4th Grade Science Test

I'm not really joking. Just pointing out that in spite of people's beliefs, evolution is still a "theory".

Not saying it shouldn't be taught in science class, it definitely should be taught, but as the theory it is and why we have that theory, not as fact. Dinosaurs are a fact, evolution isn't, yet.

Scientifically there isn't much of a difference between theory and fact. One must present a lot of proof to debunk a theory. Until that's accomplished a theory is for all intents and purposes, fact. That's because theory doesn't mean 'guess', it means the best explanation based on lots and lots of evidence.

Yup, going from 1 cell to everything making a critical thinking organism left up to time and evolving is just like putting all the parts of a car in a cement truck and keep spinning it until the car is put together...not much of a difference, but the human is much more complicated than a car.

I don't think I need to explain to you that the keystone of evolution is that the organisms with the best genetic "Instructions" are the ones that survive. Billions of species have been and become extinct since the beginning of life, and there's a reason we're so apt to survival on earth and would die instantly on any other heavenly body that we've discovered.
An honest scientist is willing to admit that the things he does not know far outnumber the things that he does know. I don't think real scientists have a problem admitting that the things they teach are theory. The problem is that people who read these works and spread them aren't willing to accept the distinction. LoneLaugher is more adamant in denying God's existence than most faithful Christians are in affirming it. To him, if evolution were only a theory he could not be so certain. To him evolution is writ more holy than the bible is to any Christian and damn any man who dare trespass there.

Admitting something is a theory does not admit that it is false. Admitting that something is a theory means admitting that though all these facts line up in this manner there is a possibility of another explanation for the same facts. The people who lie to themselves and say science is anything else are just laughable.

Seriously. It won't kill you to admit that evolution is a theory. As in the Theory of Evolution. That does not mean it didn't happen. Grow up.

(yahuh. nuhuh. yahuh. nuhuh.)

Evolution is a Fact........God is a theory

What is this? Another close-minded individual who cannot admit that evolution is still a theory? Can you not admit that man does not yet, nor is he ever likely to, possess all knowledge of the universe? Scientists make observations. They take measurements. They look at what we can see and make extrapolations based on this evidence. Science is an amazing study of the universe around us, but it is not complete. The day you close the book on science and call it done it will be outdated. It doesn't matter if you gather a million facts that support a theory. Until you can actually observe the entire process you cannot call it fact.

With no better explanation it can be taken as de facto truth, but not hard fact. But please, feel free to cover your head and scream, "I don't wanna! I don't wanna!" I can't open your eyes for you. Only you can do that.
Do know the difference between a hypothesis, a theory, and a law? Being a theory does not mean it has not been proven and accepted by the scientific community. For example the atomic theory, the theory gravitation, germ theory of disease, theory of evolution, and a thousand other theories are all accepted as scientific fact. They will always remain theories.

A hypothesis is an attempt to explain phenomena. It is a proposal, a guess used to explain something. A theory is the result of testing a hypothesis and developing an explanation that is taken to be true about a phenomena. A theory replaces the hypothesis. A theory has been proved true via the scientific method and has been generally accepted. A scientific law states a repeated observation about nature. It's used to predict the future.

"A common misconception is that scientific theories are rudimentary ideas that will eventually graduate into scientific laws when enough data and evidence has been accumulated. This is not true, as scientific theory and scientific law have different definitions. A theory does not change into a scientific law with the accumulation of new or better evidence. A theory will always remain a theory, a law will always remain a law. A theory will never become a law, and a law never was a theory."

Theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The most difficult thing for a scientist to accept and say "I DON'T KNOW". Because of this inability to admit lack of information they often spout theory as fact. I will never forget Bill Maher as quoting some scientist as saying gases passed from one cow does more damage to create global warming than a car driving 1.2 billion miles (I am unsure of the exact miles he quoted but it was along those unbelievable lines). Coming up with stupid things such as this has hurt the credibility of real science. The ongoing study and theories based on collected data is what science means to me. If this is truly what science is then it will continually change as data is collected and the many variables are uncovered. Science is necessary for the many improvements that we have become accustomed to.

Total crap

Scientists live off of "I don't know" and there are strict processes they go through before they can even begin to validate a theory

Just because a person is considered to be a scientist by some does not mean he has the answer. The reason so many of these so-called facts have changed is in many cases caused by not being able to say "I don't know". It is easy to convince you have proof when you use selective data.

You don't have a clue how the scientific process works. Any findings a scientist publicizes undergoes peer review and experiments must be able to be duplicated before any theories are established. Religious "theories" are based on faith, not fact.
Scientifically there isn't much of a difference between theory and fact. One must present a lot of proof to debunk a theory. Until that's accomplished a theory is for all intents and purposes, fact. That's because theory doesn't mean 'guess', it means the best explanation based on lots and lots of evidence.

Yup, going from 1 cell to everything making a critical thinking organism left up to time and evolving is just like putting all the parts of a car in a cement truck and keep spinning it until the car is put together...not much of a difference, but the human is much more complicated than a car.

I don't think I need to explain to you that the keystone of evolution is that the organisms with the best genetic "Instructions" are the ones that survive. Billions of species have been and become extinct since the beginning of life, and there's a reason we're so apt to survival on earth and would die instantly on any other heavenly body that we've discovered.
Yet, the scientists have yet to discover that clear path of our evolution.
Yup, going from 1 cell to everything making a critical thinking organism left up to time and evolving is just like putting all the parts of a car in a cement truck and keep spinning it until the car is put together...not much of a difference, but the human is much more complicated than a car.

I don't think I need to explain to you that the keystone of evolution is that the organisms with the best genetic "Instructions" are the ones that survive. Billions of species have been and become extinct since the beginning of life, and there's a reason we're so apt to survival on earth and would die instantly on any other heavenly body that we've discovered.
Yet, the scientists have yet to discover that clear path of our evolution.

With the advent of DNA mapping in the last 15 years, they have made major strides in establishing that path. There is no scientific doubt as to whether evolution occurs....that is a given

The mechanism of evolution is still being established
I saw it.
And I did an image search. It's all over the place.
Still doesn't make it legit.
Hell, Rtard still thinks the picture of Bush holding an upside down children's book is real.

I think Creation AND Evolution should have equal time
Really? :lol:

Should leaches and antibiotics get equal use, too?


About Leeches

Today, maggots and leeches are being used for different reasons. Scientists are studying leech saliva. They believe the substance that stops or prevents blood clots will one day be able to be used on humans. Researchers have also identified several medical compounds which can be developed from leech saliva. The anticoagulant and clot-digesting properties of these substances make them potentially useful as drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. Leeches can be "milked" for their secretions without being harmed, and research is continuing into the possibility of synthetically engineering leech saliva.
You go first! :)
You have a right to your opinion and that's all it is, Synth.
Majority of opinions on this don't follow yours.

No. Evolution is not an opinion. And....the majority most certainly accepts that humans evolved and were not created. Please..........try harder.

Just a question...if we are evolving, how? We've got pictures dating back to the middle ages and statues that date back before Christ. How have we evolved in the past 2,000 or so years?

We no longer rely on religion to answer all our questions. :)
You have a right to your opinion and that's all it is, Synth.
Majority of opinions on this don't follow yours.

No. Evolution is not an opinion. And....the majority most certainly accepts that humans evolved and were not created. Please..........try harder.

When you figure out the missing link from ape to homo sapien get back to me.
Something happened along the way and the scientists and you can't explain what. :eusa_whistle:

"Remains to be seen"
No source, no evidence, only hearsay

But, hey, it's Snopes

See what June brings

Not hearsay

They have a copy of the test (both pages) and have spoken to the parents who claim it is true

But lets identify the school in a month or so and see if they fess up
They CLAIM to have spoken to the (un-named) parents who CLAIM to have copies of the test.

But, yes, I'd be very interested in seeing what June brings.

If it's a private school, so what? It's their money to waste on Biblically incorrect teachings.

This post reads like you believe snopes.com is part of the mythical 'Liberal Media'. :lol:
Total crap

Scientists live off of "I don't know" and there are strict processes they go through before they can even begin to validate a theory

Just because a person is considered to be a scientist by some does not mean he has the answer. The reason so many of these so-called facts have changed is in many cases caused by not being able to say "I don't know". It is easy to convince you have proof when you use selective data.

You don't have a clue how the scientific process works. Any findings a scientist publicizes undergoes peer review and experiments must be able to be duplicated before any theories are established. Religious "theories" are based on faith, not fact.

Do you think that maybe just maybe that funding plays a roll in some of these great scientific so called discoveries? A finding of new fuel source cleaner and more efficient than gasoline would draw much more funding than the finding of a fuel source that is more expensive and destructive to engines. That is often how the "scientific process works" unfortunately.
Yup, going from 1 cell to everything making a critical thinking organism left up to time and evolving is just like putting all the parts of a car in a cement truck and keep spinning it until the car is put together...not much of a difference, but the human is much more complicated than a car.

I don't think I need to explain to you that the keystone of evolution is that the organisms with the best genetic "Instructions" are the ones that survive. Billions of species have been and become extinct since the beginning of life, and there's a reason we're so apt to survival on earth and would die instantly on any other heavenly body that we've discovered.
Yet, the scientists have yet to discover that clear path of our evolution.
If you mean science does not have all the answers, then I agree. However, science never has all the answers. Scientific theory is never complete. There is much we don't know about the atom, but atomic theory is accepted as scientific fact.

Religious dogma can never provide a scientific explanation of the physical world, because science doesn't accept faith as evidence. Science only accepts empirical evidence.
Just because a person is considered to be a scientist by some does not mean he has the answer. The reason so many of these so-called facts have changed is in many cases caused by not being able to say "I don't know". It is easy to convince you have proof when you use selective data.

You don't have a clue how the scientific process works. Any findings a scientist publicizes undergoes peer review and experiments must be able to be duplicated before any theories are established. Religious "theories" are based on faith, not fact.

Do you think that maybe just maybe that funding plays a roll in some of these great scientific so called discoveries? A finding of new fuel source cleaner and more efficient than gasoline would draw much more funding than the finding of a fuel source that is more expensive and destructive to engines. That is often how the "scientific process works" unfortunately.
Funding always plays a roll. In your example, there may be a great deal of funded research in alternative energy sources. However, once a source is discovered that is not practical, there would be little or no funding for development of that source. I guess I'm saying that when we fund pure research we don't really know what we're going to discovery.
Thanks - that's awesome!

And thank you, too, Ernie S.!!!! :lol:

What I can't believe is that it is supposedly at a 4th grade level. Looks like second grade

I loved the part about how the parents were in the car and the father was saying how the earth was millions of years old and the girl shot back.........Were you there?

Then when the father saw the test he saw it was one of the questions......How should you respond?
WTF is wrong with these people?

This is from South Carolina.

It is actually from your fantasy world. If it was from South Carolina you would be able to link to all sorts of news stories about it and not have to post a picture of something you printed yourself.
Wait! You liberals say you love science and you claim we think science is bull shit. I say this test is bull shit taught by a bull shit teacher so I must hate science then.
It's obviously not from a public school. It's from a private, "faith-based" school or charter school, using taxpayer money to promote this crap and warp our childrens' minds.

Prove that taxpayer money is being used by the school that supposedly administered this quiz.

Prove that it is being taught anywhere outside his head.
Yup, going from 1 cell to everything making a critical thinking organism left up to time and evolving is just like putting all the parts of a car in a cement truck and keep spinning it until the car is put together...not much of a difference, but the human is much more complicated than a car.

I don't think I need to explain to you that the keystone of evolution is that the organisms with the best genetic "Instructions" are the ones that survive. Billions of species have been and become extinct since the beginning of life, and there's a reason we're so apt to survival on earth and would die instantly on any other heavenly body that we've discovered.
Yet, the scientists have yet to discover that clear path of our evolution.

Here's a pretty good one:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5g2crxb-PJs]Evolution in 40 seconds - YouTube[/ame]

There are much more comprehensive ones available on the internets.

And no Winger, we didn't have to wait till the last 15 years... The video I posted was first broadcast in 1980. The information is readily available for those who choose to seek it.
I don't think I need to explain to you that the keystone of evolution is that the organisms with the best genetic "Instructions" are the ones that survive. Billions of species have been and become extinct since the beginning of life, and there's a reason we're so apt to survival on earth and would die instantly on any other heavenly body that we've discovered.
Yet, the scientists have yet to discover that clear path of our evolution.

Here's a pretty good one:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5g2crxb-PJs]Evolution in 40 seconds - YouTube[/ame]

There are much more comprehensive ones available on the internets.

And no Winger, we didn't have to wait till the last 15 years... The video I posted was first broadcast in 1980. The information is readily available for those who choose to seek it.

I made reference to the mapping of DNA as being fairly recent
Evolution is a Fact........God is a theory

What is this? Another close-minded individual who cannot admit that evolution is still a theory? Can you not admit that man does not yet, nor is he ever likely to, possess all knowledge of the universe? Scientists make observations. They take measurements. They look at what we can see and make extrapolations based on this evidence. Science is an amazing study of the universe around us, but it is not complete. The day you close the book on science and call it done it will be outdated. It doesn't matter if you gather a million facts that support a theory. Until you can actually observe the entire process you cannot call it fact.

With no better explanation it can be taken as de facto truth, but not hard fact. But please, feel free to cover your head and scream, "I don't wanna! I don't wanna!" I can't open your eyes for you. Only you can do that.
Do know the difference between a hypothesis, a theory, and a law? Being a theory does not mean it has not been proven and accepted by the scientific community. For example the atomic theory, the theory gravitation, germ theory of disease, theory of evolution, and a thousand other theories are all accepted as scientific fact. They will always remain theories.

A hypothesis is an attempt to explain phenomena. It is a proposal, a guess used to explain something. A theory is the result of testing a hypothesis and developing an explanation that is taken to be true about a phenomena. A theory replaces the hypothesis. A theory has been proved true via the scientific method and has been generally accepted. A scientific law states a repeated observation about nature. It's used to predict the future.

"A common misconception is that scientific theories are rudimentary ideas that will eventually graduate into scientific laws when enough data and evidence has been accumulated. This is not true, as scientific theory and scientific law have different definitions. A theory does not change into a scientific law with the accumulation of new or better evidence. A theory will always remain a theory, a law will always remain a law. A theory will never become a law, and a law never was a theory."

Theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is exactly what I said put into different words. Let me make this clear: I AGREE WITH YOU.

"A theory will always remain a theory, a law will always remain a law. A theory will never become a law, and a law never was a theory."

It isn't possible for the theory of evolution to become anything but a theory. Once again, and let's be entirely clear, BEING A THEORY DOES NOT MEAN IT IS NOT TRUE.

it is "accepted as scientific fact... [but] will always remain theor[y]."

The distinction that you seem to have a problem with is where I say that there could be an alternative explanation for the same observations that support the theory. This is true of any theory. There does not have to be an alternative explanation, and any alternative explanation would have to meet the same scientific requirements that the original explanation had to meet.

I don't have any problem with the theory of evolution. I never have. My problem is with the individuals who are unwilling to accept the distinction that a theory is and only ever will be a theory. Theories have been modified before when additional evidence was discovered, and there is always a possibility that they will be modified again when more evidence comes to light.

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