47 Republicans vote in support of same sex marriage

Hmmmmm.....so you admit they are not illegal.

That only leaves legal, Simp.

How can the marriage be legal if one of the parties cannot sign or complete the license application, or provide ID, or recite the vows, Fuck Boi?

Absent a legal marriage licsense, the marriage isn’t legal.

How can you be such a gullible, moronic idiot???
Ok dumbass
do you need that explained also?
Look kid. You are the one who needs shit explained to you. Just repeating some mindless mantra about "leaving kids alone" when you can't explain what it is you think is happening to kids just makes you sound STUPID> What part of STUPID don't you understand?
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Look kid. You are the one who needs shit explained to you. Just repeating some mindless mantra about "leaving kids alone" when you can't explain what it is you think is happening to kids jusy makes you sound STUPID> What part of STUPID don't you understand?
Junior I am your senior stop asking stupid questions. If you need clarification on something this is not the place for it.

Republicans are out of step with the nation and catering to their homophobic base
Stop it... you are harming the nation much more than the people you despise....

Republicans are out of step with the nation and catering to their homophobic base
Righteousness has a funny way of emerging. These Republicans have righteousness on their side, and that's all that matters. God didn't change His mind on gay marriage in 2012 like Biden, Hillary, and 0bama did.
Stop it... you are harming the nation much more than the people you despise....
No. Committed relationships are not a problem, and should be supported. Rampant promiscuity for self pleasure without commitment by gays or straights, white or black, is a far greater problem.
Most Americans are against Gay Marriage, how is voting against it "out of touch"?

Remember that in the decade before Obergefell, Gay Marriage was on the ballot numerous times- even in California. And the people always voted against this Atrocity.

The only reason why we have Gay Marriage today is because an out of control Far Left Supreme Court gave it to us.

Even the radicals Obama and Clinton were against Gay Marriage.

Republicans are out of step with the nation and catering to their homophobic base
"I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage." —Barack Hussein Obama 2008
"I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage." —Barack Hussein Obama 2008

Its not just B. Hussein O.

Slick Willy Clinton pushed thru the Defense of Marriage Act during his regime and signed it proudly. Clinton also established the "Don't Ask Don't Tell policy in the military in regards to homosexuality.
Now you retards are saying ANY gay person is a pedophile?

Like i said...you fringe loons are way out of step with the nation
Not every gay person, just the national orgs that support it. NAMBLA used to be a part of the Gay Pride, they're just quite about it now.

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