70% of Independents think the Trump Indictment is politicallty motivated

You vote for baby killing pedophiles!
These bed wetters vote for, support and promote complete fucking retards like John Kerry....

They will actually insist he is an INTELLECTUAL. They'll point to his "education" at Yale and all his other bullshit degrees. Well all of these places ought to have their credentials REVOKED. Someone as stupid as John Fucking Kerry is, can not possibly have the intellect it takes to practice law without going to prison for malpractice.

My 13 year old daughter knows that #1, we could not remove all the CO2 in the atmosphere if we wanted too, and that if we somehow did EVERYTHING WOULD FUCKING DIE.

Does John Fucking Kerry know this? No he does not.....

This isn't just the usual case of a bed wetter saying something especially asinine and having to "recharacterize" the statement, he has said this multiple times. So if Kerry is an "intellectual" among the world's bed wetters, how stupid do the rest of these snivel parasites have to be?
The question they should be asking independents is, is sexual abuse still a crime regardless of who's the one doing it and should it be prosecuted? It seems to be "independents" are just maga in disguise.
The question they should be asking independents is, is sexual abuse still a crime regardless of who's the one doing it and should it be prosecuted? It seems to be "independents" are just maga in disguise.
So Joe and Hunter should be arrested for sexual abuse glad you agree
So Joe and Hunter should be arrested for sexual abuse glad you agree
What you and I call "sex crimes" are usually simply initiation rituals for leftists.

For leftist bed wetters it's a crime for the rest of us to remove our clothing without consent forms.

These bed wetters vote for, support and promote complete fucking retards like John Kerry....

They will actually insist he is an INTELLECTUAL. They'll point to his "education" at Yale and all his other bullshit degrees. Well all of these places ought to have their credentials REVOKED. Someone as stupid as John Fucking Kerry is, can not possibly have the intellect it takes to practice law without going to prison for malpractice.

My 13 year old daughter knows that #1, we could not remove all the CO2 in the atmosphere if we wanted too, and that if we somehow did EVERYTHING WOULD FUCKING DIE.

Does John Fucking Kerry know this? No he does not.....

This isn't just the usual case of a bed wetter saying something especially asinine and having to "recharacterize" the statement, he has said this multiple times. So if Kerry is an "intellectual" among the world's bed wetters, how stupid do the rest of these snivel parasites have to be?
When someone tries to impress me with a Psych degree, I tell them congrats now you know exactly what your professor knows and has been told to indoctrinate you with

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