47 Republicans vote in support of same sex marriage

Again you are making assumptions that are not relevant to the argument. You have a right of self defense against the barbaric horde of "Indians" or "Natives" which today in modern times can refer to the homeless populations in the big cities.

And the overthrow of an oppressive government is part of that. You are allowed to defend yourself from them too.

Are homeless people in the cities attacking and murdering people in large numbers? What exactly kinds of attacks are the homeless making on people in the cities? Why haven't the police rounded up the homeless and put an end to this?

Home many Americans are overthrowing oppressive governments with their guns? Every time one of these groups tries to "protect themselves from the government", like the Branch Davidians, it goes badly for them.
Are homeless people in the cities attacking and murdering people in large numbers? What exactly kinds of attacks are the homeless making on people in the cities? Why haven't the police rounded up the homeless and put an end to this?

Yes the homeless are attacking...they figured prominently in the racially motivated riots in 2020. Plus all sorts of attacks on a routine basis that never make the news.

Why haven't the police rounded them up?

You will have to ask a Democrat that question. I'm not a Republican or Democrat but I know who is responsible.
Yes the homeless are attacking...they figured prominently in the racially motivated riots in 2020. Plus all sorts of attacks on a routine basis that never make the news.

Why haven't the police rounded them up?

You will have to ask a Democrat that question. I'm not a Republican or Democrat but I know who is responsible.

No they didn't. White supremacists, and anarchists figured prominently in the racially motivated marches in 2020. They were bulk of those arrested for violence, arson and looting.

I googled random attacks by homeless people and what I found is a number of reports of random attacks by mentally ill homeless people, in California, but not armed bands of homesless people attacking citizens. And for every report of attacks by homeless people, there were two reports of violence against homeless people.

You're not a Republican or a Democrat but you know who is responsible. That seems highly unlikely since you haven't been right about anything you've posted so far.

I blame 40 years of wage stagnation based on the tax and the destruction of the union movement by the Republican Party, which funnelled most of the income and wealth of the nation to the top 10% of Americans and large corporations, and impoverished working people. The richer people got in California, the more housing costs went up until 2008, and W's crash created a whole generation of people who could no longer afford a basic apartment on their wages, which never went up, while prices for everything they needed went up every year.
There are no laws banning them, Simp.

Tell us how these innanimate objects are applying for wedding licenses, Simp. ID and a signature are required.

Tell us how you marry a dog, when there are laws against bestiality and having sex with a dog, how the dog provides ID and a signature as per above.

Tell us how you are just that stupid that you couldn't figure this out for yourself.

You can say you're marrying a floor lamp, but such comments have no basis in fact, reality or law.
I'm not a never Trumper but if two faggots want to get married so be it but leave children out of it.
What the hell does that mean? Gay couples are PARENTS to THEIR children like anyone else. And damned good ones. As a Child Protective Services investigator, I have plced kids with gay people after removing them from their fucked up, abusive and neglectful STRAIGHT parents. Please educate yourself and stop being an ignoranr fool
Except that Democrats are idiotically pushing the wrong issues. Gasoline is twice the price it was during 2018, the inflation rate almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019, we're in a recession, people's retirement accounts have lost $3 trillion dollars over the last year, we're having to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil, there are still sporadic shortages on the store shelves, there are still supply line disruptions, we have a steadily-increasing trade imbalance with China, there's an increasing epidemic of violent crime and drugs, there are something like 4 million more illegals in this country that weren't here two years ago, we had more COVID deaths than in 2020, we were shamed by a dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan, we have a weakened military, Iran's nuclear program now has enough material to build a nuclear bomb, Russia's oil industry has been revitalized, and there's a major war in Europe that could even go nuclear..

And your idiot House Democrats think interracial and same-sex marriages are the big issues facing this country?

Give me a fuckin' break already.
Civil Rights are never the wrong issue. While there are other issues, the fact is that people suffer when their basic rights are violated.
I noted it was a waste of time for the Democrats to pass a law in the House to protect abortion as there was a zero chance of it passing in the Senate.

IMO not so with this. They need to push it hard.
It's happening!

I always thought that there was never the passion to oppose same sex marriage, as there is on abortion , among conservatives

On abortion, it is easy to claim the moral high ground by shouting "baby killers" But, it is only a few hardcore bigots who are still bleating about gay marriage. Most seem to have moved on from that and are content to torment and vilify Trans People
It's happening!

I always thought that there was never the passion to oppose same sex marriage, as there is on abortion , among conservatives

On abortion, it is easy to claim the moral high ground by shouting "baby killers" But, it is only a few hardcore bigots who are still bleating about gay marriage. Most seem to have moved on from that and are content to torment and vilify Trans People

My concern is the Democrats throwing things in to make it not pass.
What the hell does that mean? Gay couples are PARENTS to THEIR children like anyone else. And damned good ones. As a Child Protective Services investigator, I have plced kids with gay people after removing them from their fucked up, abusive and neglectful STRAIGHT parents. Please educate yourself and stop being an ignoranr fool
It means exactly what I said you dumb illiterate fucker
Well snowflake if you needed clarification on what I wrote you are illiterate.
If that is the most intellegent comment that you can muster in response to my post, you need to go back and complete first grade. I am not going to get into a moronic, juvenile pissing match with the likes of you. Try having an adult conversation aboy gay marriage and parenting or get the fuck out of here
Are homeless people in the cities attacking and murdering people in large numbers? What exactly kinds of attacks are the homeless making on people in the cities? Why haven't the police rounded up the homeless and put an end to this?

Home many Americans are overthrowing oppressive governments with their guns? Every time one of these groups tries to "protect themselves from the government", like the Branch Davidians, it goes badly for them.
The Branch Dividians were trying to overthrow the Government? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Got a link Dragonlady
Tell us how these innanimate objects are applying for wedding licenses, Simp. ID and a signature are required.

Tell us how you marry a dog, when there are laws against bestiality and having sex with a dog, how the dog provides ID and a signature as per above.

Tell us how you are just that stupid that you couldn't figure this out for yourself.

You can say you're marrying a floor lamp, but such comments have no basis in fact, reality or law.
It's all in the link, Dumbass.

Nobody here expects you to have two brain cells to rub together to try to comprehend the situation.

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