5.7% of Clinton Foundation Actually went to Charity

Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party -- Dinesh D’Souza on the Clinton Foundation | National Review

How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians

Bubba and Helly Rotten use blacks in Haiti to get rich.. The black Haitian Plantation.. HAITI LOATHES THE CLINTONS

Dinesh D'Souza?

Why not use the National Enquirer?

I used the Haitian people themselves... there are NUMEROUS sources.. are you calling black people liars?? RACIST

No Ladysmellmyfinger, I am calling you a liar

Your hallucinations are none of my concern dummy.. I provided DIRECT LINKS to the Clinton Foundation's tax return along with HUFF PO AND THE NY Times backing it up.. ROFLMAO You're a fucking dope.
IRS statements on the charitable giving of the Clinton foundation.......5.7% goes out for charity....the rest...not so much....

Is 5.7% a lot?

This is a crimjnal money laundering enterprise.....

Just 5.7 Percent Of Clinton Foundation Budget Actually Went To Charitable Grants

Wounded Warriors project is a charity foundation where 60% of its donations actually meets the need it was established for. Yet Wounded Warriors is considered a scam and the Clinton Foundation is considered sound?

Wounded Warrior Project accused of wasting donor money: ‘It just makes me sick’

There are plenty of considered "scam" charities you'd have better odds at gambling on to meet a benefit that fits a need you are passionate about, more so than the Clinton's Foundation. Perhaps the left needs to see a list of charities to see where 5.7 ranks.

Clinton foundation gives 88% to helping the needy and spends very little overhead on fundraising
LIAR.. We can all read and see their taxes.. you think your lies matter to anyone????
The way most charities work is they spend 20-30% on fundraising then distribute the rest in the form of grants

The Clinton Foundation raises money and then actually does the charitable work themselves. Only 5.7% is given in direct grants
IRS statements on the charitable giving of the Clinton foundation.......5.7% goes out for charity....the rest...not so much....

Is 5.7% a lot?

This is a crimjnal money laundering enterprise.....

Just 5.7 Percent Of Clinton Foundation Budget Actually Went To Charitable Grants

Wounded Warriors project is a charity foundation where 60% of its donations actually meets the need it was established for. Yet Wounded Warriors is considered a scam and the Clinton Foundation is considered sound?

Wounded Warrior Project accused of wasting donor money: ‘It just makes me sick’

There are plenty of considered "scam" charities you'd have better odds at gambling on to meet a benefit that fits a need you are passionate about, more so than the Clinton's Foundation. Perhaps the left needs to see a list of charities to see where 5.7 ranks.

Clinton foundation gives 88% to helping the needy and spends very little overhead on fundraising
LIAR.. We can all read and see their taxes.. you think your lies matter to anyone????
The Clinton Foundation is an outstanding charity. If it wasn't, do you think the Republican Congress would waste it's time on emails?
Clinton Charities Refile 6 Years Of Tax Returns To Amend Errors
The charities have come under renewed scrutiny this year with Hillary Clinton’s decision to seek the Democratic Party’s nomination for the presidency.

Clinton Charities Refile 6 Years Of Tax Returns To Amend Errors | Huffington Post

Among other amendments, the foundation now reports receiving nearly $20 million in funds from governments, mostly foreign governments, between 2010 and 2013. The foundation had previously neglected to separately state its government funding as required on its original returns, although it continued to acknowledge foreign governments’ support throughout this period on its website and in its publications.
Clinton Charities Refile 6 Years Of Tax Returns To Amend Errors
The charities have come under renewed scrutiny this year with Hillary Clinton’s decision to seek the Democratic Party’s nomination for the presidency.

Clinton Charities Refile 6 Years Of Tax Returns To Amend Errors | Huffington Post

Among other amendments, the foundation now reports receiving nearly $20 million in funds from governments, mostly foreign governments, between 2010 and 2013. The foundation had previously neglected to separately state its government funding as required on its original returns, although it continued to acknowledge foreign governments’ support throughout this period on its website and in its publications.
Imagine someone actually releasing their returns
Charity watchdog: Clinton Foundation a ‘slush fund’
By Isabel Vincent

April 26, 2015 | 7:47am

Charity watchdog: Clinton Foundation a ‘slush fund’ | New York Post

The Clinton Foundation’s finances are so messy that the nation’s most influential charity watchdog put it on its “watch list” of problematic nonprofits last month.

The Clinton family’s mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants and pledges in 2013 but spent just $9 million on direct aid.

You somehow fail to explain what direct aid is
IRS statements on the charitable giving of the Clinton foundation.......5.7% goes out for charity....the rest...not so much....

Is 5.7% a lot?

This is a crimjnal money laundering enterprise.....

Just 5.7 Percent Of Clinton Foundation Budget Actually Went To Charitable Grants

Wounded Warriors project is a charity foundation where 60% of its donations actually meets the need it was established for. Yet Wounded Warriors is considered a scam and the Clinton Foundation is considered sound?

Wounded Warrior Project accused of wasting donor money: ‘It just makes me sick’

There are plenty of considered "scam" charities you'd have better odds at gambling on to meet a benefit that fits a need you are passionate about, more so than the Clinton's Foundation. Perhaps the left needs to see a list of charities to see where 5.7 ranks.

Clinton foundation gives 88% to helping the needy and spends very little overhead on fundraising
LIAR.. We can all read and see their taxes.. you think your lies matter to anyone????
The Clinton Foundation is an outstanding charity. If it wasn't, do you think the Republican Congress would waste it's time on emails?

I'd like to see proof of the needs the Clinton Foundation supports. If it doesn't meet the 60% standard that other organizations seem to be required to meet, than by those "standards" it has to be a scam.
Charity watchdog: Clinton Foundation a ‘slush fund’
By Isabel Vincent

April 26, 2015 | 7:47am

Charity watchdog: Clinton Foundation a ‘slush fund’ | New York Post

The Clinton Foundation’s finances are so messy that the nation’s most influential charity watchdog put it on its “watch list” of problematic nonprofits last month.

The Clinton family’s mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants and pledges in 2013 but spent just $9 million on direct aid.

You somehow fail to explain what direct aid is

That's because she's too stupid to know what it is.
IRS statements on the charitable giving of the Clinton foundation.......5.7% goes out for charity....the rest...not so much....

Is 5.7% a lot?

This is a crimjnal money laundering enterprise.....

Just 5.7 Percent Of Clinton Foundation Budget Actually Went To Charitable Grants

Wounded Warriors project is a charity foundation where 60% of its donations actually meets the need it was established for. Yet Wounded Warriors is considered a scam and the Clinton Foundation is considered sound?

Wounded Warrior Project accused of wasting donor money: ‘It just makes me sick’

There are plenty of considered "scam" charities you'd have better odds at gambling on to meet a benefit that fits a need you are passionate about, more so than the Clinton's Foundation. Perhaps the left needs to see a list of charities to see where 5.7 ranks.

Clinton foundation gives 88% to helping the needy and spends very little overhead on fundraising
LIAR.. We can all read and see their taxes.. you think your lies matter to anyone????
The Clinton Foundation is an outstanding charity. If it wasn't, do you think the Republican Congress would waste it's time on emails?

I'd like to see proof of the needs the Clinton Foundation supports. If it doesn't meet the 60% standard that other organizations seem to be required to meet, than by those "standards" it has to be a scam.

Dumbass, the Foundation employs hundreds in charitable work.
Report: Only 6% Clinton Foundation Expenditures Go To Charity

Monday on Fox Business Network’s “The Willis Report,” host Gerri Willis broke down the charitable spending of the Clinton Foundation.

Willis said, “What if you were to analyze the Clinton Foundation like any charitable organization? That is a question that we’re asking tonight. Does the Clinton Foundation wisely spend charitable dollars? Well the experts weighed in. The answer is a resounding no. One expert even called it a slush fund for the Clintons. These are not politicos. These are charity experts.”

“Charity Navigator, who we have on the show all the time, placed the Clinton Foundation on a watch list,” she continued. “They think there are problems with this non-profit.” She added, “Any Democrat—they say what a wonderful charitable organization it is doing to help people in need, people who are hungry, people who have AIDS. Listen, 6 percent of the money it collected in 2013, 6 percent — $9 million, of the $140 million in total it collected, went to help people.”

Hillary Releases Tax Return: Clintons made $10.6 million in 2015, paid federal rate of 34%…. Report: Only 6% Clinton Foundation expenditures go to charity. FLASHBACK: ‘We were dead broke’ « InvestmentWatch
I thought you guys don't care about foundations? Or Is it only when you're trying to help Trump con the nation?
Clinton Foundation On Tax Returns: ‘Yes, We Made Mistakes’
Matt Vespa - Clinton Foundation On Tax Returns: ‘Yes, We Made Mistakes’

Notice how many "mistakes" Helly Rotten constantly apologizes for.. ALL ARE BREAKING THE LAW.. How many citizens get to tell police they made a mistake when they break the law?

Helly being bribed by Russian Uranium co
To recap, The New York Times reported on a controversial energy deal regarding a Russian state-owned corporation taking over a Canadian mining company–Uranium One–which was responsible for 20 percent of uranium production in the United States. The deal had to be approved by the Committee On Foreign Investment since uranium is part of America’s national security interest; the State Department was one of the principal actors on the committee. The deal was approved, but not after interests with ties to the deal poured cash into the Clinton Foundation. During this period, Mr. Clinton received a $500,000 speaking fee from a Russian bank involved in the deal. Also, the donors who made these contributions were not disclosed, despite an agreement with the Obama White House to do so.
You dumb fucking idiot.. that's their personal return.. THE FOUNDATION'S return shows ONLY 6% given to charities.. Also, Bubba and HELLY ROTTEN gave their own fucking foundation at a rate of 96%.. 96% dick cheese.. of that fucking 96%, only 6% found it's way in to charities.. MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME..

Are you completely stupid. THE CLINTON FOUNDATION DOESN'T GIVE MONEY TO CHARITY. That's not their purpose.

The purpose is to obtain and distribute AIDS drugs throughout the Third World. To end the practice of corrupt dictators stealing shipments of drugs, food and supplies, and selling them on the black market, the CF has its own people run the programs.

The have an A rating from Charity Watch and this:

Where Does Clinton Foundation Money Go?

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina says that “so little” of the charitable donations to the Clinton Foundation “actually go to charitable works” — a figure CARLY for America later put at about 6 percent of its annual revenues — but Fiorina is simply wrong.

Fiorina and others are referring only to the amount donated by the Clinton Foundation to outside charities, ignoring the fact that most of the Clinton Foundation’s charitable work is performed in-house. One independent philanthropy watchdog did an analysis of Clinton Foundation funding and concluded that about 89 percent of its funding went to charity.

Simply put, despite its name, the Clinton Foundation is not a private foundation — which typically acts as a pass-through for private donations to other charitable organizations. Rather, it is a public charity. It conducts most of its charitable activities directly.

89% donations to the Clinton Foundation was spent on the work of the Foundation. Furthermore, the Clintons donate most of the money they receive from speaking fees to the Foundations.

Now let's talk about the Trump Foundation. A foundation that Trump hasn't even donated to since 2007, but he has solicited large donations from others, much of which was spent on shit like bribing the Attorney General in Florida, a $200,000 painting of Donald, and sports memorabilia for his office. The kids are involved too. Ivanka Trump says her and her brothers spend about 15 minutes a week on the Foundation's work.

Better yet, let's talk about policy.
For three years in a row beginning in 2010, the Clinton Foundation reported to the IRS that it received zero in funds from foreign and U.S. governments, a dramatic fall-off from the tens of millions of dollars in foreign government contributions reported in preceding years. Those entries were errors, according to the foundation: several foreign governments continued to give tens of millions of dollars toward the foundation's work on climate change and economic development through this three-year period.

THEY REPORTED ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZERO FUNDS FROM FOREIGN governments and now we know over 89% of all funding came from FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS

Matt Vespa - Clinton Foundation On Tax Returns: ‘Yes, We Made Mistakes’

LIES, lies, and more lies , CORRUPTION

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