48% of Americans say Trump indictment is politically motivated... Marco Rubio comments

That's a pretty high %age especially when you consider that CNN reaches.. well, a few people..

and then there are other lib media outlets that brainwash people to be against Trump


not too shabby! At least some Americans are paying attention!


You can go to point 3.00 for Rubio citing that statistic

(Also, Rs are holding up bidim nominees over this :))

Not surprising. The average person believes people in government are hopelessly political, which is what the plutocrat class that's destroying our world wants us to believe. Democracy is probably not long for this world.
Look it up. We are going to be a third world country soon. Biden is a traitor.
We need the workers. Businesses are desperate and the MAGAmorons are determined to send us into a depression, just because they aren’t getting their way all the time.
The hildabitch did it, xiden did it, Berger did it and you don't seem to mind. Guess what, that makes you a hypocrite.

Whataboutism doesn’t mean shit in court. Besides all those you mentioned cooperated; Trump did not. All he had to do was turn everything over and this wouldn’t have happened. The proof is that he wasn’t charged with anything concerning the documents he turned over before the Mar-a-Lago raid.
Whataboutism doesn’t mean shit in court. Besides all those you mentioned cooperated; Trump did not. All he had to do was turn everything over and this wouldn’t have happened. The proof is that he wasn’t charged with anything concerning the documents he turned over before the Mar-a-Lago raid.

Really, Berger was prosecuted.


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