47 Republicans vote in support of same sex marriage

The Sudanese people do get tax breaks if working inside the USA.

And the constitution does consider certain things a moral imperative....like owning firearms. This moral right was granted by God...not men.

It's not a moral right. It's simply a right.
If your on or getting close to retirement check out the 11 point blue print for America put out by Republicans.
They Want to alter or cut back both SS & MEDICARE.
If your on or getting close to retirement check out the 11 point blue print for America put out by Republicans.
They Want to alter or cut back both SS & MEDICARE.
Progs Socialists want to end any subsidies to the elderly at some point. It is selling it to the aged and the general population. Medical Care is massively expensive. You as a Prog need to listen to some of the Progs when they make a statement. The aging has already been used and there are new horizons for spending bookoo dollars on.
It’s a start (150 Republicans voted against Same Sex Marriage)
The House passed Respect for Marriage Act protecting interracial and same sex marriages.

Senate Republicans seem to be running away from the issue and don’t want to be forced to go on the record.

Can Democrats force a vote?

Can anyone force you to shut up?

Amd if you could force someone to vote then the dems favorite ploy of running away at voting would be pretty useless.

As it turned out to be.
What "moral" right does fire arms ownership uphold??? I'd love to see how you try to spin this, given that the over riding moral obligation is "Thou shalt not kill".
Again you are making assumptions that are not relevant to the argument. You have a right of self defense against the barbaric horde of "Indians" or "Natives" which today in modern times can refer to the homeless populations in the big cities.

And the overthrow of an oppressive government is part of that. You are allowed to defend yourself from them too.
There was never a good reason to ban interracial marriage.

And there was never a good reason to allow same sex marriage.

But here we are, nonetheless.

Hey, if you don't want to marry another chick, no one is making you.

There was no reason for the State to change the definition of marriage
But the state has redefined the definition of marriage all the time.

For most of history, marriage was considered nothing more than a transfer of property. The woman had no rights.

Did you know that marital rape was allowed in ALL of the country until 1978, and the last state didn't make raping one's spouse a crime until 1992? The State changed the definition of marriage, those bastards.

Up until 1969, you couldn't marry someone of another race in many parts of the country. The State redefined marriage!
Already been done, Simp.

Is it legal to marry animals and inanimate objects?​

This Morning raised a few eyebrows on Tuesday after it featured a wedding ceremony for a woman who was marrying her dog.

Alison Hammond was seen struggling to keep a straight face as she officiated at the marriage, in which Elizabeth Hoad wed her Golden Retriever Logan, having given up on men after four failed engagements.

Of course she’s not the first person to have laid claim to marrying something non-human – with a woman recently revealing she is planning to marry a chandelier and another This Morning guest revealing she recently ended her union with a pirate ghost.

And let’s not forget that time a man married a pillow.

But just what are the rules regarding marrying outside of your species – wedding either an animal or an inanimate object?

Here’s what you need to know…

Is it legal to marry an animal?​

Human-animal marriage is not specifically mentioned in national laws – meaning technically that there’s nothing to stop you entering a state of holy matrimony with your dog, cat, hamster. rabbit or whatever species you favour.

However the act of bestiality – of engaging in sexual acts with an animal – is illegal in many countries, including the UK, where you could face a two-year prison sentence for committing such acts.

Also bear in mind that such a marriage would be spiritual and symbolic rather than legally binding.

Is it legal to marry an inanimate object?​

Once again there are no specific laws relating to this, as it’s not possible to officially marry an inanimate object – although that hasn’t stopped people from enjoying wedded bliss with such items (and in some cases landmarks), with many of those people identifying as an objectum sexual – someone who is attracted to inanimate objects.

However Amanda Liberty, who recently revealed she was planning a wedding to her favourite chandelier, Lumiere, explained that she identified as an objectum sexual, and that she hoped holding such a ceremony would help legitimise this.

Amanda, who also plighted her troth to the Statue Of Liberty – even changing her surname to reflect this – said: ‘I’m determined to have this commitment ceremony, to prove that I’m here for Lumiere and that my love is going to last.’

Other similar weddings include that of San Diego native Carol Santa Fe, who ‘married’ Santa Fe train station in 2017, and Erica Eiffel, who famously wed Paris’ Eiffel Tower in 2007.
Idiot! They are not legal weddings
Here's the problem the Republicans have on this issue.

The GOP is the party of the Investor Class. The investor class is only really about 20% of the population. So the only way they get working class people to vote against their own economic interests is to play on their racial, religious, and sexual fears.

But the investor class has limits, and frankly, they realize that there's no profit to homophobia. It's actually bad for business. Just ask Chik-Fil-Hate. Just like a lot of corporations are pro-choice because they realize that unwanted pregnancies aren't good for business, either.

The GOP has been able to balance religious fanaticism with corporate interest by making sure they don't stack the courts with crazies. So for every Alito, you put on a Roberts. For every Scalia, you appoint an O'Connor. For every Uncle Thomas, you appoint a Souter. And if someone turns out to be too crazy like Bork, you don't appoint them.

That was all fine until Trump just stacked the courts with crazies, not even following their own rules! What, let's keep Scalia's seat empty for a year, but man, we have to jam Ginsburgs replacement through right now.
Most marriages end in divorce. The average marriage in america lasts about 8 years on average. Less people are getting married. This trend will continue to grow.
It’s a start (150 Republicans voted against Same Sex Marriage)
The House passed Respect for Marriage Act protecting interracial and same sex marriages.

Senate Republicans seem to be running away from the issue and don’t want to be forced to go on the record.

Can Democrats force a vote?

Anybody that votes for sexual perversion loses my vote.

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