4th graders writes "best" argument for "marriage equality"


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011

Saw this on the washington post.

So many issues.

First, what the child writes abotu is gay marriage, not marriage equality in title. However the words WOULD apply to polygamy and incest as well. If it creeps you out, too bad. So why are liberals now pushing to continue marriage discrimination by excluding certain consent adults from being able to marry?

Second, I'm trying to figure out how a 4th grader went to his grandparents' wedding.

Third, what kind of indoctrination is going on in schools?
You think it's okay to indoctrinate kids this way but have them ignore other groups discriminated against? That kids very words must also support incest
To me, someone needs to introduce that kid to the person who says that homosexuality is wrong and if the kid thumbs his nose at the person or even dares to flip his fingers at the person, it should then be pointed out to the kid that if it wasn't for that person who says that it is wrong..."YOU, SON, WOULD NOT EVEN BE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!"

God bless you always!!!

Title is false, as per usual. ONE forth grader chose to write his opinions on marriage equality, and the teacher liked it so much she put his response online.

The good thing is that his response is written the way a forth grader would write - and not written in the kind of way that would make it obvious that the words came from someone else.

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