4th Grade Science Test

I'm not really joking. Just pointing out that in spite of people's beliefs, evolution is still a "theory".

Not saying it shouldn't be taught in science class, it definitely should be taught, but as the theory it is and why we have that theory, not as fact. Dinosaurs are a fact, evolution isn't, yet.

Scientifically there isn't much of a difference between theory and fact. One must present a lot of proof to debunk a theory. Until that's accomplished a theory is for all intents and purposes, fact. That's because theory doesn't mean 'guess', it means the best explanation based on lots and lots of evidence.

Yup, going from 1 cell to everything making a critical thinking organism left up to time and evolving is just like putting all the parts of a car in a cement truck and keep spinning it until the car is put together...not much of a difference, but the human is much more complicated than a car.

Poor logic, there is a big difference. There's no rhyme or reason for a car to assemble from component parts when put into a mixer. There is when it comes to biological systems; it's called chemistry.
I'm not really joking. Just pointing out that in spite of people's beliefs, evolution is still a "theory".

Not saying it shouldn't be taught in science class, it definitely should be taught, but as the theory it is and why we have that theory, not as fact. Dinosaurs are a fact, evolution isn't, yet.

Scientifically there isn't much of a difference between theory and fact. One must present a lot of proof to debunk a theory. Until that's accomplished a theory is for all intents and purposes, fact. That's because theory doesn't mean 'guess', it means the best explanation based on lots and lots of evidence.

I won't argue that, and I definitely think all the evidence should be presented. I just don't think that evolution is fact yet.

Then scientifically it's up to those who think so to prove that there's something bogus about the fossil record. Simply implying that something couldn't possibly happen naturally and was directed is unproveable and, therefore, doesn't belong in a science class.
Scientifically there isn't much of a difference between theory and fact. One must present a lot of proof to debunk a theory. Until that's accomplished a theory is for all intents and purposes, fact. That's because theory doesn't mean 'guess', it means the best explanation based on lots and lots of evidence.

Yup, going from 1 cell to everything making a critical thinking organism left up to time and evolving is just like putting all the parts of a car in a cement truck and keep spinning it until the car is put together...not much of a difference, but the human is much more complicated than a car.

Poor logic, there is a big difference. There's no rhyme or reason for a car to assemble from component parts when put into a mixer. There is when it comes to biological systems; it's called chemistry.

Evolution from single cells to to scum, algae and lichen maybe, but from a single cell to what we have.....not buying it.
Funny how you limp wristers think generalizing is wrong,

STOP!!! Irony noted. Okay continue....

but it's okay for you to generalize about white christians. That must be so hard to fake something like that. It would involve having a computer, a pencil, a piece of paper and a couple of stickers. Are you going to insult the tests and Jews because of the quizzes I took in hebrew school when I was in 4th grade too??

Are you limp wristed prancing sissies going ot?
This is way beyond taxpayer money. This bs is just blatantly wrong. Hopefully the kids taking this quiz will look back on it later in life and laugh their asses off at the idiots who were pushing this crap as fact.

I'm sure the kids will figure it out for themselves if they have more than third grade math, that is.

I don't know. I know quite a few adults who believe the world is 6000 years old and dinosaurs and humans coexisted.

I know one, and it astounds me. I was quite flabbergasted when I asked him if he really thought the world was only 6,000 years old and he was quite adamant that that's exactly how old the earth was.

I personally believe in evolution but that doesn't discount creation. God's days just aren't the same as our days.
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Yup, going from 1 cell to everything making a critical thinking organism left up to time and evolving is just like putting all the parts of a car in a cement truck and keep spinning it until the car is put together...not much of a difference, but the human is much more complicated than a car.

Poor logic, there is a big difference. There's no rhyme or reason for a car to assemble from component parts when put into a mixer. There is when it comes to biological systems; it's called chemistry.

Evolution from single cells to to scum, algae and lichen maybe, but from a single cell to what we have.....not buying it.
Science is hard! It's just easier to say God did it than to try to understand all that scientific mumbo-jumbo stuff.
Evolution is not a belief. You don't believe in it. It is decided. It is how we came to be. It absolutely discounts creationism.

How? Who are you to decide how God made the world? You think mankind got here because of accidental evolution? Things just happened to evolve in the right direction?

You remind me of my biology instructor in college who claimed that two atoms just happened to come together to create the universe. How do you think those atoms came to be? Was it just "accidental?" I don't believe our whole lives are just accidents of nature. You can if you want to, that's your privilege.
I'm sure the kids will figure it out for themselves if they have more than third grade math, that is.

I don't know. I know quite a few adults who believe the world is 6000 years old and dinosaurs and humans coexisted.

I know one, and it astounds me. I was quite flabbergasted when I asked him if he really thought the world was only 6,000 years old and he was quite adamant that that's exactly how old the earth was.

I personally believe in evolution but that doesn't discount creation. God's days just aren't the same as our days.
Excluding the most rabid fundamentalists, nearly everyone admits that the Bible might contain errors, a faulty creation story here, a few historical mistake there, a contradiction or two here and there.

The Bible is a guide as to how we should lead our lies. IMHO, it was never meant to be a book of history and certainly not science. We don't use books of science for guidance in how we lead our lives and we should not use the Bible as a book of science.
Evolution is not a belief. You don't believe in it. It is decided. It is how we came to be. It absolutely discounts creationism.

Yes, science does discount creationism, but science can't get us from a single cell to such a complex being as ourselves.
Can't cook a good tender pot roast in 5 minutes.
Evolution is not a belief. You don't believe in it. It is decided. It is how we came to be. It absolutely discounts creationism.

How? Who are you to decide how God made the world? You think mankind got here because of accidental evolution? Things just happened to evolve in the right direction?

You remind me of my biology instructor in college who claimed that two atoms just happened to come together to create the universe. How do you think those atoms came to be? Was it just "accidental?" I don't believe our whole lives are just accidents of nature. You can if you want to, that's your privilege.

There is no god.
Evolution is not a belief. You don't believe in it. It is decided. It is how we came to be. It absolutely discounts creationism.

How? Who are you to decide how God made the world? You think mankind got here because of accidental evolution? Things just happened to evolve in the right direction?

You remind me of my biology instructor in college who claimed that two atoms just happened to come together to create the universe. How do you think those atoms came to be? Was it just "accidental?" I don't believe our whole lives are just accidents of nature. You can if you want to, that's your privilege.

There is no god.

Thanks for your opinion. :eusa_whistle:
If you google 4th grade science test South Carolina, you will find many links however, they are all forums and blogs that contain the same kind of stuff that's in this thread.

If you look at some of the creationist science text books which are available on the web, one can easy in vision a test such as this being given. I posted a few pages from one of the texts earlier in this thread.
I saw it.
And I did an image search. It's all over the place.
Still doesn't make it legit.
Hell, Rtard still thinks the picture of Bush holding an upside down children's book is real.

I think Creation AND Evolution should have equal time
If Creationism is to be taught, it should be taught as a part of religious education and it should not be supported with taxpayer dollars. No way should it be taught in a science classroom. Creationism teaches the wrong approach to science because it begins not with a question but with a conclusion. In Creationism, the hypotheses is the conclusion, because it is the word of God. Regardless of the evidence the hypothesis cannot be rejected because it's the word of God.

In real science:

We begin with a question.
We do background research.
We construct a hypothesis.
We test the hypotheses by experimentation and the gathering of evidence.
If the experimentation and evidence supports the hypotheses, we draw a conclusion.
If it doesn't we abandon the hypotheses and do more research and formulate another hypotheses.

If only you had read a bit further, you would have saved some typing.

To your final sentence: that hypothesis is formed to fit the previously gathered evidence, win-win
Yes, science does discount creationism, but science can't get us from a single cell to such a complex being as ourselves.

Sure it can.

Evolution of DNA

From your source: Possible answers to some puzzling genetic questions:

From your post: "science can't get us from a single cell..."

You said "can't". I provided a possible scenario. Sorry, you lose.

Never mind that you haven't retracted your ludicrous "automobile parts in a cement mixer" analogy.

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