47 Republicans vote in support of same sex marriage

3%. The House Democrats are obsessed with 3% of the US population, while the whole country goes to hell. They're playing their sad little fiddles, while the country burns.

I'm not gay just the same as many others who support equal access for all so the numbers are far higher than 3%.
I celebrate the freedom for people to do so and the freedom of them to join together in a union of marriage. Expanding freedom for people to do things that don't harm anyone else (beyond the very sensitive feelings of white wingers) is progress.
No you support government approval. Do you support 3 men and 2 women getting married into a union of 5?
No you support government approval. Do you support 3 men and 2 women getting married into a union of 5?
Sure, why not? We already allow multi-party contracts in other areas of life, business for example. The question is why don't you? Do gays frighten you?
Sure, why not? We already allow multi-party contracts in other areas of life, business for example. The question is why don't you? Do gays frighten you?
Every group that has a common interest needs to separate from other groups with their common interests. So as an example...gay men and women need to separate from anything transgendered. I believe a dictatorship is slowly forming in our federal government. A tyrant one day will come to power with the final solution as they always do. We are being conditioned for this.
It’s a start (150 Republicans voted against Same Sex Marriage)
The House passed Respect for Marriage Act protecting interracial and same sex marriages.

Senate Republicans seem to be running away from the issue and don’t want to be forced to go on the record.

Can Democrats force a vote?

/——-/ You must be thrilled. Now you can marry Neighbor Bob. Congrads
It’s a start (150 Republicans voted against Same Sex Marriage)
The House passed Respect for Marriage Act protecting interracial and same sex marriages.

Senate Republicans seem to be running away from the issue and don’t want to be forced to go on the record.

Can Democrats force a vote?

There was never a good reason to ban interracial marriage.

And there was never a good reason to allow same sex marriage.

But here we are, nonetheless.
Every group that has a common interest needs to separate from other groups with their common interests. So as an example...gay men and women need to separate from anything transgendered. I believe a dictatorship is slowly forming in our federal government. A tyrant one day will come to power with the final solution as they always do. We are being conditioned for this.
Doubtful. Capitalism has been pretty good for the 1%, they don't want to screw that up. Keeping us fighting amongst each other is fine and distracting but in dictatorships economies grind to a halt and they definitely don't want that. I'm more worried about individuals and communities in the short term suffering through Republican and moderate Democrat apathy or hate. Women without means not being able to get abortions, poor black communities harassed by police, people suffering through treatable medical conditions for lack of insurance. These are real hardships people in this country have to suffer through because of political inaction. It's a more serious threat than that of a possible dictatorship.
There was never a good reason to ban interracial marriage.

And there was never a good reason to allow same sex marriage.

But here we are, nonetheless.
There s no reason for the State to judge consensual personal relationships
Marriage definitions AND powers reside in the individual states....NOT the Federal Government.

Doesn't matter what congress does except in your own home state legislatures.

Currently in the Federal Congress it's a game of "Gotcha" so their opponents running for office can have something to make claims about. Nothing more. Democrats are in deep trouble. They are going to lose both house and senate. They already lost financial backing. So I don't see them being able to sustain much of a campaign this Fall for seats they think they hold rather tightly.

Congress controls the purse strings....and I forsee those strings getting yanked hard.
Marriage definitions AND powers reside in the individual states....NOT the Federal Government.

Doesn't matter what congress does except in your own home state legislatures.

Currently in the Federal Congress it's a game of "Gotcha" so their opponents running for office can have something to make claims about. Nothing more. Democrats are in deep trouble. They are going to lose both house and senate. They already lost financial backing. So I don't see them being able to sustain much of a campaign this Fall for seats they think they hold rather tightly.

Congress controls the purse strings....and I forsee those strings getting yanked hard.

Marriage has federal benefits, taxes, etc. End that and then you have an argument.
Of what difference does it make? I've been married to the same woman coming up now on 50 years. I've never really cared what two other consenting adults do. If they want to get married then let them be married. There's bigger issues out there. This one means little. And if it causes that much of a problem then abolish all marriage and call it a union I don't really care. This coming from a white traditionally married lifelong Christian. Abolish it all. Problem solved.
Of what difference does it make?
No difference at all. It harms nobody. I support gay marriage 100%.

I don't support any name change, though. I still don't know whether to laugh or cry over the Orwelluan idiocy of the term birthing persons" and am getting too old for another shock to my system.

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