5.7 million illegal votes

You might also look up "astroturfing" and learn more.
Crowds on Demand - Official Site
At Crowds on Demand, we provide our clients with protests, rallies, flash-mobs, paparazzi events and other inventive PR stunts. These services are available across the country in every major U.S city, every major U.S metro area and even most smaller cities as well. We provide everything including the people, the materials and even the ideas.

Yes, we know Trump used this or a similar company when he announced his campaign, and at some of earlier events. Do you think the hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people who have taken to the streets to protest almost every aspect of Trump's behavior were hired to do that? Since Trump's inauguration, there has been at least 1 protest in the US in opposition to him every single day. How much do you think it would cost to hire a million people? How do you keep a million people from telling that they really didn't care about all those protests, but they just did it for the money?
Now who is the one using their imagination? Prove it, like this proves Democrats paid people to stir shit at his rallies.

Undercover video shows Democrats saying they hire ...
Oct 18, 2016 · The first video shows Democratic strategists discussing how they hire agitators — including union members, homeless people and the mentally ill — to incite violence by provoking Trump supporters on camera at campaign stops.

View attachment 222512
Donald Trump Campaign Offered Actors $50 to Cheer for Him at Presidential Announcement
I see no proof, like who supposedly paid them. Get back to me when you have video. Show me a Republican staffer on film admitting they sent people into Hillary rallies to incite violence.

Show me someone hired to incite violence anywhere. What do you think it costs to have someone intentionally engage in violence? Do you think a legally operating employment agency could supply people to engage in violence?
Hello, the Democrat staffer is ON FILM outright stating they hired people to disrupt Trump rallies.


Mexicans don't want workers rights, hell, they are afraid they will be deported. They want to be enslaved. Yep.That and they work for cheap. Like a class of neo-slaves, that must be why businesses takes a shine to them. We fought a war to end that. But Heck Libs want to make it all legal and fair and square! Legalized neo slavery, ain't that a hoot? And By Libs, no less. YEAH!
The paper industry. Willamette, Smurfit Stone those industries turned over from a lower class American workers to Mexicans. Yeah. Those people? The American worker? Americans? Displaced. Dead, as the t-rex. Just Mexicans. It took 25 to 30 years but, the Mexicans took over all the lower class jobs. It is disgraceful, but who won this battle? The upper-class. It's enough to make full fledged Marxist out of me. Capitalism sucks sometimes.

So who made that decision? Was it the companies who enjoy massive tax breaks, or the people filling out the application? Marxism isn't a good choice, but reasonable regulation is what we need. Of course, regulation is a bad word for Trump's right wing..
Marxism loves illegal aliens. But then all those capitalist swine that hate the basic American worker do too. It's all those poor trash that want 401ks and demand workman's comp that made rich businesses hire illegal aliens, they can't afford THAT. They had no choice, the American worker made himself a dinosaur. Poor bastards wanting rights and stuff. How dare they.

Yes. Wanting decent and fair treatment is so unAmerican.

Decent and fair treatment for WHO? God! Are you a fricking air-head! Decent and fair treatment by people who are not even citizens of this country? Decent and fair treatment for people who illegally sneak into our country and commit vast amounts of crime and cost us billions of dollars? Decent and fair treatment for people many of whom riot and petition as a lobby thinking that a large part of America still belongs to them? Why don't you worry about all of the actual people in this country who belong here who don't get decent and fair treatment for 10,000 legitimate things? Once we solve all our own problems and have time left over, I can then start worrying about solving the problems for the rest of the world.
The illegal vote is why the left fights hard against Voter I.D. laws.

No silly, the left fights against it because it makes voting more difficult for no good reason.

Now you don't have to agree with that, but at very least you ought to understand the actual position before commenting on it.

Too bad the study does not even seem to actually exist formally.

There is just some guy called Agresti who claims to have done analysis but keeps it's content top secret :rolleyes:

Yep. Doesn't happen. Illegal votes are just a myth. The far bigger problem is not enough polling places and too many restrictions on voting. o_O

Democrats Benefit From Illegal Immigrant Voting | HuffPost

Trump Is Right — Millions Of Illegals Probably Did Vote In 2016 | Investor's Business Daily

Non-citizen voting in U.S. Elections and Identification Requirements | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Most Democrats Think Illegal Immigrants Should Vote - Rasmussen Reports®

Supreme Court: States Cannot Prevent Illegal Aliens from Voting in U.S. Elections - Truth And Action

Former Immigration Officer: Many Illegals Can Vote with Fake Documents | Breitbart

The issue is not now, as democrats deny, that enough illegals are voting to skew an honest tally of our national elections, but rather, that Democrats WANT all these illegals to vote! And they want their vote not to be fair and "democratic," but because they know they'll all vote DEMOCRAT and they need those votes to win.
Yea, we were right,

Study supports Trump: 5.7 million noncitizens may have cast illegal votes

A research group in New Jersey has taken a fresh look at postelection polling data and concluded that the number of noncitizens voting illegally in U.S. elections is likely far greater than previous estimates.

As many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have voted in the 2008 election, which put Barack Obama in the White House.
Up to 5 million Russians voted for Trump

And where is your link?
Yea, we were right,

Study supports Trump: 5.7 million noncitizens may have cast illegal votes

A research group in New Jersey has taken a fresh look at postelection polling data and concluded that the number of noncitizens voting illegally in U.S. elections is likely far greater than previous estimates.

As many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have voted in the 2008 election, which put Barack Obama in the White House.

No proof of citizenship to register to vote, what could possibly go wrong? Been saying it for decades, no one seems to give a shit.


Too bad the study does not even seem to actually exist formally.

There is just some guy called Agresti who claims to have done analysis but keeps it's content top secret :rolleyes:

Yep. Doesn't happen. Illegal votes are just a myth. The far bigger problem is not enough polling places and too many restrictions on voting. o_O

Democrats Benefit From Illegal Immigrant Voting | HuffPost

Trump Is Right — Millions Of Illegals Probably Did Vote In 2016 | Investor's Business Daily

Non-citizen voting in U.S. Elections and Identification Requirements | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Most Democrats Think Illegal Immigrants Should Vote - Rasmussen Reports®

Supreme Court: States Cannot Prevent Illegal Aliens from Voting in U.S. Elections - Truth And Action

Former Immigration Officer: Many Illegals Can Vote with Fake Documents | Breitbart

The issue is not now, as democrats deny, that enough illegals are voting to skew an honest tally of our national elections, but rather, that Democrats WANT all these illegals to vote! And they want their vote not to be fair and "democratic," but because they know they'll all vote DEMOCRAT and they need those votes to win.

??? Just because there may be illegal votes somewhere out there doesn’t mean there is ANYTHING to the rediculous 5.7 million number this thread is about.
This "study" was done by "Justfacts" a right wing BLOG.


Will you be gone after the midterms, or no? I could be gone before, because I get angry at fucktarded leftist shills and don't hold much back.

Yes. Self control is always a problem for right wing nuts. Kavanaugh demonstrated that on national TV.
Wanna see people with self control problems?

I see the out of control Trumpers all over this board

How are they "out of control?" Did they set fire to any limousines? Break any windows? Try to break into the Supreme Court?
Talking about million of illegal votes......lookie lookie.... they keep on coming.....these people are like an infestation....my goodness!:mad:

Hundreds of Hondurans head for US border in mass migration 'march': report | Fox News

October 13, 2018


And none of those people can vote

ohhhhh we know that.....dead people can't vote either....

but strangely that's all about what DemonRats voters are!:04:

Wonder why???:eusa_think:

All 50 secretaries of state signed off on the election results.
Your orange messiah lost by 3,000,000+ votes.
Which proves absolutely nothing.
Politi"fact" is so far left it runs in circles.

You hate facts almost as much as you hate education, don't you?
There are no facts in "Politifact."

Well, probably none that a RWNJ wants to believe.
Only leftwingers classify "facts" into those they want to believe, and those they don't want to believe. Take, for instance, that there were no facts indicating that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted the lying dingbat Ford.

I never said anything about facts I believe. Facts are facts. Doesn't matter if you believe them or not. I mentioned facts RWNJs choose to believe.
In response to my statement that "There are no facts in Politifact" you said "Well, probably none that a RWNJ wants to believe." Then you claimed you "never said anything about facts."

What a fucking dumbass.
This "study" was done by "Justfacts" a right wing BLOG.


Will you be gone after the midterms, or no? I could be gone before, because I get angry at fucktarded leftist shills and don't hold much back.

Yes. Self control is always a problem for right wing nuts. Kavanaugh demonstrated that on national TV.
Wanna see people with self control problems?

Those people were protesting Kavanaugh's swearing in. They were doing exactly what they intended to do. They are a good indication of how motivated liberals are to vote in the upcoming election. Kavanaugh was in a hearing discussing his confirmation. Not the same situation, and certainly not the same behavior is appropriate. You really don't understand that?

So that's an example of leftwingers in control of themselves?
Wanna see people with self control problems?

Those people were protesting Kavanaugh's swearing in. They were doing exactly what they intended to do. They are a good indication of how motivated liberals are to vote in the upcoming election. Kavanaugh was in a hearing discussing his confirmation. Not the same situation, and certainly not the same behavior is appropriate. You really don't understand that?

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Bet most were rent a mob.

Did you even look at your link? I'm not sure how general job listings for mostly restaurant jobs has much to do with anything. You got a link to rent a mob? Is that a real thing, or just your imagination?

You might also look up "astroturfing" and learn more.
Crowds on Demand - Official Site
At Crowds on Demand, we provide our clients with protests, rallies, flash-mobs, paparazzi events and other inventive PR stunts. These services are available across the country in every major U.S city, every major U.S metro area and even most smaller cities as well. We provide everything including the people, the materials and even the ideas.

Yes, we know Trump used this or a similar company when he announced his campaign, and at some of earlier events. Do you think the hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people who have taken to the streets to protest almost every aspect of Trump's behavior were hired to do that? Since Trump's inauguration, there has been at least 1 protest in the US in opposition to him every single day. How much do you think it would cost to hire a million people? How do you keep a million people from telling that they really didn't care about all those protests, but they just did it for the money?

Soros can easily afford it.
Mexicans don't want workers rights, hell, they are afraid they will be deported. They want to be enslaved. Yep.That and they work for cheap. Like a class of neo-slaves, that must be why businesses takes a shine to them. We fought a war to end that. But Heck Libs want to make it all legal and fair and square! Legalized neo slavery, ain't that a hoot? And By Libs, no less. YEAH!

Are you kidding? You gonna try to say liberals are against worker's rights? That's just nuts.
The paper industry. Willamette, Smurfit Stone those industries turned over from a lower class American workers to Mexicans. Yeah. Those people? The American worker? Americans? Displaced. Dead, as the t-rex. Just Mexicans. It took 25 to 30 years but, the Mexicans took over all the lower class jobs. It is disgraceful, but who won this battle? The upper-class. It's enough to make full fledged Marxist out of me. Capitalism sucks sometimes.

So who made that decision? Was it the companies who enjoy massive tax breaks, or the people filling out the application? Marxism isn't a good choice, but reasonable regulation is what we need. Of course, regulation is a bad word for Trump's right wing..
Marxism loves illegal aliens. But then all those capitalist swine that hate the basic American worker do too. It's all those poor trash that want 401ks and demand workman's comp that made rich businesses hire illegal aliens, they can't afford THAT. They had no choice, the American worker made himself a dinosaur. Poor bastards wanting rights and stuff. How dare they.

Yes. Wanting decent and fair treatment is so unAmerican.

Decent and fair treatment for WHO? God! Are you a fricking air-head! Decent and fair treatment by people who are not even citizens of this country? Decent and fair treatment for people who illegally sneak into our country and commit vast amounts of crime and cost us billions of dollars? Decent and fair treatment for people many of whom riot and petition as a lobby thinking that a large part of America still belongs to them? Why don't you worry about all of the actual people in this country who belong here who don't get decent and fair treatment for 10,000 legitimate things? Once we solve all our own problems and have time left over, I can then start worrying about solving the problems for the rest of the world.

Decent and fair treatment for who ever has a job. If they had to treat Mexicans decent and fair, they wouldn't be so cheap to hire What advantage would there be for companies if they had to pay Mexicans a fair and decent wage? What advantage if they had to give them decent working conditions?
You hate facts almost as much as you hate education, don't you?
There are no facts in "Politifact."

Well, probably none that a RWNJ wants to believe.
Only leftwingers classify "facts" into those they want to believe, and those they don't want to believe. Take, for instance, that there were no facts indicating that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted the lying dingbat Ford.

I never said anything about facts I believe. Facts are facts. Doesn't matter if you believe them or not. I mentioned facts RWNJs choose to believe.
In response to my statement that "There are no facts in Politifact" you said "Well, probably none that a RWNJ wants to believe." Then you claimed you "never said anything about facts."

What a fucking dumbass.

I never said anything about facts that I choose to believe or not believe. If they are facts, I have no choice but but to believe them.
There are no facts in "Politifact."

Well, probably none that a RWNJ wants to believe.
Only leftwingers classify "facts" into those they want to believe, and those they don't want to believe. Take, for instance, that there were no facts indicating that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted the lying dingbat Ford.

I never said anything about facts I believe. Facts are facts. Doesn't matter if you believe them or not. I mentioned facts RWNJs choose to believe.
In response to my statement that "There are no facts in Politifact" you said "Well, probably none that a RWNJ wants to believe." Then you claimed you "never said anything about facts."

What a fucking dumbass.

I never said anything about facts that I choose to believe or not believe. If they are facts, I have no choice but but to believe them.
Now you're just lying. You claim you never said anything about facts. You didn't qualify the statement.

You're too stupid to understand that you contradicted yourself. Obviously, that's why you're a leftwinger.

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