5.7% of Clinton Foundation Actually went to Charity

Just 5.7 Percent Of Clinton Foundation Budget Actually Went To Charity

Guess the rest is called OSF "Our Slush Fund."

So the donors did not get that soft, good feeling for helping others around the globe. Just what did they get?

that's a lie. but thanks.

We looked at the consolidated financial statements (see page 4) and calculated that in 2013, 88.3 percent of spending was designated as going toward program services — $196.6 million out of $222.6 million in reported expenses.

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?

but thanks for posting and reposting debunked lunacy
Remember all of the Hollyweirdos and the telethon for Haiti?? NONE of that money ever went to Haiti.. it stayed at the Clinton Foundation.. The Clintons in a modern day slave farm..

Watch the above video.. Haiti still in shambles, NO MONEY ever helped the Haitians.. THE CLINTON SLAVE trade stole that money..
Former CIA agent who worked cases- advocate for OPEN SOURCE- investigated the Clinton Foundation

Former CIA Agent "The Clinton Foundation Is A Global Fraud Which Has Stolen $100 Billion!"
Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party -- Dinesh D’Souza on the Clinton Foundation | National Review

How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians

Bubba and Helly Rotten use blacks in Haiti to get rich.. The black Haitian Plantation.. HAITI LOATHES THE CLINTONS

Dinesh D'Souza?

Why not use the National Enquirer?

I used the Haitian people themselves... there are NUMEROUS sources.. are you calling black people liars?? RACIST
How many times does this bullshit have to be debunked before you guys will stop believing it?

Jesus Christ, you should be embarrassed.

Read it for yourself, bub, and then embrace your humiliation.


Seriously, there are about a hundred threads on this, going back the last couple of years.

The Clinton Foindation isnt a grantmaking foundation. They do their work themselves.

Those salaries, expenses and travel went to people distributing AIDS drugs in Africa.

The Clinton Foundation is a pay to play grifter scam disguised as a charity for tax avoidance.


This really is interesting to watch.

Let me guess - you're not even going to admit that youve been pedeling bullshit.

Youre just going to pretend that you didn't see anything, and start another thread on this in 6 months.

Hey Doc! Guess who is the Original Birther! That's right....hiLIARy!

Lucianne.com News Forum - Thread
Gee, what happened to the LIAR RIGHTWINGER?? What's wrong boy? Racist rightwinger who trashed black people, the Haitians in order to cover the crimes of the Clinton Foundation to make themselves rich.. Haitians have died, suffered but white limousine liberals close their eyes and don't give a good shit about people of color.. LOOK AT FLINT- Time to leave the Democratic Plantation of Slave horrors.
IRS statements on the charitable giving of the Clinton foundation.......5.7% goes out for charity....the rest...not so much....

Is 5.7% a lot?

This is a crimjnal money laundering enterprise.....

Just 5.7 Percent Of Clinton Foundation Budget Actually Went To Charitable Grants

Wounded Warriors project is a charity foundation where 60% of its donations actually meets the need it was established for. Yet Wounded Warriors is considered a scam and the Clinton Foundation is considered sound?

Wounded Warrior Project accused of wasting donor money: ‘It just makes me sick’

There are plenty of considered "scam" charities you'd have better odds at gambling on to meet a benefit that fits a need you are passionate about, more so than the Clinton's Foundation. Perhaps the left needs to see a list of charities to see where 5.7 ranks.
Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party -- Dinesh D’Souza on the Clinton Foundation | National Review

How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians

Bubba and Helly Rotten use blacks in Haiti to get rich.. The black Haitian Plantation.. HAITI LOATHES THE CLINTONS

Dinesh D'Souza?

Why not use the National Enquirer?

I used the Haitian people themselves... there are NUMEROUS sources.. are you calling black people liars?? RACIST

No Ladysmellmyfinger, I am calling you a liar
Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party -- Dinesh D’Souza on the Clinton Foundation | National Review

How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians

Bubba and Helly Rotten use blacks in Haiti to get rich.. The black Haitian Plantation.. HAITI LOATHES THE CLINTONS

Dinesh D'Souza?

Why not use the National Enquirer?

I used the Haitian people themselves... there are NUMEROUS sources.. are you calling black people liars?? RACIST

No Ladysmellmyfinger, I am calling you a liar

is that something we didn't already know?
IRS statements on the charitable giving of the Clinton foundation.......5.7% goes out for charity....the rest...not so much....

Is 5.7% a lot?

This is a crimjnal money laundering enterprise.....

Just 5.7 Percent Of Clinton Foundation Budget Actually Went To Charitable Grants

Wounded Warriors project is a charity foundation where 60% of its donations actually meets the need it was established for. Yet Wounded Warriors is considered a scam and the Clinton Foundation is considered sound?

Wounded Warrior Project accused of wasting donor money: ‘It just makes me sick’

There are plenty of considered "scam" charities you'd have better odds at gambling on to meet a benefit that fits a need you are passionate about, more so than the Clinton's Foundation. Perhaps the left needs to see a list of charities to see where 5.7 ranks.

Clinton foundation gives 88% to helping the needy and spends very little overhead on fundraising

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