5.7 million illegal votes

Mexicans don't want workers rights, hell, they are afraid they will be deported. They want to be enslaved. Yep.That and they work for cheap. Like a class of neo-slaves, that must be why businesses takes a shine to them. We fought a war to end that. But Heck Libs want to make it all legal and fair and square! Legalized neo slavery, ain't that a hoot? And By Libs, no less. YEAH!

Are you kidding? You gonna try to say liberals are against worker's rights? That's just nuts.
Tell that to the mountains of illegals working the farms in Northern California...........Where the bulk of illegals work in this nation.
Or in slaughter houses for chump change wages in places like Chicago..............Where conditions in many places are far below the standards......

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

So Martha reached under the moving belt to get at the smudge and lost her balance, she testified in her workers’ comp case. As she tried to brace herself, her left hand got caught in the machine’s roller, which reeled her in past her elbow, twisting and cracking her forearm. A supervisor heard her scream and shut down the line. Maintenance workers had to dismantle the guards and rollers to get her out. The radius and ulna bones could be seen sticking out of her arm, in shards.

Most accidents at the Holcomb plant are covered by Tyson’s workers’ comp insurance. But Martha didn’t work for Tyson. The cleaning crew was employed by Packers Sanitation Services Inc., the nation’s largest cleaning contractor to the food industry. The meatpacking industry has a hard enough time filling daytime production jobs, so many bigger plants staff the night shift through contractors such as Packers. These companies pay their largely immigrant workforce up to a third less than what production employees earn during the day. Martha was getting $202 a week. Packers pays current employees an average of $11.86 an hour.

Teresa, 31, worked at a pork processing plant in Nebraska for five years until injuries to her shoulder forced her to quit.

Workers in meat processing plants tell another story. They describe punishing rates of production, leaving them with a lifetime of pain and physical problems. Workers who make on average $12.50 an hour, or about $26,000 a year, say they can get fired if their injuries prevent them from working harder; companies report constant employee turnover.

“It’s the same story,” says Gloria Sarmiento of Nebraska Appleseed, a worker advocacy group that surveyed 455 workers across that state in 2009. “The speed of the line is really fast. The supervisors are yelling all the time. They said ‘Would you please tell the employers to give a human resources training because they
don’t know how to treat people.’”

“They are treating us like animals.”

You know why they get by treating them like dirt.............because they are illegal and an average American would tell them to stick their job where the sun doesn't shine................but hey them losing limbs and getting permanently injured is worth the chicken we eat at Popeye's.............They can't do anything about it because they are ILLEGAL and will be DEPORTED if they dare say anything.

When injured.........they fire them and find someone else to take their place.......are deport them...........which is exactly why we need to hold businesses accountable for hiring ILLEGALS...........
The paper industry. Willamette, Smurfit Stone those industries turned over from a lower class American workers to Mexicans. Yeah. Those people? The American worker? Americans? Displaced. Dead, as the t-rex. Just Mexicans. It took 25 to 30 years but, the Mexicans took over all the lower class jobs. It is disgraceful, but who won this battle? The upper-class. It's enough to make full fledged Marxist out of me. Capitalism sucks sometimes.

So who made that decision? Was it the companies who enjoy massive tax breaks, or the people filling out the application? Marxism isn't a good choice, but reasonable regulation is what we need. Of course, regulation is a bad word for Trump's right wing..
Marxism loves illegal aliens. But then all those capitalist swine that hate the basic American worker do too. It's all those poor trash that want 401ks and demand workman's comp that made rich businesses hire illegal aliens, they can't afford THAT. They had no choice, the American worker made himself a dinosaur. Poor bastards wanting rights and stuff. How dare they.

Yes. Wanting decent and fair treatment is so unAmerican.

Decent and fair treatment for WHO? God! Are you a fricking air-head! Decent and fair treatment by people who are not even citizens of this country? Decent and fair treatment for people who illegally sneak into our country and commit vast amounts of crime and cost us billions of dollars? Decent and fair treatment for people many of whom riot and petition as a lobby thinking that a large part of America still belongs to them? Why don't you worry about all of the actual people in this country who belong here who don't get decent and fair treatment for 10,000 legitimate things? Once we solve all our own problems and have time left over, I can then start worrying about solving the problems for the rest of the world.

Decent and fair treatment for who ever has a job. If they had to treat Mexicans decent and fair, they wouldn't be so cheap to hire What advantage would there be for companies if they had to pay Mexicans a fair and decent wage? What advantage if they had to give them decent working conditions?
If companies had to hire them legally............they wouldn't be able to hold their illegal status above their heads...........and work them to death and get many workers hurt.

There are legal ways to get these jobs in this country.........but it cost money and they need visas.........or green cards......or under the Dept. of Labor............but since the Liberals are SANCTUARY NUTS...........we get the flood into the country for a never ending supply of illegals to work at these places you complain about.

YOU and YOUR PARTY'S ideals...............screws immigrants working in these places...........by your own policies of LET THEM ALL IN........You ARE THE PROBLEM along with the Chamber of Commerce who BRIBES BOTH PARTIES............

If you really wanted to fix this you would negotiate a deal to secure our border and FORCE COMPANIES to hire ONLY LEGAL WORKERS

The 2016 election was hacked by Vladimir Putin.


Give me the name of somebody that voted for Trump because Mother Russia told them to do it.

Moon Bats are morons.

Americans elected Trump because they were tired of the Obama disaster and Crooked Hillary was going to be more of the same, maybe even worse if that is possible.

Get over it Moon Bat. Your little bitch bitch lost.
So who made that decision? Was it the companies who enjoy massive tax breaks, or the people filling out the application? Marxism isn't a good choice, but reasonable regulation is what we need. Of course, regulation is a bad word for Trump's right wing..
Marxism loves illegal aliens. But then all those capitalist swine that hate the basic American worker do too. It's all those poor trash that want 401ks and demand workman's comp that made rich businesses hire illegal aliens, they can't afford THAT. They had no choice, the American worker made himself a dinosaur. Poor bastards wanting rights and stuff. How dare they.

Yes. Wanting decent and fair treatment is so unAmerican.

Decent and fair treatment for WHO? God! Are you a fricking air-head! Decent and fair treatment by people who are not even citizens of this country? Decent and fair treatment for people who illegally sneak into our country and commit vast amounts of crime and cost us billions of dollars? Decent and fair treatment for people many of whom riot and petition as a lobby thinking that a large part of America still belongs to them? Why don't you worry about all of the actual people in this country who belong here who don't get decent and fair treatment for 10,000 legitimate things? Once we solve all our own problems and have time left over, I can then start worrying about solving the problems for the rest of the world.

Decent and fair treatment for who ever has a job. If they had to treat Mexicans decent and fair, they wouldn't be so cheap to hire What advantage would there be for companies if they had to pay Mexicans a fair and decent wage? What advantage if they had to give them decent working conditions?
If companies had to hire them legally............they wouldn't be able to hold their illegal status above their heads...........and work them to death and get many workers hurt.

There are legal ways to get these jobs in this country.........but it cost money and they need visas.........or green cards......or under the Dept. of Labor............but since the Liberals are SANCTUARY NUTS...........we get the flood into the country for a never ending supply of illegals to work at these places you complain about.

YOU and YOUR PARTY'S ideals...............screws immigrants working in these places...........by your own policies of LET THEM ALL IN........You ARE THE PROBLEM along with the Chamber of Commerce who BRIBES BOTH PARTIES............

If you really wanted to fix this you would negotiate a deal to secure our border and FORCE COMPANIES to hire ONLY LEGAL WORKERS
Put the head of the company in jail
Then see the jobs dry up

  • Nearly one in ten California workers is an undocumented immigrant.
    California’s labor force includes about 1.75 million undocumented immigrants, according to the PRC. This is the second-highest statewide concentration of undocumented workers (9.0%) in the US after Nevada (10.4%). Undocumented immigrants work disproportionately in agriculture, construction, and manufacturing.
  • Counties vary in their sanctuary policies for undocumented immigrants.
    Some California city and county leaders have stated that they will provide sanctuary for undocumented immigrants—this refers to limiting local assistance to federal immigration enforcement. However, no sanctuary policy can universally prevent deportations. Further, county jails provide the FBI with fingerprints from all bookings, which the FBI then sends to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Even if individual cities have a sanctuary policy, county law enforcement supersedes city policies if undocumented immigrants are placed in county jails.
  • Undocumented-Immigrants_fig-2.png

??? Just because there may be illegal votes somewhere out there doesn’t mean there is ANYTHING to the rediculous 5.7 million number this thread is about.

Sorry Moon Bat but the numbers of Illegals in this country is horrendous.

The same filthy ass corrupt Democrats who blatantly disregard the immigration laws with their stupid sanctuary cites are the same ones that allow Illegals to flood the polling booths.

Are you so much in denial that your little bitch lost that you don't understand that the states with the highest number of Illegals and controlled by filthy corrupt Democrats with lax voter ID laws are the same states that had the highest percentage for that shithead Crooked Hillary?

I know you Moon Bats that are afflicted with the TDS mental illness are in denial about the reasons Crooked Hillary lost. It was because she was a terrible candidate. The same corrupt Democrats that railroaded her through the Moon Bat Primary are the ones that control the voting districts in states with millions of Illegals.

Sorry but you are confused. Millions of Illegals did vote for Crooked Hillary and they were aided and abetted by the Democrats because that is just the kind of scum they are.
Marxism loves illegal aliens. But then all those capitalist swine that hate the basic American worker do too. It's all those poor trash that want 401ks and demand workman's comp that made rich businesses hire illegal aliens, they can't afford THAT. They had no choice, the American worker made himself a dinosaur. Poor bastards wanting rights and stuff. How dare they.

Yes. Wanting decent and fair treatment is so unAmerican.

Decent and fair treatment for WHO? God! Are you a fricking air-head! Decent and fair treatment by people who are not even citizens of this country? Decent and fair treatment for people who illegally sneak into our country and commit vast amounts of crime and cost us billions of dollars? Decent and fair treatment for people many of whom riot and petition as a lobby thinking that a large part of America still belongs to them? Why don't you worry about all of the actual people in this country who belong here who don't get decent and fair treatment for 10,000 legitimate things? Once we solve all our own problems and have time left over, I can then start worrying about solving the problems for the rest of the world.

Decent and fair treatment for who ever has a job. If they had to treat Mexicans decent and fair, they wouldn't be so cheap to hire What advantage would there be for companies if they had to pay Mexicans a fair and decent wage? What advantage if they had to give them decent working conditions?
If companies had to hire them legally............they wouldn't be able to hold their illegal status above their heads...........and work them to death and get many workers hurt.

There are legal ways to get these jobs in this country.........but it cost money and they need visas.........or green cards......or under the Dept. of Labor............but since the Liberals are SANCTUARY NUTS...........we get the flood into the country for a never ending supply of illegals to work at these places you complain about.

YOU and YOUR PARTY'S ideals...............screws immigrants working in these places...........by your own policies of LET THEM ALL IN........You ARE THE PROBLEM along with the Chamber of Commerce who BRIBES BOTH PARTIES............

If you really wanted to fix this you would negotiate a deal to secure our border and FORCE COMPANIES to hire ONLY LEGAL WORKERS
Put the head of the company in jail
Then see the jobs dry up
Where are the Dems platform and legislation on this aspect of illegal immigration and illegals working in the United States.................

I've always agreed that companies and businesses hiring illegals should be held accountable..........and end this nonsense..........but they can put the illegals into the MEAT GRINDER for less money and increase profits as many workers are injured and killed in these plants.

In the agri business they do the same thing. Work sunup to sunset in the farms OUTSIDE the DEPT. OF LABOR PROGRAMS. Largest share doing this of ANY STATE is CALIFORNIA..............While it is a problem Nationwide.........what are the reps there doing to end this and FORCE THEM TO FOLLOW OUR LAWS...............

They aren't doing that. and are in fact creating SANCTUARIES to CONTINUE THE ABUSE.

Immigrants in the United States

Population Size and Growth
  • The nation's 42.4 million immigrants (legal and illegal) in 2014 is the highest number ever in American history. The 13.3 percent of the nation's population comprised of immigrants in 2014 is the highest percentage in 94 years.
  • Between 2000 and 2014, 18.7 million new immigrants (legal and illegal) settled in the United States. Despite the Great Recession beginning at the end of 2007, and the weak recovery that followed, 7.9 million new immigrants settled in the United States from the beginning of 2008 to mid-2014.
  • From 2010 to 2014, new immigration (legal and illegal) plus births to immigrants added 8.3 million residents to the country, equal to 87 percent of total U.S. population growth.
  • The sending countries with the largest percentage increases in immigrants living in the United States from 2010 to 2014 were Saudi Arabia (up 93 percent), Bangladesh (up 37 percent), Iraq (up 36 percent), Egypt (up 25 percent), and Pakistan, India, and Ethiopia (each up 24 percent).
  • States with the largest percentage increases in the number of immigrants from 2010 to 2014 were North Dakota (up 45 percent), Wyoming (up 42 percent), Montana (up 19 percent), Kentucky (up 15 percent), New Hampshire (up 14 percent), and Minnesota and West Virginia (both up 13 percent).
More than half of California drivers' licenses went to undocumented immigrants, NumbersUSA says

"More than half of all drivers' licenses issued in California this year have gone to illegal aliens," the meme says.

The group is on solid ground with its numbers, although it omits why this has happened.

According to the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles, about 397,000 undocumented immigrants received a driver’s license since January.

"This figure represents more than half of the total 759,000 original driver licenses that have distributed during the first half of 2015," the department said in a press release.

Behind these numbers is a 2013 law called the Safe and Responsible Driver Act. The measure reversed a 20-year-old law that blocked people without legal status from applying for a license. A large coalition of immigrant advocacy organizations argued that in the state that epitomizes American car culture, that ban made it difficult for people to get to work, drive their kids to school and run simple errands. The result, the advocates argued, was thousands of people on the road without licenses and without any way to make sure they knew how to drive.

Under AB 60, all that would be needed to get a license was proof of residency and the ability to pass a driver’s test, both written and on-the-road.

California Gov. Jerry Brown signed the bill in October 2013. It took effect January 2015.

Our ruling

The group NumbersUSA said that this year, more than half of all drivers' licenses issued in California went to undocumented immigrants. By the state’s own tally, that is correct. What the group doesn’t mention is that this is the result of a substantial state effort. First, lawmakers made it possible for over a million unauthorized residents to apply for a license, and then the state spent millions of dollars to speed the application process.

THE SOLUTION The California Values Act will ensure that state and local resources are not used to fuel mass deportations, separate families, or spread fear throughout our communities. Under the California Values Act: 1. State and local law enforcement agencies and school police and security departments cannot engage in immigration enforcement except in narrow circumstances. With a few exceptions, no state or local resources will be used to investigate, detain, detect, report, or arrest persons for immigration enforcement purposes. And regardless of whether state or local resources are implicated, state or local law enforcement agency will be prohibited from detaining any person for deportation without a judicial warrant. 2. California schools, health facilities, libraries, courthouses, and the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement will remain safe and accessible to all California residents, regardless of immigration status. Each shall establish and make public policies that limit assistance with immigration enforcement to the fullest extent possible consistent with federal and state law.

CA Values Act (SB54)

It is CRYSTAL CLEAR where the Dems stand on illegal immigration.

By their LAWS............by their LAWLESSNESS in regards to Federal immigration laws........and allowing massive numbers of illegals to work there doing nothing to any business hiring them.........abusing them..........permanently maiming them..............

They have passed laws in Cali...........to make it ILLEGAL TO ASSIST ICE in deportation efforts..........and they have made their Driver's Licenses a COMPLETE JOKE........

To think that these ASSHATS don't allow them to vote is A JOKE as well.

They don't want illegals gone............businesses prosecuted for hiring them there........and want OPEN BORDERS PERIOD.......
More than half of California drivers' licenses went to undocumented immigrants, NumbersUSA says

"More than half of all drivers' licenses issued in California this year have gone to illegal aliens," the meme says.

The group is on solid ground with its numbers, although it omits why this has happened.

According to the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles, about 397,000 undocumented immigrants received a driver’s license since January.

"This figure represents more than half of the total 759,000 original driver licenses that have distributed during the first half of 2015," the department said in a press release.

Behind these numbers is a 2013 law called the Safe and Responsible Driver Act. The measure reversed a 20-year-old law that blocked people without legal status from applying for a license. A large coalition of immigrant advocacy organizations argued that in the state that epitomizes American car culture, that ban made it difficult for people to get to work, drive their kids to school and run simple errands. The result, the advocates argued, was thousands of people on the road without licenses and without any way to make sure they knew how to drive.

Under AB 60, all that would be needed to get a license was proof of residency and the ability to pass a driver’s test, both written and on-the-road.

California Gov. Jerry Brown signed the bill in October 2013. It took effect January 2015.

Our ruling

The group NumbersUSA said that this year, more than half of all drivers' licenses issued in California went to undocumented immigrants. By the state’s own tally, that is correct. What the group doesn’t mention is that this is the result of a substantial state effort. First, lawmakers made it possible for over a million unauthorized residents to apply for a license, and then the state spent millions of dollars to speed the application process.
Because it would be much better tp have 350,000 unlicensed and uninsured drivers on the road...right?
It is CRYSTAL CLEAR where the Dems stand on illegal immigration.

By their LAWS............by their LAWLESSNESS in regards to Federal immigration laws........and allowing massive numbers of illegals to work there doing nothing to any business hiring them.........abusing them..........permanently maiming them..............

They have passed laws in Cali...........to make it ILLEGAL TO ASSIST ICE in deportation efforts..........and they have made their Driver's Licenses a COMPLETE JOKE........

To think that these ASSHATS don't allow them to vote is A JOKE as well.

They don't want illegals gone............businesses prosecuted for hiring them there........and want OPEN BORDERS PERIOD.......
Ya know who doesn't want illegals gone?

More than half of California drivers' licenses went to undocumented immigrants, NumbersUSA says

"More than half of all drivers' licenses issued in California this year have gone to illegal aliens," the meme says.

The group is on solid ground with its numbers, although it omits why this has happened.

According to the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles, about 397,000 undocumented immigrants received a driver’s license since January.

"This figure represents more than half of the total 759,000 original driver licenses that have distributed during the first half of 2015," the department said in a press release.

Behind these numbers is a 2013 law called the Safe and Responsible Driver Act. The measure reversed a 20-year-old law that blocked people without legal status from applying for a license. A large coalition of immigrant advocacy organizations argued that in the state that epitomizes American car culture, that ban made it difficult for people to get to work, drive their kids to school and run simple errands. The result, the advocates argued, was thousands of people on the road without licenses and without any way to make sure they knew how to drive.

Under AB 60, all that would be needed to get a license was proof of residency and the ability to pass a driver’s test, both written and on-the-road.

California Gov. Jerry Brown signed the bill in October 2013. It took effect January 2015.

Our ruling

The group NumbersUSA said that this year, more than half of all drivers' licenses issued in California went to undocumented immigrants. By the state’s own tally, that is correct. What the group doesn’t mention is that this is the result of a substantial state effort. First, lawmakers made it possible for over a million unauthorized residents to apply for a license, and then the state spent millions of dollars to speed the application process.
Because it would be much better tp have 350,000 unlicensed and uninsured drivers on the road...right?
Which part of of Illegal don't you understand..............You've set up a Sanctuary state full of illegal workers bypassing the laws of this country and expect a pity party from me.

Under the LAWS of this country they are REQUIRED BY LAW to have a work permit, Green Card, and/or sponsors to work here.

Under the Dept. of Labor laws they are required to go through the Dept of Labor to work on farms........


Under these laws...........immigrant workers are provided PROTECTION from abuse..........Under the law Farm workers are required to be Housed, Fed, and provided transportation to and from the job. Under these protections they can file complaints to the U.S. Dept of labor for OSHA and work related abuse..........that can be done without disclosing the names of those filing the complaints.

If they are illegal they can't do that as the companies will call ICE and have them deported.........the people you so call CHAMPION are thrown under the bus by people like you EVERY DAY.
It is CRYSTAL CLEAR where the Dems stand on illegal immigration.

By their LAWS............by their LAWLESSNESS in regards to Federal immigration laws........and allowing massive numbers of illegals to work there doing nothing to any business hiring them.........abusing them..........permanently maiming them..............

They have passed laws in Cali...........to make it ILLEGAL TO ASSIST ICE in deportation efforts..........and they have made their Driver's Licenses a COMPLETE JOKE........

To think that these ASSHATS don't allow them to vote is A JOKE as well.

They don't want illegals gone............businesses prosecuted for hiring them there........and want OPEN BORDERS PERIOD.......
Ya know who doesn't want illegals gone?

No shit Sherlock..........what are reps in California doing about it..........Not a damned thing..........because they are in bed with the Chamber of Commerce who want illegal cheap labor..............same for the establishment GOP types............that is exactly why Koch Brothers showed their true colors not long ago and were demanding Amnesty.........

Some are trying to change that......you sheep are part of the problem.

Too bad the study does not even seem to actually exist formally.

There is just some guy called Agresti who claims to have done analysis but keeps it's content top secret :rolleyes:

Yep. Doesn't happen. Illegal votes are just a myth. The far bigger problem is not enough polling places and too many restrictions on voting. o_O

Democrats Benefit From Illegal Immigrant Voting | HuffPost

Trump Is Right — Millions Of Illegals Probably Did Vote In 2016 | Investor's Business Daily

Non-citizen voting in U.S. Elections and Identification Requirements | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Most Democrats Think Illegal Immigrants Should Vote - Rasmussen Reports®

Supreme Court: States Cannot Prevent Illegal Aliens from Voting in U.S. Elections - Truth And Action

Former Immigration Officer: Many Illegals Can Vote with Fake Documents | Breitbart

The issue is not now, as democrats deny, that enough illegals are voting to skew an honest tally of our national elections, but rather, that Democrats WANT all these illegals to vote! And they want their vote not to be fair and "democratic," but because they know they'll all vote DEMOCRAT and they need those votes to win.

??? Just because there may be illegal votes somewhere out there doesn’t mean there is ANYTHING to the rediculous 5.7 million number this thread is about.

Doesn't mean there ISN'T either. Even more. Fact is: YOU DON'T KNOW. Point is, ALL the evidence points to illegal voting, we know it happens, and with the potential and all likelihood of it being many more, much more than the known documented cases. That is defrauding the elections, you know, the very thing Mueller is worried about 12 Russians doing that has spent millions investigating? It would only take 114,000 illegal votes averaged per state to reach the suggested number. Only 56,000 per state to erase the 2.8 million popular vote lead Hillary supposedly enjoyed.

With 20 million illegals in the country, many million of them in California with California both friendly, favorable and supportive of registering illegals to vote, I'm not so quick to dismiss it. Clearly, MANY illegals are getting drivers licenses and the ability to register to vote. Now why would you register then NOT vote? And why wouldn't you vote for the people who made it possible for you to live here in the first place?

Put another way, if you were losing elections and there was evidence or the suggestion that the GOP was fraudulently erasing lots of democrat votes of some unknown number but possibly enough to change the election, would you be as quick to laugh it off as silly?
The paper industry. Willamette, Smurfit Stone those industries turned over from a lower class American workers to Mexicans. Yeah. Those people? The American worker? Americans? Displaced. Dead, as the t-rex. Just Mexicans. It took 25 to 30 years but, the Mexicans took over all the lower class jobs. It is disgraceful, but who won this battle? The upper-class. It's enough to make full fledged Marxist out of me. Capitalism sucks sometimes.

So who made that decision? Was it the companies who enjoy massive tax breaks, or the people filling out the application? Marxism isn't a good choice, but reasonable regulation is what we need. Of course, regulation is a bad word for Trump's right wing..
Marxism loves illegal aliens. But then all those capitalist swine that hate the basic American worker do too. It's all those poor trash that want 401ks and demand workman's comp that made rich businesses hire illegal aliens, they can't afford THAT. They had no choice, the American worker made himself a dinosaur. Poor bastards wanting rights and stuff. How dare they.

Yes. Wanting decent and fair treatment is so unAmerican.

Decent and fair treatment for WHO? God! Are you a fricking air-head! Decent and fair treatment by people who are not even citizens of this country? Decent and fair treatment for people who illegally sneak into our country and commit vast amounts of crime and cost us billions of dollars? Decent and fair treatment for people many of whom riot and petition as a lobby thinking that a large part of America still belongs to them? Why don't you worry about all of the actual people in this country who belong here who don't get decent and fair treatment for 10,000 legitimate things? Once we solve all our own problems and have time left over, I can then start worrying about solving the problems for the rest of the world.

Decent and fair treatment for who ever has a job. If they had to treat Mexicans decent and fair, they wouldn't be so cheap to hire What advantage would there be for companies if they had to pay Mexicans a fair and decent wage? What advantage if they had to give them decent working conditions?

Apparently it is fair and decent enough. Apparently it is a much better deal than their own country gives them or they WOULDN'T BE HERE.

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