your penis into a goat?
Wrong you dipshit. Our Constitution protects everyone's right, regardless of sexual orientation, to equality under the law. You're not supposed to be able to treat people differently under the law because you dislike them.
It's perfectly normal and legal to treat people that you don't like differently.
No it isn't. The Constitution we live under gives equal access to all. Get rid of the federal benefits and then you can make your argument.
You are making too many assumptions including morality assumptions that are not constitutional.

And it only applies to citizens. Not citizens of other countries who happen to visit.

When the Sudanese people visit we don't prosecute them for polygamy or slavery...which they practice.
You are making too many assumptions including morality assumptions that are not constitutional.

The Constitution does not base rights upon "morals". If it did, Clarence would have never been able to marry his wife.

And it only applies to citizens. Not citizens of other countries who happen to visit.

Most green apples are not ripe.

(While as on topic as my statement once again you are wrong but you know that but couldn't stop yourself)

When the Sudanese people visit we don't prosecute them for polygamy or slavery...which they practice.

They don't get marital tax breaks.
The Constitution does not base rights upon "morals". If it did, Clarence would have never been able to marry his wife.

They don't get marital tax breaks.
The Sudanese people do get tax breaks if working inside the USA.

And the constitution does consider certain things a moral imperative....like owning firearms. This moral right was granted by God...not men.

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