5 lies of the religious right(left???)...


The Magnificent!
Jun 24, 2011
...about Ron Paul...

Five Lies of the Religious Right About Ron Paul | LibertarianChristians.com

Plain getting hard to tell the DNC left from the GOP religious right(?). Seems like constitutional law/common sense got lost in the wealth redistribution/class envy & power plays/social positioning schemes of the red vs blue power players. Still, the red vs blue games are the best buy on the market for quality entertainment. I mean where on earth can one get to see a 'comedy of errors' at the low price of 50% taxation(wealth redistribution) of the American constituencies gross income?
1) Who is claiming Ron Paul is not pro-life?
2) How is decriminalizing illegal drug possession not supporting drug use?
3) He isn't pro Israel. So? Thats his position and he can do that. How is it a lie?
4) He is weak on defense. Spin it any way you want, but he's weak on defense.
5) the only lie I've actually seen here.

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