5 Major Ways The Obama Administration Is Killing American Jobs


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Townhall Columnists John Hawkins

John Hawkins 5 Major Ways The Obama Administration Is Killing American Jobs
9/27/2011 | Email John Hawkins | Columnist's Archive Sign-Up

Admittedly, the country was not in great shape when Barack Obama came into office. The United States had already gone into recession, the housing bubble had burst, and the global economy didn't look so hot either. Unfortunately, Barack Obama took a bad situation and made it much worse. Had Obama done nothing, chances are the country would be better off today and had he actually pursued a pro-growth policy of slashing regulations, cutting taxes, and tamping down the deficit, the economy would be immeasurably stronger than it is now. Instead, Barack Obama pumped job-killing, growth-draining rat poison directly into the veins of our nation's economy.

1) Obamacare: Obama pushed a massive new entitlement program past a Congress that didn't even read the bill. Many businesses don't fully understand how Obamacare will impact them when it goes into effect in 2014, but they do know their lives will be much more complicated, it will cost them a lot more money, and it will be considerably more difficult to provide health care for their employees. Obamacare is a major disincentive to hire new people.

2) Regulations: When the economy is reeling, that's when you need to cut back on regulations to spur growth, not gum up the works even further. According to the Heritage Foundation, "the Obama Administration imposed 75 new major regulations from January 2009 to mid-FY 2011, with annual costs of $38 billion. There were only six major deregulatory actions during that time, with reported savings of just $1.5 billion." In addition, the Obama Administration is proposing another seven new regulations that are projected to cost businesses somewhere between 35 and 100 billion dollars more. Every dollar that businesses have to spend trying to extricate themselves from government-generated red tape is another dollar that they can't spend on new workers who can make more of their products.

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5 Major Ways The Obama Administration Is Killing American Jobs - Page 1 - John Hawkins - Townhall Conservative
deregulation CAUSED this mess.

Healthcare prices were running out of control BEFORE the heealthcare act was done.

Your lies dont fly
Townhall Columnists John Hawkins

John Hawkins 5 Major Ways The Obama Administration Is Killing American Jobs
9/27/2011 | Email John Hawkins | Columnist's Archive Sign-Up

Admittedly, the country was not in great shape when Barack Obama came into office. The United States had already gone into recession, the housing bubble had burst, and the global economy didn't look so hot either. Unfortunately, Barack Obama took a bad situation and made it much worse. Had Obama done nothing, chances are the country would be better off today and had he actually pursued a pro-growth policy of slashing regulations, cutting taxes, and tamping down the deficit, the economy would be immeasurably stronger than it is now. Instead, Barack Obama pumped job-killing, growth-draining rat poison directly into the veins of our nation's economy.

1) Obamacare: Obama pushed a massive new entitlement program past a Congress that didn't even read the bill. Many businesses don't fully understand how Obamacare will impact them when it goes into effect in 2014, but they do know their lives will be much more complicated, it will cost them a lot more money, and it will be considerably more difficult to provide health care for their employees. Obamacare is a major disincentive to hire new people.

2) Regulations: When the economy is reeling, that's when you need to cut back on regulations to spur growth, not gum up the works even further. According to the Heritage Foundation, "the Obama Administration imposed 75 new major regulations from January 2009 to mid-FY 2011, with annual costs of $38 billion. There were only six major deregulatory actions during that time, with reported savings of just $1.5 billion." In addition, the Obama Administration is proposing another seven new regulations that are projected to cost businesses somewhere between 35 and 100 billion dollars more. Every dollar that businesses have to spend trying to extricate themselves from government-generated red tape is another dollar that they can't spend on new workers who can make more of their products.

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5 Major Ways The Obama Administration Is Killing American Jobs - Page 1 - John Hawkins - Townhall Conservative

"The guy keeps making speeches about redistribution and maybe we ought to do something to businesses that don't invest, their holding too much money. We haven't heard that kind of talk except from pure socialists. Everybody's afraid of the government and there's no need soft peddling it, it's the truth. It is the truth. And that's true of Democratic businessman and Republican businessman, and I am a Democratic businessman and I support Harry Reid. I support Democrats and Republicans. And I'm telling you that the business community in this company is frightened to death of the weird political philosophy of the President of the United States. And until he's gone, everybody's going to be sitting on their thumbs."

Read more: Wynn CEO Goes On Epic Anti-Obama Rant On Company Conference Call

Businesses will be tap dancing in the streets when the Marxists is booted in 2012
TM, those are not her "lies". First it's the truth and a little research on your own could actually confirm his findings. But because the writer is right and you're left, it can't be true.

I see our Divider in Chief has done a great job further dividing the American Public.

How about looking at some of his claims, there are 5. You could debunk them one at a time if you think they are not true.

The more money a business has to spend to make it compliant with regulations costs jobs. They could be paying an employee instead.

Making everyone have health care will not fix the problem with run away costs. It's going to increase the cost, you may not be paying it directly to the hospitals, drs and pharmas but you will pay for it with increased taxation.

Trail lawyers are one of the reasons health care is so costly, if we can get a loser pays law on the books, frivolous law suits that cost thousands of dollars to defend will cut costs for everyone.
Deregulation caused this world wide crash.

The ONLY people who dont know that are the right wing partisan hacks.
Townhall Columnists John Hawkins

John Hawkins 5 Major Ways The Obama Administration Is Killing American Jobs
9/27/2011 | Email John Hawkins | Columnist's Archive Sign-Up

Admittedly, the country was not in great shape when Barack Obama came into office. The United States had already gone into recession, the housing bubble had burst, and the global economy didn't look so hot either. Unfortunately, Barack Obama took a bad situation and made it much worse. Had Obama done nothing, chances are the country would be better off today and had he actually pursued a pro-growth policy of slashing regulations, cutting taxes, and tamping down the deficit, the economy would be immeasurably stronger than it is now. Instead, Barack Obama pumped job-killing, growth-draining rat poison directly into the veins of our nation's economy.

1) Obamacare: Obama pushed a massive new entitlement program past a Congress that didn't even read the bill. Many businesses don't fully understand how Obamacare will impact them when it goes into effect in 2014, but they do know their lives will be much more complicated, it will cost them a lot more money, and it will be considerably more difficult to provide health care for their employees. Obamacare is a major disincentive to hire new people.

2) Regulations: When the economy is reeling, that's when you need to cut back on regulations to spur growth, not gum up the works even further. According to the Heritage Foundation, "the Obama Administration imposed 75 new major regulations from January 2009 to mid-FY 2011, with annual costs of $38 billion. There were only six major deregulatory actions during that time, with reported savings of just $1.5 billion." In addition, the Obama Administration is proposing another seven new regulations that are projected to cost businesses somewhere between 35 and 100 billion dollars more. Every dollar that businesses have to spend trying to extricate themselves from government-generated red tape is another dollar that they can't spend on new workers who can make more of their products.

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5 Major Ways The Obama Administration Is Killing American Jobs - Page 1 - John Hawkins - Townhall Conservative

This is easy..

1) "ObamaCare" aka "RomneyCare" - Healthcare costs have been rocketing up in this country for quite some time and to deal with it the private sector has been:
A. Reducing employer contributions and moving to Insurance providers that require greater co-pays
B. HMOs booting people for having pre-existing conditions.

ObamaCare or the Personal Mandate was the plan favored by conservatives of yore. The Hertiage foundation even endorsed it. Doing nothing about the crisis really wasn't an option.

2) Regulations - What? No specifics? :lol: In any case one could easily speculate this is about the Dodd bill, which essentially adds some pretty weak regulation to derivative trading. There aren't even capital requirements, the fund that was supposed to be used to protect against future bailouts was kiboshed and dark pools are still largely unregulated.

3) EPA - That's a Nixon invention. And yeah..most Americans don't like dirty air and water. The difference being that Conservatives are mostly NIMBY about this.

4) Spending - Percentage wise, Obama's budgets and deficits are pretty low. Of course in "real dollars" they are "high" but that's because of Bush's (Yes Booooosh) reckless spending over his 2 terms. And by "spending" he didn't really spend..he used a "credit card". Well the check is due.

5) Taxes - Which have mainly gone down. Obama extended the Bush tax cuts..which were never made to be permanent. And most of the "new" taxes would come from sunsetting this extreme bad piece of legislation.

Townhall Columnists John Hawkins

John Hawkins 5 Major Ways The Obama Administration Is Killing American Jobs
9/27/2011 | Email John Hawkins | Columnist's Archive Sign-Up

Admittedly, the country was not in great shape when Barack Obama came into office. The United States had already gone into recession, the housing bubble had burst, and the global economy didn't look so hot either. Unfortunately, Barack Obama took a bad situation and made it much worse. Had Obama done nothing, chances are the country would be better off today and had he actually pursued a pro-growth policy of slashing regulations, cutting taxes, and tamping down the deficit, the economy would be immeasurably stronger than it is now. Instead, Barack Obama pumped job-killing, growth-draining rat poison directly into the veins of our nation's economy.

1) Obamacare: Obama pushed a massive new entitlement program past a Congress that didn't even read the bill. Many businesses don't fully understand how Obamacare will impact them when it goes into effect in 2014, but they do know their lives will be much more complicated, it will cost them a lot more money, and it will be considerably more difficult to provide health care for their employees. Obamacare is a major disincentive to hire new people.

2) Regulations: When the economy is reeling, that's when you need to cut back on regulations to spur growth, not gum up the works even further. According to the Heritage Foundation, "the Obama Administration imposed 75 new major regulations from January 2009 to mid-FY 2011, with annual costs of $38 billion. There were only six major deregulatory actions during that time, with reported savings of just $1.5 billion." In addition, the Obama Administration is proposing another seven new regulations that are projected to cost businesses somewhere between 35 and 100 billion dollars more. Every dollar that businesses have to spend trying to extricate themselves from government-generated red tape is another dollar that they can't spend on new workers who can make more of their products.

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5 Major Ways The Obama Administration Is Killing American Jobs - Page 1 - John Hawkins - Townhall Conservative

"The guy keeps making speeches about redistribution and maybe we ought to do something to businesses that don't invest, their holding too much money. We haven't heard that kind of talk except from pure socialists. Everybody's afraid of the government and there's no need soft peddling it, it's the truth. It is the truth. And that's true of Democratic businessman and Republican businessman, and I am a Democratic businessman and I support Harry Reid. I support Democrats and Republicans. And I'm telling you that the business community in this company is frightened to death of the weird political philosophy of the President of the United States. And until he's gone, everybody's going to be sitting on their thumbs."

Read more: Wynn CEO Goes On Epic Anti-Obama Rant On Company Conference Call

Businesses will be tap dancing in the streets when the Marxists is booted in 2012

They weren't "investing" during the Bush administration either. Instead they were merging with each other, laying off people to off shore jobs and figuring out better ways to extract wealth for executives.

What was the "excuse" back then?
The one banking industry that was heavily regulated by government, where government set the ever falling underwriting and was the largest lender, caused the crash
Townhall Columnists John Hawkins

John Hawkins 5 Major Ways The Obama Administration Is Killing American Jobs
9/27/2011 | Email John Hawkins | Columnist's Archive Sign-Up

Admittedly, the country was not in great shape when Barack Obama came into office. The United States had already gone into recession, the housing bubble had burst, and the global economy didn't look so hot either. Unfortunately, Barack Obama took a bad situation and made it much worse. Had Obama done nothing, chances are the country would be better off today and had he actually pursued a pro-growth policy of slashing regulations, cutting taxes, and tamping down the deficit, the economy would be immeasurably stronger than it is now. Instead, Barack Obama pumped job-killing, growth-draining rat poison directly into the veins of our nation's economy.

1) Obamacare: Obama pushed a massive new entitlement program past a Congress that didn't even read the bill. Many businesses don't fully understand how Obamacare will impact them when it goes into effect in 2014, but they do know their lives will be much more complicated, it will cost them a lot more money, and it will be considerably more difficult to provide health care for their employees. Obamacare is a major disincentive to hire new people.

2) Regulations: When the economy is reeling, that's when you need to cut back on regulations to spur growth, not gum up the works even further. According to the Heritage Foundation, "the Obama Administration imposed 75 new major regulations from January 2009 to mid-FY 2011, with annual costs of $38 billion. There were only six major deregulatory actions during that time, with reported savings of just $1.5 billion." In addition, the Obama Administration is proposing another seven new regulations that are projected to cost businesses somewhere between 35 and 100 billion dollars more. Every dollar that businesses have to spend trying to extricate themselves from government-generated red tape is another dollar that they can't spend on new workers who can make more of their products.

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5 Major Ways The Obama Administration Is Killing American Jobs - Page 1 - John Hawkins - Townhall Conservative

"The guy keeps making speeches about redistribution and maybe we ought to do something to businesses that don't invest, their holding too much money. We haven't heard that kind of talk except from pure socialists. Everybody's afraid of the government and there's no need soft peddling it, it's the truth. It is the truth. And that's true of Democratic businessman and Republican businessman, and I am a Democratic businessman and I support Harry Reid. I support Democrats and Republicans. And I'm telling you that the business community in this company is frightened to death of the weird political philosophy of the President of the United States. And until he's gone, everybody's going to be sitting on their thumbs."

Read more: Wynn CEO Goes On Epic Anti-Obama Rant On Company Conference Call

Businesses will be tap dancing in the streets when the Marxists is booted in 2012

They weren't "investing" during the Bush administration either. Instead they were merging with each other, laying off people to off shore jobs and figuring out better ways to extract wealth for executives.

What was the "excuse" back then?

5% unemployment needs no excuse
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edited to note:


Every time I put the above in ALL CAPS, it changes all but the first S to lower case.

Weird, eh?
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deregulation CAUSED this mess....
--you mean the mess that began in Jan. 2009?
"The guy keeps making speeches about redistribution and maybe we ought to do something to businesses that don't invest, their holding too much money. We haven't heard that kind of talk except from pure socialists. Everybody's afraid of the government and there's no need soft peddling it, it's the truth. It is the truth. And that's true of Democratic businessman and Republican businessman, and I am a Democratic businessman and I support Harry Reid. I support Democrats and Republicans. And I'm telling you that the business community in this company is frightened to death of the weird political philosophy of the President of the United States. And until he's gone, everybody's going to be sitting on their thumbs."

Read more: Wynn CEO Goes On Epic Anti-Obama Rant On Company Conference Call

Businesses will be tap dancing in the streets when the Marxists is booted in 2012

They weren't "investing" during the Bush administration either. Instead they were merging with each other, laying off people to off shore jobs and figuring out better ways to extract wealth for executives.

What was the "excuse" back then?

5% unemployment needs no excuse

Try real numbers instead of the unemployment rate. The unemployment rate only counts a portion of the entire workforce, the Participation Rate includes all in the workforce. So, when the unemployment rate went down to less than 5% in the 2000's, the Workforce Participation Rate barely moved upwards. As a matter of fact, look where the Participation Rate was in 2000, when the unemployment rate was 4.2 and compare where it was in 2007 with a 4.7 unemployment rate.
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